Solar tower power plant

Solar tower power plant
Solar tower power plant
As a dependable technology, solar thermal power stations can play an important role in transitioning the power grid to renewable energy sources. In contrast to other renewable sources, they supply electricity on demand and can stabilise the grid. This fact was emphasised in the study produced by EASAC (the European Academies Science Advisory Council), a body set up by leading European scientists and lead by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR). On 7 November 2011, this study was handed over to the German Federal Minister for Education and Research, Annette Schavan, in Brussels. In solar power stations, mirrors are used to concentrate sunlight and convert it into thermal energy). This process enables temperatures of more than 1000 degrees Celsius to be achieved, which can be used to generate electricity, among other things.

DLR (CC-BY 3.0).
