Video: VOLCAN project (German)

Video: VOLCAN project (German)
In the 'VOL avec Car­bu­rants Al­ter­nat­ifs Nou­veaux' (VOL­CAN) project, an Air­bus A321neo is fly­ing us­ing pure SAF in both en­gines for the first time. It is be­ing chased by the Ger­man Aerospace Cen­ter's (DLR) Fal­con 20E re­search air­craft, which mea­sures emis­sions and ice crys­tals in the ex­haust jet. In the fu­ture, the tar­get­ed use of SAF in con­trail re­gions could help to rapid­ly re­duce the cli­mate im­pact of avi­a­tion.