Space Psychology

Assessing the psychological aptitude of future astronauts has been a core competence of the Department of Aviation and Space Psychology since the first West German space missions in the 1980s. In addition to assessing aptitude, this also includes advising space organisations on training measures for future astronauts.
We are also part of scientific studies in which long-term stays in space are simulated. With these studies, we analyse the effects of isolation and/or bed rest on well-being and performance of test subjects and develop countermeasures.
The diagnostic process has been ISO-9000 certified since 2002 to meet the highest quality standards in the space industry.
Prof. Dr. phil. Katharina Utesch
Head of Aerospace Psychology
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Aerospace Psychology
Sportallee 54a, 22335 Hamburg
Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Viktor Oubaid
Deputy Head of Aerospace Psychology
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Aerospace Psychology
Sportallee 54a, 22335 Hamburg