Reconnaissance and Security Department

Reconnaissance and Security
High-resolution multi-temporal SAR image of Munich city center, recorded with TerraSAR-X
temporal changes shown in red.

The Reconnaissance and Security department works on topics of remote sensing and reconnaissance for governmental, national systems.

The main interests are:

  • Development and realization of tools for development, analysis and simulation of space-based SAR systems with highest spatial and radiometric resolution including the necessary signal processing steps,
  • Analysis of the scattering behavior of natural and meta materials,
  • Work on methods and tools for efficient information extraction using image data,
  • Setup of earth-based experimental SAR systems with highest spatial and radiometric resolution,
  • Setup of full-polarimetric microwave radiometers based on the principle of aperture synthesis.

Specialist groups


Dr.-Ing. Thomas Neff

Head of Department Reconnaissance and Security
Microwaves and Radar Institute
Reconnaissance and Security
Muechener Strasse 20, 82234 Wessling