This image shows the entrance to the Panama Canal near Panama City, seen from the South Pacific side. Numerous ships can be seen waiting to pass through. Enlarged detail 1 shows a ship passing through the canal. Detail 2 zooms in on the Cocolí Locks, with their three lock chambers in a row just north of the Port of Balboa docks. Detail 3 shows the Isla de Taboga (left), Isla Urabá (bottom centre and Isla Taboguilla (right), and some ships lying at anchor. The many ships, containers and cranes in the port reflect the radar signal particularly well and appear as bright structures in the image. The image was acquired using 'Wide Stripmap Mode', which is still the subject of experimentation. This mode allows for a good compromise between a large swathe width and high resolution. The scene shows an area 100 kilometres long and 43 kilometres wide, with a resolution of six metres.