Sustainability at DLR

Vision and mission

Sustainability – a balancing act
As DLR strives to carry out 'research for sustainability' in terms of the environment, the economy and society, it also has another focus – science and technology. Our developments and technology enable us to make substantial contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Credit:, ©Orlando Florin Rosu


"Together, we at DLR will become climate-neutral by 2035 and implement sustainable thinking as an essential component of our daily actions and the focus of our research topics. Through our research, we are contributing significantly towards overcoming the major societal challenges of our time in Germany and abroad, and thus consolidating the responsible use of resources."

Source: DLR Sustainability Strategy

We embrace sustainability boldly and openly as an intrinsic part of our daily work, reflecting our confident, forthright vision.


"As a research institution, we are aware of our special responsibility towards society. We are mindful of this responsibility in all our planning, decision-making and implementation processes. In our research fields of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, security and digitalisation, we develop solutions to address a range of key topics such as climate change, the energy and transport transitions, digital transformation and security structures.

We are developing future innovations with broad participation and support from our personnel, together with our research and industrial partners."

Source: DLR Sustainability Strategy

Our active participation in social transformation is also reflected in our key fields of action: 'Research for sustainability' and 'Sustainable research and work'. When it comes to our own organisational transformation – through sustainable research and work – our daily actions and thinking are shaped by this focus on sustainability, informed by a new perspective of reality and a changed approach to progress. This rounds out our inclusive, transformative mission.


Philipp Bergeron

Sustainability Officer and team leader
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne