Update on the economic impact data of Business Aviation in Europe

Duration: 1.April.-31.December.2015, 01.January.-31.December.2017, 1.September.2021-31.April.2022

On behalf of the European Business Aviation Association EBAA, BoozAllenHamilton and DLR assessed the economic impact of the European business aviation sector in terms of employment, output, salaries and gross value added, in the areas of operators, fixed-base operations, manufacturing, maintenance, repair and overhaul. Additionally, time-savings generated by business aviation in comparison to other modes were quantified. This study, originally released early 2016, was later updated in the course of 2017. Another update, this time of the macroeconomic indicators only, was conducted by DLR only in 2021/2022.

Based on our extensive data collection and input-output analysis we found that more that 400,000 European jobs depend directly or indirectly from Business Aviation activities. In addition, a data analysis approach comparing actual European Business Aviation flights against the fastest commercial travel alternatives indicated that users of Business Aviation experience average travel time savings of 127 minutes and a 150% average increase in productive work time per trip, as well as annual savings of about €15 million in overnight hotel. These effects partly stem from improved connectivity, as Business Aviation serves about 25k city or area pairs which are not connected by nonstop scheduled services, including many region-pairs of different economic strengths.


Dr. Sven Maertens

Deputy Acting Director of the Institute
DLR Institute of Air Transport
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne