Generating, storing and using energy is the focus of research at the DLR site in Stuttgart.
DLR Stuttgart is doing pioneering work towards the safe and controllable supply of renewable energy. These include technologies for large-scale energy storage and converters, solar thermal power plants and for the hydrogen economy and the coupling of energy sectors.
For future mobility, DLR Stuttgart is researching sustainable, economical and user-oriented vehicle concepts for road and rail travel, as well as climate-neutral fuels for aviation.
Researchers here are developing technologies for efficient and safe aerospace, with high-tech materials for energy-efficient lightweight structures, engines and the re-entry of spacecraft. To ensure safety in space, researchers at the DLR site in Stuttgart are working on special laser systems for space debris monitoring and removal.
DLR Stuttgart offers young scientists excellent training opportunities for aspiring electronics technicians for devices and systems, precision mechanics and office management, along with dual study programmes in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology, mechatronics and facility management.
DLR site Stuttgart
DLR site Stuttgart
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Pfaffenwaldring 38 – 40
70569 Stuttgart
DLR Systemhaus Technik Stuttgart
Institute of Combustion Technology
Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics
Institute of Solar Research
Institute of Structures and Design
Institute of Technical Physics
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Curiestraße 4
70563 Stuttgart
Institute of Networked Energy Systems
How to find us