Two members of each team presented their concept to the jury at the final symposium for the German branch of the NASA/DLR Design Challenge 2020. Front row (l–r): Jasper Jonitz and Sonja Hauber (University of Stuttgart), Cem Uyanik and Ivo Zell (RWTH Aachen University), Jan Rudzki and Markus Sailer (TU Munich), Rolf Henke (DLR Executive Board Member for Aeronautics Research), Professor Cord Rossow (Director of the DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology), Björn Nagel (Founding Director of the DLR Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics), Martin Wiedemann (Director of the DLR Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems). Back row (l–r): Falvio Geronimo and Anushan Thiripuvanam (TU Hamburg), Thomas Hanl and Anton Liegert (TU Dresden), Antonia Sattler and Johannes Lehtonen (Bundeswehr University Munich), Rahshith Sudarshana and Sören Bähr (TU Hamburg), Dirk Kügler (Director of the DLR Institute of Flight Guidance).