Quality management

The quality management area implements the management system of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine on the basis of DIN EN ISO 9001. To this end, internal and external audits are carried out annually to review the existing processes.
Our quality policy
Our institute has set itself the goal of conducting excellent biological, psychological and medical research under high ethical standards in DLR's programme areas and to ensure that the results benefit the general public.
The safety of researchers and employees is our top priority. We ensure the next generation of scientists and professional development through dedicated training and continuing education. We apply our research findings to medical and psychological care in the aerospace and transport sectors and generate new research ideas. In dialogue and cooperation with other academic institutions and industry, we pursue the goal of achieving and fulfilling the required results and the expectations placed on us by society. All processes in our institute take place under controlled and transparent conditions.
A certified quality management system in accordance with the international standard DIN EN ISO 9001 in the currently valid version is therefore an important basis for us, which we will maintain and improve.