DLR Corporate Participations

DLR Space Applications Institute (Gesellschaft für Raumfahrtanwendungen (GfR) mbH), Weßling: 100%

DLR GfR mbH aims to provide space applications.

Together with Italian company Telespazio S.p.A., it jointly founded spaceopal GmbH, headquartered in Munich. The partners hold a 50% share each. The main objective of DLR GfR mbH is to manage the operations of the Galileo global navigation satellite system, including its two control centres in Oberpfaffenhofen and Fucino, Italy.

Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung und -beratung (IQIB) GmbH, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: 100%

IQIB seeks to promote science, research and education. In this respect, it focuses on researching and assessing the effects of future developments in science and technology within Europe and imparting existing knowledge in this area to stakeholders in the fields of policy, science, research and business. This includes conducting its own scientific studies on the development and testing of new methods of analysis, projection and evaluation within societal and technological contexts. The company provides highly specialised consulting and training services for customers in the spheres of politics, research and business, as well as the wider society. It concentrates on strategy, programmes, structures and processes, as well as changes and trends in innovation. This is achieved primarily through scientific research and specialist events and conferences, in addition to analyses and studies related to innovation capacity and dynamics, technology impact assessments within a social context, and the support systems for science and innovation. Moreover, it provides forecast development and evaluations of the design and effectiveness of funding policy framework conditions and measures, as well as further training options in such areas. (https://www.iqib.de/)

DLR Joint Ventures GmbH, Bonn: 100%

DLR Joint Ventures participates in European economic interest groups as part of DLR’s statutory tasks. The company is involved in the European project management company EDCTP Association (formerly EDCTP-EEIG) and in AT-One EWIV, founded in 2007, which supports and organises joint ventures between DLR and the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) in the field of air traffic management.

German-Dutch Wind Tunnels (DNW), Noordoostpolder/Netherlands: 50%

DLR set up this foundation together with the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) as a non-profit organisation, with the two partners having equal shares. The foundation focuses on the operation, maintenance and ongoing development of its own low-speed wind tunnel in Noordoostpolder, the Netherlands, and other wind tunnels belonging to DLR and Royal NLR.

European Transonic Windtunnel GmbH (ETW), Cologne: 45%

Constructed and funded by four nations – Germany, France, the UK and the Netherlands – the European Transonic Wind Tunnel (ETW) is the most modern aviation wind tunnel in the world. Scaled-down models of newly designed aircraft are tested and optimised in the ETW under realistic flight conditions. The knowledge acquired as a result is crucial to the success of each new aircraft project.

Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen, Weßling: 25%

The Application Centre (AZO) as we know it today was founded in 2005 as a DLR spin-off, with participation from public and private shareholders. The company promotes innovation and start-ups relating to the commercial application of space technology and infrastructure. To that end, the AZO runs an ESA Business Incubation Centre – ESA BIC Bavaria – and organises two major idea-seeking competitions as part of two of the largest European space programmes: Galileo Masters (satellite navigation) and GMES Masters (Earth observation).

COPRO Technology GmbH, Braunschweig: 21,98 %

The purpose of COPRO Technology GmbH is to establish, acquire and operate fibre-reinforced plastic composite manufacturing facilities and to make them ready for commercial exploitation, along with a suitable supply chain. The company also aims to produce fibre-reinforced plastic composite components and their preliminary products and provide all related services. The company uses COPRO® (Continuous Pre-forming of Composite Profiles) technology. This technology was developed by the DLR Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems in Braunschweig and comprises a process to efficiently manufacture curved fibre composite profiles.

Innovationsquartier Oldenburg GmbH, Oldenburg 20%

Innovationsquartier Oldenburg GmbH aims to promote science and research through the contribution to knowledge transfer, networking, information dissemination and cooperation of shareholders and third parties and the promotion of innovation activities. The company will also plan and construct the IQ OL on the 'Alte Fleiwa' site in Oldenburg before taking over its operation and management.

msquare GmbH, Stuttgart: 11.43%

The purpose of msquare is to develop, produce and distribute repair equipment and heating technology for lightweight structures, as well as to carry out associated services. It uses the patented FlexIn Heat® technology developed by the DLR Institute of Structures and Design. This innovative inductive heating method enables the flexible, fast, effective and precise application of heat to a surface.

DiMOS Operations GmbH, Kiefersfelden: 10%

Security validation and the operation of safe and secure communication, navigation and monitoring infrastructures to provide data services for multimodal and automated mobility, including operational approval of mobility applications, are the object of the company.

ZAL Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung GmbH, Hamburg: 10%

The work of ZAL GmbH is focused on promoting applied aeronautical research in Hamburg. Their aim is to contribute to expanding research infrastructure, pooling existing research expertise, improving cooperation between industry, suppliers, large-scale research and science, and boosting national and international networks.

Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel (InnoZ) GmbH i.L., Berlin: 6.52%

InnoZ researches the complex interactions that take place at the interface between mobility and social change, and develops innovative solutions for the emerging needs of the transport and infrastructure sectors. InnoZ brings knowledge from various disciplines together under one roof, including sociological, geographical and economic expertise, as well as applied knowledge from the transport industry. The company was dissolved and is currently in liquidation.