Karsten Lemmer

Curriculum vitae
Karsten Lemmer is the DLR Executive Board Member responsible for ‘Innovation, Transfer and Research Infrastructure’. The development of innovations from research, the transfer of expertise and technologies, and the large-scale research facilities for exceptional research results and greater technological maturity are essential areas of action to strengthen DLR as a partner for a competitive industrial sector.
A graduate in electrical engineering, he was an academic researcher and worked in the rail industry before joining DLR as an Institute Director in 2001. Until February 2021, he was the Executive Board Member for Energy and Transport.
After graduating with a degree in electrical engineering, Karsten Lemmer (*1964) worked as a research assistant and academic advisor at TU Braunschweig, where he also completed his doctorate in 1994. He went on to lead a broad variety of national and international projects in research, consultancy and industry. In 1997, he joined Siemens AG as Manager for European Projects and was later named Director for New Business Development. In 2001, after a combined appointment with TU Braunschweig, he joined DLR as the founding Director of the DLR Institute of Transportation Systems, which is now home to more than 200 researchers. He took up his position as DLR Executive Board Member for Energy and Transport in March 2017.
Lemmer is a member of the German Hydrogen Council, which was founded in June 2020 to advise the German government on the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW) and a full member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). Lemmer is also the national delegate on the European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC), where he represents the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany