We do our best to support your PhD

DLR's PhD opportunities are outstanding – this is not only due to the exciting research topics and dedicated professional support. As a PhD student, you will also benefit from a very special qualification opportunity: the DLR_Graduate_Program. During diverse workshops and seminars, you will, in addition to learning to use scientific tools, primarily acquire general management and social skills that are important for your doctorate and beyond. For example, you will learn about important things to consider when publishing your research findings, how to raise external funds, lead successful negotiations or manage a team. You will also receive training on how to present your research project at international conferences.
The content – as versatile as your day-to-day research
The DLR_Graduate_Program is open to all DLR employees undertaking a PhD and looking to gain further professional qualifications. We have divided it into fundamental and specialised subjects. Fundamentals include the acquisition of general key skills, while in the specialised subjects you can set your own focus. What are your strengths? Where do you want to improve? We are sure to have the right course for you: cultural preparatory training is also an option, as are speed reading, time management, public speaking, conflict resolution and project management. With over 100 events a year, you can select exactly those modules that optimally complement your personal abilities. There is also plenty of leeway when it comes to scheduling – there is no fixed start date and no fixed order. The programme runs over three years and accompanies you throughout your doctorate; you can begin at any time and select the workshops that best fit your schedule.
The methods – tailored learning for practice
The DLR_Graduarte_Program is deliberately challenging: we aim to specifically prepare you for your next professional steps and give you time to develop new skills. In order to clearly and effectively impart complex content, we rely on intensive work in small groups using the latest teaching methods such as video feedback. All events have one thing in common: they convey practical knowledge that you can apply immediately.
The secret to successful networking – you are DLR!
We understand the importance of the exchange of ideas with other researchers during the doctoral phase: it means valuable assistance, new ideas and professional stimulus for your own work. We organise training at various DLR sites, so that you can get to know other participants and their research topics – aeronautics, space, energy, transport, digitalisation and security – and establish a strong network. To help you balance work and family life, we offer several online courses so that you can attend them easily from home. The DLR_Graduate_Program provides the ideal conditions for a successful career in research or business. Word has gotten around: more than 1700 PhD students have already applied.