Brief explanation of the calculation basis
• *25,259 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents were saved in 2023 by purchasing electricity predominantly from renewable energy sources. Exceptions: DLR sites in Stade, Lampoldshausen and Stuttgart, as well as leased space.
• **Excluding the subcategories of business travel and staff commuting in Scope 3.
• ***Rail travel: passenger kilometres on Deutsche Bahn (local and long-distance), offset as part of the scheme (source: DLR Travel Management).
• Petrol and diesel: consumption from vehicle fleet and onsite fire brigade.
• Kerosene: consumption from research fleet. Experimental fuels (natural gas, propane, etc.) for Cologne, Lampoldshausen and Stuttgart.
• Heating oil, gas, district heating, district cooling: internal consumption not adjusted for weather (source: certified energy management).
• Local and long-distance public transport, cars/e-cars, motorbikes/e-scooters, e-bikes (source: DLR mobility survey and car rental providers).
Conversion according to GHG/DEFRA 2023 or UBA, BAFA (see links below).