Energy research

Efficient – Safe – Climate Friendly

Video: Efficient - safe - climate-compatible
DLR develops concepts and solutions for implementing the global energy transition and makes scientific and technological contributions by developing climate-compatible, efficient, cost-efficient, reliable and socially accepted cutting-edge technologies for the use, conversion and storage of renewable energies. Credit: © DLR. All rights reserved

The availability of affordable energy is an important foundation of our highly developed economy. It is essential for Germany as a business location and guarantees prosperity for society and a high quality of life. However, the energy supply is facing major challenges: it must be as independent and resilient as possible, while remaining affordable and competitive. It must also become as climate-neutral as possible. This kind of energy supply can only be achieved if the energy system, including municipalities and companies, undergo a targeted transformation. The greatest challenge for DLR energy research is therefore to develop solutions that support this transformation. The focus here is on the areas of electricity, heat, chemical energy carriers, and energy systems. Examples of solutions include:

  • high-performance solar thermal systems and heat pumps for sustainable heat generation
  • efficient and quiet wind turbines for renewable energy production
  • cost-effective and CO2-neutral fuels and combustion systems
  • electrical, chemical, and thermal storage systems
  • effective networking of components within the energy system

The basis for the development of such solutions is an integrated understanding of the original energy resource, its use, and embedding it into complex energy system networks. This holistic approach is a defining hallmark of DLR's energy research. When put into practise, these holistic solutions only create added value for society and the economy. DLR's energy research therefore has two main objectives:

1. To provide industry, public authorities, and public-sector companies with innovative solutions for the transformation of the energy system.

2. To provide policymakers and society with independent, scientifically sound and model-based analyses of the energy system. These analyses must show what optimised transformation pathways for the energy system might look like, their implications for criteria such as security of supply and cost, and the effectiveness of various possible policy instruments.

However, the transformation of the energy system can only succeed if solutions are adopted in practice. It is therefore the vision of DLR's energy research to be the leading energy transformation research and development partner for industry, businesses, public sector companies, and administrations.