LOKI - Collaboration of Aerospace Operators and AI Systems

LOKI - Collaboration of Aerospace Operators and AI Systems

In aviation, intensive work is currently being done on the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. In contrast to current assistance systems, AI systems learn by processing large amounts of data and thus enable adaptation to their environment and their users.

Because safety is a top priority in aviation, trustworthy collaboration between humans and AI systems is of central importance. The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Eurocontrol are still working on a roadmap for the introduction of AI systems.

According to this, both the results of the AI system and the collaboration between the AI system and the human users must be safe, reliable, predictable and transparent. In the LOKI project, scientists research and develop fundamentals for introducing AI systems in air traffic control and flight control. The results of the four-year DLR project LOKI (04/2022-03/2026) will be guidelines, prototypes and research insights for human-centered design of trustworthy collaboration between human users and AI systems.

 News about LOKI

In the LOKI team, scientists from six DLR institutes work together in interdisciplinary teams. Beside this, LOKI is supported by the following DLR-external partners from application and research:

  • DFS German Air Navigation Service Provider
  • Austro Control GmbH
  • IFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations
  • BDL German Aviation Association
  • IMIS Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems of University Lübeck






Dr. Carmen Bruder

German Aerospace Center
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Aviation and Space Psychology

Dr. Dirk Schulze-Kissing

German Aerospace Center
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Aviation and Space Psychology