Topographical context map of Arda Valles and surrounding area

Topographical context map of Arda Valles and surrounding area
Topographical context map of Arda Valles and surrounding area
Arda Valles, named after a river in ancient Thrace, is located some 260 kilometres north of Holden Crater on Mars. Holden had a through flow of water originating from the south, which drained out via Ladon Valles to the north, in the direction of a large, unnamed and heavily-weathered impact basin. The water that flowed through Arda Valles streamed through the southeastern edge into this large, sediment-filled basin. The images of Arda Valles were acquired on 20 July 2015 by the DLR-operated High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board the European Mars Express spacecraft, during orbit 14649.

