Solar process demonstration

The department of solar process demonstration deals with the scaling and demonstration of processes for the efficient production of solar fuels with the aim of industrial realisation. It brings the processes previously developed and tested on a laboratory and technical centre scale to the next larger scale and demonstrates them in large-scale research facilities such as the Synlight solar simulator and the DLR solar towers in Jülich.
Its work focuses on the further development of processes for the production of solar fuels, chemical base materials and the recycling economy. The focus here is on the design of mini-plant systems and their operation, as well as supporting industry in the development of pre-commercial systems.
From small to large
When scaling processes, it is not just the components that need to be enlarged. When processes are transferred from the laboratory to the next larger scale, issues such as control and operational management become increasingly important. Ensuring operational safety is also a key issue, as test setups become larger and more complex and potential faults and risks must therefore be dealt with differently than in laboratory facilities.
Safe and reliable long-term operation is essential for future commercial plants. Processes and components are therefore optimised in long-term tests and the optimum operating strategy is determined. The experimental work is often supported by component and process simulations, which enable targeted further development of the mini-plant systems.
The following research topics are currently being worked on in the SPR department:
- Further development of highly concentrating optical systems for the efficient operation of solar-chemical receivers.
- Optimisation of the Synlight large-scale solar simulator for the demonstration operation of mini-plant systems on a scale of up to 300 kW.
- Development of measurement and control technology and operating strategies for solar-chemical processes.
- Simulation of components and processes using DEM and CFD tools, as well as further development and adaptation of these tools to the analysed processes.
- Scaling and demonstration operation of particle-based receivers/reactors for the reduction of reaction materials at high temperatures (>1,400 degrees Celsius) as a central step in hydrogen production and other thermochemical cycle processes.
- Further development of catalysts and integration of thermochemical storage materials to increase the yield of solar reforming for the production of synthetic fuels.
- Optimisation and scaling of electrolysis in sulphuric acid-based processes for hydrogen production in existing chemical industrial plants.