Hot Presses

Our institute operates four hot presses at its two sites in Augsburg and Stuttgart to investigate the production processes for structural components made of fibre-reinforced thermoplastics.

Hot press molding allows fast forming and consolidation of complex parts. In combination with the infrared heating system, short cycle times can be achieved based on the thermoforming of organo sheets.

In addition to thermoforming, the systems can also be used for variothermic consolidation of sheets and components. An integrated cooling system with water and airflow allow fast and homogenous cooling of the parts.

At DLR's Center for Lightweight-Production-Technology in Augsburg, the hot press is embedded in an integrated workcell, the so-called Thermoplastic Cell (TPZ), with a thermostable robot on a linear axis to investigate the entire process chain.

The characteristics of the hot presses



Wickert WKP 4400 S

Press surface

1.8 m x 1.2 m

Press force

4400 kN

Max. temperature

450 °C



Dieffenbacher HPO 400

Press surface

1.25 m x 1.2 m

Press force

4000 kN

Max. temperature

450 °C




Press surface

300 mm x 300 mm

Press force

200 kN

Max. temperature

450 °C



RUCKS KV 330.00

Press surface

400 mm x 400 mm

Press force

500 kN

Max. temperature

450 °C


Andreas Buchheim

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Structures and Design
Am Technologiezentrum 4, 86159 Augsburg

Georg Doll

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Structures and Design
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart