Publikationen 2022

Dies ist die Auflistung von elib-Suchergebnissen vom 13.Feb.2025, 20:53 Uhr. Derzeit gibt es 296 Publikationen des Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Radarsysteme für 2022. Davon befinden sich 289 Publikationen in elib und 7 Patente in DEPATISnet. Diese werden wie folgt gelistet:

  • In ISI-Scopus-referierten Fachzeitschriften erschienene Publikationen (51) des Instituts in 2022
  • In sonstigen Fachzeitschriften erschienene Publikationen (2) des Instituts in 2022
  • In Lehr- und Fachbüchern erschienene Beiträge (1) des Instituts in 2022
  • Patente (7) des Instituts in 2022 (Patente werden nicht in elib registriert)
  • In Sammelbänden erschienene Beiträge (3) des Instituts in 2022
  • In Proceedings erschienene Konferenzbeiträge (113) des Instituts in 2022
  • In Technischen Berichten erschienene Publikationen (69) des Instituts in 2022
  • In Hochschulschriften erschienene Publikationen (23) des Instituts in 2022
  • Vorträge und eingeladene Vorträge (27) des Instituts in 2022 (nicht erschienen in Proceedings)

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In ISI-Scopus-referierten Fachzeitschriften erschienene Publikationen (51) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Tobias Ullmann, Thomas Jagdhuber, Dirk Hoffmeister, Simon Matthias May, Roland Baumhauer and Olaf Bubenzer
Exploring Sentinel-1 backscatter time series over the Atacama Desert (Chile) for seasonal dynamics of surface soil moisture
Remote Sensing of Environment (ISI refereed), December 2022, [PDF]

[2] Marlin Müller, Clémence Dubois, Thomas Jagdhuber, Florian M. Hellwig, Carsten Pathe, C. Schmullius and Susan C. Steele-Dunne
Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time Series for Characterization of Evapotranspiration Dynamics over Temperate Coniferous Forests
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), December 2022, [PDF]

[3] Tamara Loran, Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva, Sushil Kumar Joshi, Stefan V. Baumgartner and Gerhard Krieger
Ship Detection Based on Faster R-CNN using Range-Compressed Airborne Radar Data
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), December 2022, [PDF]

[4] Nicola Gollin, Rolf Scheiber, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli and Gerhard Krieger
SAR Imaging in Frequency Scan Mode: System Optimization and Potentials for Data Volume Reduction
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), December 2022, [PDF]

[5] Claudia Olivares-Cabello, David Chaparro, Mercè Vall-Ilossera, Adriano Camps and Carlos Lopez-Martinez
Global Unsupervised Assessment of Multifrequency Vegetation Optical Depth Sensitivity to Vegetation Cover
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 538-552, December 2022, [PDF]

[6] Michelangelo Villano, Maxwell Nogueira Peixoto, Nertjana Ustalli, Josef Mittermayer, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Decorrelating Ambiguities in SAR Interferometry through Slight PRI Variation
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), December 2022, [PDF]

[7] Narayanarao Bhogapurapu, Subhadip Dey, Avik Bhattacharya, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Irena Hajnsek and Y. S. Rao
Soil Permittivity Estimation Over Croplands Using Full and Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 60, no. 441591, pp. 1-17, November 2022, [PDF]

[8] Marwan Younis, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Tobias Bollian, Michelangelo Villano, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
A Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mode Utilizing Frequency Scan for Time-of-Echo Compression
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), November 2022, [PDF]

[9] Nicola Gollin, Jakob Giez, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Rolf Scheiber and Gerhard Krieger
Dynamic Predictive Quantization for Staggered SAR: Experiments with Real Data
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), November 2022, [PDF]

[10] Marwan Younis, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Michelangelo Villano, Sigurd Huber, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Digital Beamforming for Spaceborne Reflector - Based Synthetic Aperture Radar, Part 2: Ultra-Wide Swath Imaging Mode
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM) (ISI refereed), vol. 10, no. 4, October 2022, [PDF]

[11] Michael Kunz, Syed S. Abbas, Matteo Bauckholt, Alexander Böhmländer, Thomas Feuerle, Philipp Gasch, Clarissa Glaser, Jochen Groß, Irena Hajnsek, Jan Handwerker, Frank Hase, Dina Khordakova, Peter Knippertz, Martin Kohler, Diego Lange, Melissa Latt, Johannes Laube, Lioba Martin, Matthias Mauder, Ottmar Möhler, Susanna Mohr, René W. Reitter, Andreas Rettenmeier, Christian Rolf, Harald Saathoff, Martin Schrön, Claudia Schütze, Stephanie Spahr, Florian Späth, Franziska Vogel, Ingo Völksch, Ute Weber, Andreas Wieser, Jannik Wilhelm, Hengheng Zhang and Peter Dietrich
Swabian MOSES 2021: An interdisciplinary field campaign for investigating convective storms and their event chains
Frontiers in Earth Science (ISI refereed), October 2022, [PDF]

[12] Sumin Kim, Jeongbae Kim, Chaerin Chung and Min-Ho Ka
Derivation and Validation of Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging Using a W-Band MIMO Radar
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), September 2022, [PDF]

[13] Subhadip Dey, Noelia Romero Puig and Avik Bhattacharya
Polarimetric Scattering Spectrum Analysis for Target Characterization
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. 19, no. 402700, September 2022, [PDF]

[14] Alexander Grathwohl, Michael Stelzig, Julian Kanz, Patrick Fenske, Andreas Benedikter, Christina Knill, Ingrid Ullmann, Irena Hajnsek, Alberto Moreira, Gerhard Krieger, Martin Vossiek and Christian Waldschmidt
Taking a Look Beneath the Surface: Multicopter UAV-Based Ground-Penetrating Imaging Radars
IEEE Microwave Magazine (ISI refereed), September 2022

[15] Carlos Villamil Lopez and Uwe Stilla
Monitoring of Construction Activity by Change Detection on SAR Time Series Using Coherent Scatterers
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 15, pp. 7499-7514, August 2022, [PDF]

[16] Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Daniel Carcereri, Michele Martone, Carolina Gonzalez, Philipp Posovszky and Paola Rizzoli
Deep Learning for Mapping Tropical Forests with TanDEM-X Bistatic InSAR Data
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 14, no. 3981, August 2022, [PDF]

[17] Lanqing Huang, Irena Hajnsek and Son V. Nghiem
Sea Ice Elevation in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctica: Observations From Field Campaign
Earth and Space Science (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1-23, August 2022, [PDF]

[18] David Chaparro, Andrew Feldman, Mario Chaubell, Simon Yueh and Dara Entekhabi
Robustness of Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals Based on L-Band Global Radiometry
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 1-18, August 2022

[19] Roberto Coscione, Irena Hajnsek, Charles Werner and Othmar Frey
Assessing the Impact of Positioning Errors in Car-Borne Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry With a Controlled Rail-Based Experiment
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 15, pp. 8402-8415, July 2022, [PDF]

[20] Marcel Stefko, Silvan Leinss, Othmar Frey and Irena Hajnsek
Coherent Backscatter Enhancement in Bistatic Ku- and X-Band Radar Observations of Dry Snow
The Cryosphere (ISI refereed), vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 2859-2879, July 2022, [PDF]

[21] Philipp Bernhard, Simon Zwieback and Irena Hajnsek
Accelerated Mobilization of Organic Carbon from Retrogressive Thaw Slumps on the Northern Taymyr Peninsula
The Cryosphere (ISI refereed), vol. 16, pp. 2819-2835, July 2022, [PDF]

[22] Anke Fluhrer, Thomas Jagdhuber, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Hamed Alemohammad, Carsten Montzka, Peter Friedl, Ehsan Foorotan and Harald Kunstmann
Remote sensing of complex permittivity and penetration depth of soils using P-band SAR polarimetry
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1-25, June 2022, [PDF]

[23] Michele Martone, Nicola Gollin, Paola Rizzoli and Gerhard Krieger
Performance-Optimized Quantization for SAR and InSAR Applications
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 1-22, June 2022, [PDF]

[24] Claudio Persello, Jan Dirk Wegner, Ronny Hänsch, Devis Tuia, Pedram Ghamisi, Mila Koeva and Gustau Camps-Valls
Deep Learning and Earth Observation to Support the Sustainable Development Goals: Current approaches, open challenges, and future opportunities
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM) (ISI refereed), vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 172-200, June 2022, [PDF]

[25] Gerad Portal, Mercè Vall-Ilossera, Maria Piles, Thomas Jagdhuber, Adriano Camps, Miriam Pablos, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Narendra Das and Dara Entekhabi
Impact of Incidence Angle Diversity on SMOS and Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Retrievals at Coarse and Fine Scales
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 1-15, June 2022, [PDF]

[26] Nertjana Ustalli and Michelangelo Villano
High-Resolution Wide-Swath Ambiguous Synthetic Aperture Radar Modes for Ship Monitoring
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), June 2022, [PDF]

[27] Noelia Romero-Puig, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez and Mario Busquier
Evaluation of PolInSAR Observables for Crop-Type Mapping Using Bistatic TanDEM-X Data
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), May 2022, [PDF]

[28] Angela Lausch, Michael E. Schaepman, Andrew Skidmore, Eusebius Catana, Lutz Bannehr, Olaf Bastian, Erik Borg, Jan Bumberger, Peter Dietrich, Cornelia Glässer, Jorg Hacker, René Höfer, Thomas Jagdhuber, Sven Jany, Andreas Jung, Arnon Karnieli, Reinhard Klenke, Toralf Kirsten, Uta Ködel, Wolfgang Kresse, Ulf Mallast, Carsten Montzka, Markus Möller, Hannes Mollenhauer, Marion Pause, Minhaz Rahman, Franziska Schrodt, Christiane Schmullius, Claudia Schütze, Peter Selsam, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Sina Truckenbrodt, Michael Vohland, Martin Volk, Thilo Wellmann, Steffen Zacharias and Roland Baatz
Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 14, no. 2279, pp. 1-48, May 2022, [PDF]

[29] Aakash Chhabra, Chris Rüdiger, Marta Yebra, Thomas Jagdhuber and James Hilton
RADAR-vegetation structural perpendicular index (R-VSPI) for the quantification of wildfire impact and post-fire vegetation recovery
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 1-18, May 2022, [PDF]

[30] Michael R. Z. Whitworth, Giorgia Giardina, Camilla Penney, Luigi Di Sarno, Keith Adams, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Jacob Black, Fatemeh Foroughnia, Valentina Macchiarulo, Pietro Milillo, Mobin Ojaghi, Alessandra Orfeo, Francesco Pugliese, Kökcan Dönmez, Yasemin D. Aktas and Josh Macabuag
Lessons for Remote Post-earthquake Reconnaissance from the 14 August 2021 Haiti Earthquake
Frontiers in Built Environment (ISI refereed), April 2022, [PDF]

[31] Josef Mittermayer, Gerhard Krieger and Michelangelo Villano
Multistatic Dispersed Swarm Configurations for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. Vol.19, pp. 1-5, April 2022, [PDF]

[32] Arun Babu, Stefan V. Baumgartner and Gerhard Krieger
Approaches for Road Surface Roughness Estimation Using Airborne Polarimetric SAR
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), April 2022, [PDF]

[33] Paola Rizzoli, Luca Dell Amore, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Nicola Gollin, Daniel Carcereri and Michele Martone
On the Derivation of Volume Decorrelation from TanDEM-X Bistatic Coherence
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), April 2022, [PDF]

[34] Son Nghiem, Lanqing Huang and Irena Hajnsek
Theory of Radar Polarimetric Interferometry and Its Application to the Retrieval of Sea Ice Elevation in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctic
Earth and Space Science (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1-19, April 2022, [PDF]

[35] Thomas Jagdhuber, Francois Jonard, Anke Fluhrer, David Chaparro, Martin J. Baur, Thomas Meyer and Maria Piles
Toward estimation of seasonal water dynamics of winter wheat from ground-based L-band radiometry: a concept study
Biogeosciences (ISI refereed), pp. 2273-2294, April 2022, [PDF]

[36] Nestor Yague-Martinez and Pau Prats-Iraola
Accurate Azimuth Ground Deformation Estimation From Sentinel-1 Time Series
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), pp. 1-5, March 2022, [PDF]

[37] Ricardo Simao Diniz Dal Molin Junior and Paola Rizzoli
Potential of Convolutional Neural Networks for Forest Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric Short Time Series
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 14, no. 6, March 2022, [PDF]

[38] Maxwell Nogueira Peixoto and Michelangelo Villano
Processing Techniques for Nadir Echo Suppression in Staggered Synthetic Aperture Radar
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), March 2022, [PDF]

[39] Nida Sakar, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Pau Prats and Alberto Moreira
Sampling Analysis and Processing Approach for Distributed SAR Constellations with Along-track Baselines
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 60, no. 522531, March 2022

[40] Sushil Kumar Joshi, Stefan V. Baumgartner, Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva and Gerhard Krieger
Direction-of-Arrival Angle and Position Estimation for Extended Targets using Multichannel Airborne Radar Data
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. 19, no. 402270, February 2022, [PDF]

[41] Federica Bordoni, Gerhard Krieger and David Lind
Radiometric Degradation Associated with Terrain Height Variations and Pulse Duration in Scan-On-Receive SAR Images
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 60, pp. 1-14, February 2022, [PDF]

[42] Ute Weber, Sabine Attinger, Burkard Baschek, Julia Boike, Dietrich Borchardt, Holger Brix, Nicolas Brüggemann, Ingeborg Bussmann, Peter Dietrich, Philipp M. Fischer, Jens Greinert, Irena Hajnsek, Norbert Kamjunke, Dorit Kerschke, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Arne Körtzinger, Christoph Kottmeier, Bruno Merz, Ralf Merz, Martin Riese, Michael Schloter, Hans Peter Schmid, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, Thorsten Sachs, Claudia Schütze, Ralf Tillmann, Harry Vereecken, Andreas Wieser and Georg Teutsch
MOSES: A Novel Observation System to Monitor Dynamic Events across Earth Compartments
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (ISI refereed), pp. 1-23, February 2022, [PDF]

[43] Mark Lützner, Thomas Jagdhuber, Adriano Camps, Hyuk Park, Markus Peichl, Roger Förstner and Matthias Jirousek
Orbit Design for a Satellite Swarm-Based Motion Induced Synthetic Aperture Radiometer (MISAR) in Low-Earth Orbit for Earth Observation Applications
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 1-16, February 2022, [PDF]

[44] Nina Caldarella, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Pau Prats-Iraola, Frédéric Nouguier, Betrand Chapron, Mariantonietta Zonno and Marc Rodriguez-Cassola
Retrieval of Wind and Total Surface Current Vectors Using Experimental Bidirectional Along-Track Interferometric TanDEM-X Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 60, pp. 1-12, January 2022, [PDF]

[45] Tobias Bollian, Marwan Younis, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
On-Ground RFI Mitigation for Spaceborne Multichannel SAR Systems using Auxiliary Beams
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), no. 52219, January 2022, [PDF]

[46] Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva, Sushil Kumar Joshi, Stefan V. Baumgartner, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida and Gerhard Krieger
Phase Correction for Accurate DOA Angle and Position Estimation of Ground Moving Targets using Multi-Channel Airborne Radar
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), January 2022, [PDF]

[47] Harry Carstairs, Edward T.A. Mitchard, Iain McNicol, Chiara Aquino, Andrew Burt, Médard Obiang Ebanega, Anaick Modinga Dikongo, José-Luis Bueso-Bello and Mathias Disney
An Effective Method for InSAR Mapping of Tropical Forest Degradation in Hilly Areas
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 14, no. 452, January 2022, [PDF]

[48] Laura Duncanson, James R. Kellner, John Armston, Ralph Dubayah, David M. Minor, Steven Hancock, Sean P. Healey, Paul L. Patterson, Svetlana Saarela, Suzanne Marselis, Carlos E. Silva, Jamis Bruening, Scott J. Goetz, Hao Tang, Michelle Hofton, Bryan Blair, Scott Luthcke, Lola Fatoyinbo, Katharine Abernethy, Alfonso Alonso, Hans-Erik Andersen, Paul Aplin, Timothy R. Baker, Nicolas Barbier, Jean Francois Bastin, Peter Biber, Pascal Boeckx, Jan Bogaert, Luigi Boschetti, Peter Brehm Boucher, Doreen S. Boyd, David F.R.P. Burslem, Sofia Calvo-Rodriguez, Jérôme Chave, Robin L. Chazdon, David B. Clark, Deborah A. Clark, Warren B. Cohen, David A. Coomes, Piermaria Corona, K.C. Cushman, Mark E.J. Cutler, James William Dalling, Michele Dalponte, Jonathan Dash, Sergio de-Miguel, Songqiu Denga, Peter Woods Ellis, Barend Erasmus, Patrick A. Fekety, Alfredo Fernandez-Landa, Antonio Ferraz, Rico Fischer, Adrian G. Fisher, Antonio García-Abril, Terje Gobakken, Jorg M. Hacker, Marco Heurich, Ross A. Hill, Chris Hopkinson, Huabing Huang, Stephen P. Hubbell, Andrew T. Hudak, Andreas Huth, Benedikt Imbach, Kathryn J. Jeffery, Masato Katoh, Elizabeth Kearsley, David Kenfack, Natascha Kljun, Nikolai Knapp, Kamil KralKljun, Martin Krucek, Nicolas Labrière, Simon L. Lewis, Marcos Longo, Richard M. Lucas, Russell Main, Jose A. Manzanera, Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez, Renaud Mathieu, Herve Memiaghe, Victoria Meyer, Abel Monteagudo Mendoza, Alessandra Monerris, Paul Montesano, Felix Morsdorf, Erik Næsset, Laven Naidoo, Reuben Nilus, Michael O'Brien, David A. Orwig, Konstantinos Papathanassiou, Geoffrey Parker, Christopher Philipson, Oliver L. Phillips, Jan Pisek, John R. Poulsen, Hans Pretzsch, Christoph Rüdiger, Sassan Saatchi, Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, Nuria Sanchez-Lopez, Robert Scholes, Carlos A. Silva, Marc Simard, Andrew Skidmore, Krzysztof Stereńczak, Mihai Tanase, Chiara Torresan, Ruben Valbuena, Hans Verbeeck, Tomas Vrska, Konrad Wessels, Joanne C. White, Lee J.T. White, Eliakimu Zahabu and Carlo Zgraggen
Aboveground Biomass Density Models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Lidar Mission
Remote Sensing of Environment (ISI refereed), January 2022, [PDF]

[49] Thomas Kraus, Joao Pedro Turchetti Ribeiro, Markus Bachmann, Ulrich Steinbrecher and Christo Grigorov
Concurrent Imaging for TerraSAR-X: Wide-Area Imaging paired with High-Resolution Capabilities
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), January 2022, [PDF]

[50] Philipp Bernhard, Simon Zwieback, Nora Bergner and Irena Hajnsek
Assessing volumetric change distributions and scaling relations of retrogressive thaw slumps across the Arctic
The Cryosphere (ISI refereed), vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-15, January 2022, [PDF]

[51] Pietro Milillo, Eric Rignot, Paola Rizzoli, Bernd Scheuchl, Jeremie Mouginot, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Pau Prats and Luigi Dini
Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica
Nature Geoscience (ISI refereed), January 2022

In sonstigen Fachzeitschriften erschienene Publikationen (2) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Francesca Bovolo, Jasmeet Judge, Antonio Plaza and Alberto Moreira
Awards Presented at the IGARSS 2022 Banquet
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM), vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 253-269, December 2022

[2] Alberto Moreira, Jasmeet Judge, Francesca Bovolo and Antonio Plaza
IGARSS 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Impressions of the First Days
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine (GRSM), vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 317-330, September 2022

In Lehr- und Fachbüchern erschienene Beiträge (1) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Martin Hagen, Axel Häring, Stefan Kneifel and Kersten Schmidt
Cloud and Precipitation Observed with Radar
In "Science at the environmental research station Schneefernerhaus / Zugspitze"
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (StMUV)
Pages 79-95, [PDF]

Patente (7) des Instituts in 2022 (Patente werden nicht in elib registriert)

[1] Pau Prats-Iraola and Ryo Natsuaki
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Bestimmen von Frequenzstörungen in einem Empfangssignal eines aktiven Mehrkanal-SAR-Systems
German Patent DE102020210149B4, priority establishing
Priority established on 11 August 2020
Granted on 28 July 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

[2] Gerhard Krieger, Sigurd Huber, Patrick Klenk, Alberto Moreira, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Jens Reimann, Michelangelo Villano and Marwan Younis
Synthetic aperture radar method and synthetic aperture radar device
US Patent US000011454702B2, based on DE102018208366B3
Priority established on 28 May 2018
Granted on 27 September 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

[3] Josef Mittermayer, Paco López-Dekker, Pau Prats-Iraola, Thomas Kraus, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Method for Producing an Earth Observation Image of a Region by Means of a Radar Having Synthetic Aperture
Korean Patent KR000102394240B1, based on DE102016209803B3
Priority established on 03 June 2016
Granted on 04 May 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

[4] Mariantonietta Zonno, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira and Francisco Lopez-Dekker
Synthetic Aperture Radar Method and Synthetic Aperture Radar System
European Patent EP000003425422B1, priority establishing
Priority established on 03 July 2017
Granted on 26 January 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

[5] Tobias Rommel and Markus Limbach
Antennenelement zum Aussenden und Empfangen von dual-polarisierten elektromagnetischen Signalen
German Patent DE102021113696B3, priority establishing
Priority established on 27 May 2021
Granted on 06 October 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

[6] Michelangelo Villano, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Synthetik-Apertur-Radarverfahren zur Fernerkundung der Erdoberfläche und Synthetik-Apertur-Radarvorrichtung
European Patent EP000003564708B1, based on DE102018206670B3
Priority established on 30 April 2018
Granted on 16 March 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

[7] Christoph Schaefer and Stefan Baumgartner
Synthetic Aperture Radar for Simultaneous Imaging and Moving Target Detection
German Patent DE102012021010B4, priority establishing
Priority established on 26 October 2012
Granted on 03 February 2022
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet

In Sammelbänden erschienene Beiträge (3) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Ivo Buske, Andriy Konovaltsev and Björn Dietrich
Intelligentes GPS Spoofing zur Abwehr von Angriffen mit unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen
In "Wehrwissenschaftliche Forschung - Jahresbericht 2021"
Pages 46-47, [PDF]

[2] Stephan Dill, Andreas Heinzel, Marius Engel and Markus Peichl
„DRONAR – A drone-borne radar for the detection of landmines and booby traps“
In "Wehrwissenschaftliche Forschung - Jahresbericht 2021"
Series "Wehrwissenschaftliche Forschung"
Pages 44-45

[3] Marion Pause, Thomas Wöhling, Karsten Schulz, Thomas Jagdhuber and Martin Schrön
Remote Sensing of Regional Soil Moisture
Pages 1-428, [PDF]

In Proceedings erschienene Konferenzbeiträge (113) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Subhadip Dey, Narayanarao Bhogapurapu and Avik Bhattacharya
Ground and Volume Scattering Separation in Compact Polarimentric Interferometric SAR Data
URSI - RCRS 2022, 2022-12-01 - 2022-12-04, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, India
2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science, USRI-RCRS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[2] Anke Fluhrer, Thomas Jagdhuber, C. Montzka, Maike Schumacher, Hamed Alemohammad, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Harald Kunstmann and Dara Entekhabi
Soil Moisture Profile Estimation by Combining P-band SAR Polarimetry with Soil Hydrological Modeling
AGU Fall Meeting, 2022-12-12 - 2022-12-16, Chicago, USA
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 2022

[3] Michael Pircher
Optimizing the Cross Polarization Performance of a Compact Test Range by Conjugate Matched Field Concept
Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-29, Miltenberg, Germany
2022 Kleinheubach Conference, KHB 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[4] Sushil Kumar Joshi, Stefan V. Baumgartner, Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva and Gerhard Krieger
DOA Angle Estimation Methods for Ship Geolocation using DLR's Multichannel DBFSAR System
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[5] Carolina Gonzalez, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Nicola Gollin, Daniel Carcereri, Paola Rizzoli and Manfred Zink
Advances in automatic InSAR-derived TanDEM-X DEM editing
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[6] Dominik Richter, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Mariantonietta Zonno and Pau Prats
Coherent Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression Based on Linear Optimum Filtering of Short Along-Track Baseline SAR Interferograms
EUSAR 2022, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 321-325, [PDF]

[7] Josef Ydreborg, Sigurd Huber and Gerhard Krieger
Concepts for SAR Systems with Photonic Beamforming
European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30, Milano, Italy
19th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[8] Jens Reimann, Anna Maria Büchner, Sebastian Raab, Matthias Jirousek, Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt and Marco Schwerdt
Determination of the RCS of Reference Targets with low Uncertainty
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada

[9] Patrick Klenk, Kersten Schmidt, Thomas Kraus, Markus Bachmann and Marco Schwerdt
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Mission and CalVal Status with a focus on rainforest acquisitions for LTSM
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada

[10] Rifat Afroz, Brian Ng, Derek Abbott and Rolf Scheiber
Combined MAM-PCA autofocus for stripmap SAR
International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2022-09-12 - 2022-09-14, Gdansk, Poland
Proceedings International Radar Symposium, 2022, pp. 16-20, [PDF]

[11] Maron Schlemon, Rolf Scheiber and Martin Schulz
Resource-Constrained Optimizations For Synthetic Aperture Radar On-Board Image Processing (invited)
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-23, Waltham, MA, USA
2022 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, HPEC 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[12] Matteo Pardini and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Separation and Characterization of 3D Reflectivity Changes in Forest Scenarios using SAR Tomography
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-06-25 - 2022-06-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[13] Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva, Sushil Kumar Joshi and Stefan V. Baumgartner
Motion Compensation for Accurate Position Estimation of Ground Moving Targets using the Multi-Channel Airborne System DBFSAR
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[14] Matthias Jirousek, Markus Peichl, Simon Anger, Marius Engel, Stephan Dill, Rolf Scheiber and Stefan V. Baumgartner
Synthetic Aperture Radar Design for a High-Altitude Platform
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[15] Thomas Kraus, Joao Pedro Turchetti Ribeiro, Markus Bachmann and Renato Machado
Ambiguity Assessment and Mitigation Approaches for the TerraSAR-X Concurrent Imaging Technique
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 423-428, [PDF]

[16] Jens Reimann, Anna Maria Büchner, Sebastian Raab, Matthias Jirousek, Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt and Marco Schwerdt
RCS Determination of Reference Targets down to 0.1 dB Uncertainty
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[17] Juan Pablo Navarro Castillo, Rolf Scheiber, Marc Jäger and Alberto Moreira
Multi-Channel SAR Image Reconstruction using Data of DLR's New DBFSAR Airborne System
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 190-195, [PDF]

[18] Federica Bordoni and Gerhard Krieger
Mitigation of the SAR Image Radiometric Loss Associated with the SCORE DBF in Presence of Terrain Height Variations
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Aachen, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-4, [PDF]

[19] Federica Bordoni and Gerhard Krieger
On a Possible SAR Interferometric Phase Error Associated with the Scan-On-Receive Digital Beamforming
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-4, [PDF]

[20] Patrick Klenk, Kersten Schmidt, Markus Bachmann, Marco Schwerdt and Manfred Zink
TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Mission and Calibration Status
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 107-111

[21] Eduardo Torres García, Gustavo Martin del Campo Becerra, Deni Librado Torres Román and Andreas Reigber
TomoSAR Imaging Using Statistical Regularization on Polarimetric SAR Observations (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-4

[22] Marwan Younis, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Michelangelo Villano, Tobias Bollian, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Frequency Scanning Transmit/Receive Antenna Beam Imaging Mode
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[23] Narayanarao Bhogapurapu, Subhadip Dey, Avik Bhattacharya, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Irena Hajnsek and Y. S. Rao
Soil Permittivity Estimation Over Croplands Using PolSAR Data
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022

[24] Markus Bachmann, Carolina Gonzalez, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Paola Rizzoli and Manfred Zink
TanDEM-X Edited DEM: Automated Global Void Filling and Water Flattening (invited)
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[25] Scott Hensley, Marc Wallace, Jan Martin, Dragana Perkovic-Martin, Suzanne Smrekar, Marwan Younis, Marie Lachaise, Pau Prats, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Howard Zebker, Bruce Campbell and Marco Mastroguiseppe
Planned Differential Interferometric SAR Observations at Venus by the VERITAS Mission
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022, pp. 12-15

[26] Marwan Younis, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Tobias Bollian, Michelangelo Villano and Gerhard Krieger
Synthetic Aperture Radar Frequency Scan for Time-of-Echo Compression Imaging Mode
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[27] Oleg Antropov, Jukka Miettinen, Tuomas Hame, Rauste Yrjo, Lauri Seitsonen, Ronald E McRoberts, Maurizio Santoro, Oliver Cartus, Natalia Malaga Duran, Martin Herold, Matteo Pardini, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Irena Hajnsek
Intercomparison of Earth Observation Data and Methods for Forest Mapping in the Context of Forest Carbon Monitoring
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 5777-5780

[28] Ismail Baris, Thomas Jagdhuber, Harald Anglberger, Andrey Osipov, Francois Jonard and Johnson Joel T.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022

[29] Philipp Bernhard, Simon Zwieback and Irena Hajnsek
TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2: Opportunities for Investigating Retrogressive Thaw Slumps
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 3846 -3849

[30] Andres Felipe Betancourt Payan, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Andreas Benedikter, Pau Prats and Gerhard Krieger
An Autofocus Algorithm for the Recovery of Ionospheric Phase Signatures in the Biomass Mission
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[31] Narayanarao Bhogapurapu, Subhadip Dey, Avik Bhattacharya, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Irena Hajnsek and Y. S. Rao
Soil Permittivity Estimation over Croplands Using Polsar Data
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 8000 -8003

[32] Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Daniel Carcereri, Carolina Gonzalez, Michele Martone and Paola Rizzoli
Deep Learning for Mapping Forests with TanDEM-X
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[33] Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Daniel Carcereri, Michele Martone, Carolina Gonzalez and Paola Rizzoli
Tropical Forests Mapping with TanDEM-X and Deep Learning Methods
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[34] Alessandro Cattoi, Lorenzo Bruzzone and Ronny Hänsch
Transcoding-based pre-training of semantic segmentation networks for PolSAR images
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-5

[35] Changhyun Choi, Matteo Pardini, Roman Guliaev and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Fusion of Tandem-X and Gedi Data for Mapping Forest Height in the Brazilian Amazon
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 5429-5431

[36] Jens Fischer and Rudolf Stens
Discretization in Generalized Function Spaces (invited)
Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis (FAATNA), 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-08, Matera, Italy
FAATNA 2022, Book of Abstracts, 2022, pp. 170-171, [PDF]

[37] Valeria Gracheva, Pau Prats-Iraola and Marc Rodriguez-Cassola
Space Variance Analysis of the SAR Acquisition Geometry for ROSE-L Images
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-6, [PDF]

[38] Irena Hajnsek, Alberto Moreira, Manfred Zink, Stefan Buckreuss, Thomas Kraus, Markus Bachmann and Thomas Edmund Busche
TanDEM-X: Mission Status and Science Activities
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 5421-5424, [PDF]

[39] Lanqing Huang and Irena Hajnsek
Investigation of Polarimetric Phase Differences in Tandem-X Data Over Young and Undeformed Sea ICE
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 3830-3833, [PDF]

[40] Ronny Hänsch, Jacob Arndt, Matthew Gibb, Arnold Boedihardjo, Tyler Pedelose and Todd M. Bacastow
The SpaceNet 8 Challenge - From Foundation Mapping to Flood Detection (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 5073-5076

[41] Marie Lachaise, Carolina Gonzalez, Paola Rizzoli, Barbara Schweißhelm and Manfred Zink
The new TanDEM-X DEM Change Maps Products (invited)
IGARSS 2022, 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022, pp. 5432-5435, [PDF]

[42] Islam Mansour, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou, Ronny Haensch and Irena Hajnsek
Towards a Symbiosis of Model-Based and Machine Learning Forest Height Estimation based on TanDEM-X InSAR
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[43] Gustavo Daniel Martin del Campo Becerra, Eduardo Torres García, Sergio Alejandro Serafín García, Deni Librado Torres Román and Andreas Reigber
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 68-71

[44] Thomas Nagler, Helmut Rott, Stefan Scheiblauer, Ludivine Libert, Nico Mölg, Ralf Horn, Jens Fischer, Alberto Moreira and Julia Kubanek
Airborne Experiment on InSAR Snow Mass Retrieval in Alpine Environment
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022

[45] Phuong Mai Nguyen Thi, Marc Rodriguez Cassola and Gerhard Krieger
A Proposed Algorithm for Range Ambiguities Suppression in Multi-Static SAR
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 1852 -1855, [PDF]

[46] Konstantinos Papathanassiou, Roman Guliaev, Changhyun Choi, Lea Maria Albrecht, Noelia Romero Puig, Alberto Alonso-Gonzalez, Junsu Kim and Matteo Pardini
Forest Parameter Estimation by Means of Multi-Baseline Pol-Insar Techniques: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 1123-1124

[47] Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Marwan Younis, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
On a Dual-Sequence Stripmap Imaging Mode as Alternative for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-6, [PDF]

[48] Maron Schlemon, Rolf Scheiber, Stefan V. Baumgartner, Sushil Kumar Joshi, Marc Jäger and Sebastian Pasch
On-board Processing Architecture of DLR's DBFSAR / V-SAR System (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[49] Michael Schmitt, Pedram Ghamisi, Naoto Yokoya and Ronny Hänsch
EOD: The IEEE GRSS Earth Observation Database (invited)
IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 5365-5368

[50] Francescopaolo Sica, Andrea Pulella, Carlos Villamil Lopez, Harald Anglberger and Ronny Hänsch
Generalization in Object Recognition from SAR Imagery
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 1007-1010

[51] Marcel Stefko, Othmar Frey and Irena Hajnsek
Snow Characterization at Ku-Band with a Bistatic Polarimetric Ground-Based Radar
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, pp. 4256 -4259

[52] Markus Bachmann, Carolina Gonzalez, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Paola Rizzoli and Manfred Zink
Automatic Editing of the Global TanDEM-X DEM (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-06-25 - 2022-06-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[53] Markus Bachmann, Manfred Zink, Dirk Geudtner, Allan Bojarski, Michele Martone, Ralph Kahle, Gerhard Krieger, Matteo Pardini, Jens Reimann, Maximilian Schandri, Berthyl Duesmann, Ian Shumer and Dirk Kujiper
ROSE-L Tandem - Bistatic Extension for Single-Pass Interferometry
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-06-25 - 2022-06-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[54] David Chaparro, Thomas Jagdhuber, Maria Piles, Francois Jonard, Anke Fluhrer, Mercè Vall-llossera, Adriano Camps, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Andrew Feldman and Dara Entekhabi
Retrieving Forest Vegetation Moisture Content from a Multi-sensor Approach in the Western United States
Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting, 2022-06-19 - 2022-06-24, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Proceedings of Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting, 2022

[55] Xingliang Huang, Libo Ren, Chenglong Liu, Yixuan Wang, Hongfeng Yu, Michael Schmitt, Ronny Hänsch, Xian Sun, Hai Huang and Helmut Mayer
Urban Building Classification (UBC) - A Dataset for Individual Building Detection and Classification From Satellite Imagery
CVPRW 2022, 2022-06-19, New Orleans, USA
2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2022, 2022, pp. 1413-1421, [PDF]

[56] Ronny Hänsch, Jacob Arndt, Dalton Lunga, Matthew Gibb, Tyler Pedelose, Arnold Boedihardjo, Desiree Petrie and Todd M. Bacastow
SpaceNet 8 - The Detection of Flooded Roads and Buildings (invited)
EarthVision 2022, 2022-06-19, New Orleans, USA
2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2022, 2022, pp. 1472-1480, [PDF]

[57] Felipe Betancourt Payan, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Pau Prats, Andreas Benedikter, Gerhard Krieger, Vinicius Queiroz de Almeida and Maria Jose Sanjuan Ferrer
SAR Autofocus Scheme for the Retrieval of Ionospheric Signatures in the Ground Prototype Processor of Biomass
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[58] Tobias Rommel
DLR's Dual-Polarized Offset Reflector Antenna with Digital Feed Array for Synthetic Aperture Radar (invited)
International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2022-05-16 - 2022-05-18, Dublin, Ireland
2022 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2022, 2022, pp. 1-3, [PDF]

[59] Eva Wortmeyer, Joel Alfredo Amao Oliva, Bastian Schneider, Rolf Scheiber and Holger Dirks
Potentialanalyse von SAR-basierten Oberflächenmodellen in Monitoring- und Analyseprozessen in tidebeeinflussten Gebieten
29. Workshop Umweltinformationssysteme (UIS 2022), 2022-05-12 - 2022-05-13, Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven (Hauptgebäude H403), Friedrich Paffrath-Str. 101, 26389 Wilhelmshaven
Arbeitskreis Umweltinformationssysteme, 2022, [PDF]

[60] Alicja Schreiber, Markus Limbach, Bernd Gabler and Andreas Reigber
Horizontally Polarized Antenna Array for an Airborne Ka-PolInSAR System
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2022-03-27 - 2022-04-01, Madrid, Spain
16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[61] Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Daniel Carcereri and Paola Rizzoli
Amazon Rainforest Monitoring with TanDEM-X and Deep Learning Strategies
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[62] Irena Hajnsek, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Annett Bartsch, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Georg Fischer, Roland Gierlich, Guido Grosse, Christian Haas, Sigurd Huber, Katarina Jesswein, Andreas Kääb, Junsu Kim, Gerhard Krieger, Karen Mak, Alexander Mössinger, Benoit Montpetit, Ralf Münzenmayer, Tobias Otto, Konstantinos Papathanassiou, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Helmut Rott, Tazio Strozzi, Volker Tesmer, Michelangelo Villano, Sebastian Westermann, Marwan Younis and Mariantonietta Zonno
The Ka-Band Interferometric Radar Mission Proposal for Cold Environments - SKADI (invited)
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[63] Kersten Schmidt, Marco Schwerdt, Jens Reimann and Patrick Klenk
Radiometric Comparison of the Sentinel-1 SAR Constellation
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[64] Manfred Zink, Alberto Moreira, Michael Bartusch and Michael Bock
German Spaceborne SAR Program Status and Outlook (invited)
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[65] Joao Pedro Turchetti Ribeiro, Thomas Kraus, Markus Bachmann and Renato Machado
Multiple PRI Technique for Concurrent Imaging Mode using TerraSAR-X
IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon), 2022-03-21 - 2022-03-25, New York City, USA
2022 IEEE Radar Conference, RadarConf 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[66] Sue Smrekar, Scott Hensley, Rick Nybakken, Mark S. Wallace, Dragana Perkovic-Martin, Tung-Han You, Daniel Nunes, John Brophy, Todd Ely, Eric Burt, Darby Dyar, Jörn Helbert, Barry Miller, Jonathan Hartley, Piet Kallemeyn, Jennifer Whitten, Luciano Iess, Marco Mastrogiuseppe, Marwan Younis, Pau Prats, Marc Rodriguez Cassola and Erwan Mazarico
VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy): A Discovery Mission
IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2022-03-05 - 2022-03-12, USA
2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference, AERO 2022, 2022, pp. 1-20

[67] Subhadip Dey and Avik Bhattacharya
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[68] Alberto Alonso-Gonzalez and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Multi-frequency Polarimetric Change Analysis for Agricultural Monitoring (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[69] Simon Anger, Matthias Jirousek, Stephan Dill and Markus Peichl
Advanced space surveillance with the imaging radar IoSiS
Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30, Maui, USA
Proceedings of 23th AMOS Conference 2022, 2022

[70] Simon Anger, Matthias Jirousek, Stephan Dill and Markus Peichl
Imaging of objects in space using arbitrary transmit signals
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Deutschland
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[71] Arun Babu, Stefan V. Baumgartner, Gerhard Krieger and Lucas Germano Rischioni
Estimation of Road Surface Roughness Using Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-28, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 239-244, [PDF]

[72] Kristina Belinska, Georg Fischer and Irena Hajnsek
Differential SAR Interferometry and Co-polar Phase Differences for Snow Water Equivalent Estimation
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 366-369, [PDF]

[73] Kristina Belinska, Georg Fischer, Thomas Nagler and Irena Hajnsek
Snow Water Equivalent Estimation using Differential SAR Interferometry and Co-Polar Phase Differences from Airborne SAR Data
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[74] Andreas Benedikter, Gerhard Krieger, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Hauke Hussmann, Kai Wickhusen, Alexander Stark, Michael Stelzig and Martin Vossiek
SAR Interferometric and Tomographic Imaging of Saturn's Moon Enceladus Using Strongly Perturbed Orbits
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[75] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Thomas Kraus and Ulrich Steinbrecher
Stuck Bit Error Identification for the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Onboard Memory
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 418-423, [PDF]

[76] Tobias Bollian and Marwan Younis
On-Board RFI Detection in Digital Beamforming SAR Systems using a Series of Digital Square-Law Detectors
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[77] Tobias Bollian, Marwan Younis, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
On-Board RFI Detection Performance of a Multichannel SAR System with Digital Square-Law Detectors (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022

[78] Daniel Carcereri, Paola Rizzoli, Dino Ienco, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Carolina Gonzalez and Lorenzo Bruzzone
A CNN-based approach for forest parameter regression by fusion of Sentinel-2 and TanDEM-X data
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[79] Daniel Carcereri, Paola Rizzoli, Dino Ienco, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Carolina Gonzalez, Stefano Puliti and Lorenzo Bruzzone
Large scale forest parameter estimation through a deep learning-based fusion of Sentienl-2 and TanDEM-X data
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022

[80] Francesco De Zan, Paloma Saporta and Giorgio Gomba
Spatiotemporal Analysis of C-band interferometric Phase Anomalies over Sicily (invited)
EUSAR 2022, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Deutschland
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-4, [PDF]

[81] Luca Dell Amore, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Michele Martone and Paola Rizzoli
Generation of Global Backscatter Maps for Future SAR Missions Design
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[82] Subhadip Dey, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Avik Bhattacharya and Alejandro C. Frery
A PolSAR Clustering Scheme Using the Model-free Scattering Power Components (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[83] Ricardo Simao Diniz Dal Molin Junior and Paola Rizzoli
Assessing Sentinel-1 InSAR Short-Time-Series for Systematic Rainforest Mapping with Deep Learning
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[84] Ricardo Simao Diniz Dal Molin Junior and Paola Rizzoli
Deep Learning for Land Cover Classification from Sentinel-1 InSAR Short-Time-Series in the Amazon Forest
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[85] Nicola Gollin, Jakob Giez, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli and Gerhard Krieger
Dynamic Predictive Quantization for Staggered SAR: Experiments with Real SAR Data
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[86] Nicola Gollin and Michele Martone
Block-Frequency Quantization for Data Volume Reduction in FScan Systems
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[87] Roman Guliaev, Matteo Pardini and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
On the Use of Tomographic derived Reflectivity Profiles for Pol-InSAR Forest Height Inversion
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[88] Irena Hajnsek, Alberto Moreira, Manfred Zink, Stefan Buckreuss, Thomas Kraus, Markus Bachmann and Thomas Edmund Busche
TanDEM-X: Mission Status and Science Activities (invited)
EUSAR 2022, 25.-27. Juli 2022, Leipzig, Deutschland
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 1-4, [PDF]

[89] Stephen Hobbs, Jean-Christophe Calvet, G. Boni, Roger Haagmans, Gemma Halloran, Ramon Hanssen, Julia Kubanek, Francesco Mattia, Andrea Monti Guarnieri, Alberto Moreira, Thomas Nagler, Andrea Parodi, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, Geoff Wadge and Wolfgang Wagner
Hydroterra: Exploring the science of rapid water cycle processes over land
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[90] Andrew Hooper, Juliet Biggs, Pau Prats-Iraola, Fabien Albino, Francesco De Zan, Alessandro Parizzi, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco Lopez-Dekker and Bjorn Rommen
Harmony for the solid Earth (invited)
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[91] Sigurd Huber, Kay Glatting, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Quantum Annealing for SAR System Design and Processing
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-04-19 - 2022-04-22, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[92] Sergei Kosulnikov, Anna Dıaz-Rubio, Sergei Tretyakov and Andrey Osipov
Comparative Experimental Characterization of Phase-gradient and Non-local Anomalous Reflectors
International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterials 2022, 2022-09-12 - 2022-09-17, Siena, Italy
2022 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2022, 2022, pp. 238-240

[93] Jan Paul Kroll, Marwan Younis and Gerhard Krieger
Multi-Channel SAR Instrument Calibration Using the Spatial Correlation Properties of Homogeneous Scenes
International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2022-09-12 - 2022-09-14, Gdansk, Poland
Proceedings International Radar Symposium, 2022

[94] Paco Lopez-Dekker, Ad Stoffelen, Andreas Kääb, Andrew Hooper, Bernhard Rabus, Betrand Chapron, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Caroline Muller, Claudia Pasquero, Jan-Peter Muller, Jeremie Mouginot, Julienne Stroeve, Pau Prats-Iraola, Pierre Rampal, Simona Masina and Bjorn Rommen
Harmony: science objectives and mission overview (invited)
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[95] Diego Lorente Catalan, Markus Limbach, Bernd Gabler, Héctor Esteban González and Vicente Boria Esbert
Dual-Polarized Multilayer L-Band Asymmetric Subarray with Truncated Electric Walls Separation for Airborne SAR Applications
European Microwave Week (EuMW), 2022-04-02 - 2022-04-07, London, UK
18th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2021, 2022, [PDF]

[96] Phuong Mai Nguyen Thi, Marc Rodriguez Cassola and Gerhard Krieger
Cross-platform Range Ambiguity Rejection Algorithm for Multi-static SAR Constellations in Elevation
EUSAR, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[97] Maxwell Nogueira Peixoto and Michelangelo Villano
A CubeSat Add-On for Resolving Phase Unwrapping Errors in Single-Pass SAR Interferometry
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[98] Adriana Elizabeth Nuncio Quiroz, Michael Bartusch, Samuel Stettner, Alberto Moreira and Manfred Zink
An Overview of the German Spaceborne X-Band SAR Program
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022

[99] Muriel Pinheiro, Nuno Miranda, Andrea Recchia, Alessandro Cotrufo, Niccolò Franceschi, Riccardo Piantanida, Kersten Schmidt, Christoph Gisinger, Guillaume Hajduch and Pauline Vincent
Sentinel-1 instruments status and product performance update for 2022
EUSAR 2022, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 413-417, [PDF]

[100] Paola Rizzoli, Luca Dell Amore, José-Luis Bueso-Bello, Nicola Gollin and Michele Martone
Estimation of Volume Decorrelation from TanDEM-X Bistatic Coherence
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[101] Paola Rizzoli, Carolina Gonzalez, Pietro Milillo, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Luca Dell'Amore, Ulrich Strasser, Gabriele Schweizer and Thomas Nagler
Sentinel-1-Aided Calibration of TanDEM-X DEMs for Estimating Winter Snow Accumulation over Alpine Glaciers
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022

[102] Eduardo Rodrigues Silva Filho and Marc Rodriguez Cassola
Experimental Evaluation of GNSS-Based Frequency Synchronization for SAR Applications
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022, [PDF]

[103] Noelia Romero-Puig, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez and Mario Busquier
Contribution of PolInSAR Parameters of the Coherence Region to Crop Classification with Bistatic TanDEM-X Data (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[104] Paloma Saporta, Irena Hajnsek and Alberto Alonso-Gonzalez
A temporal assessment of fully polarimetric multifrequency SAR observations over the Canadian permafrost
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[105] Maximilian Schandri, Markus Bachmann and Manfred Zink
TanDEM-X Mission Status and Outlook on the Tandem-L Mission
International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2022-09-12 - 2022-09-14, Gdansk, Poland
Proceedings International Radar Symposium, 2022, [PDF]

[106] Kersten Schmidt, Marco Schwerdt, Guillaume Hajduch, Pauline Vincent, Andrea Recchia and Nuno Miranda
Towards an improved Radiometric Accuracy for Sentinel-1 with optimized Elevation Antenna Patterns
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[107] Nertjana Ustalli, Gerhard Krieger, Josef Mittermayer, Michelangelo Villano and Christian Waldschmidt
MirrorSAR Concept: Phase Synchronization Analysis
Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-29, Miltenberg, Germany
2022 Kleinheubach Conference, KHB 2022, 2022

[108] Nertjana Ustalli and Michelangelo Villano
A High-Resolution Wide-Swath “Ambiguous” SAR Mode for Ship Monitoring
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[109] Michelangelo Villano, José Márquez Martinez, Delwyn Moller and Marwan Younis
Overview of Newspace Synthetic Aperture Radar Instrument Activities (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2022, 2022, [PDF]

[110] Michelangelo Villano, Nertjana Ustalli, Maxwell Nogueira Peixoto, Josef Mittermayer, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
On the Benefit of a Slight PRI Variation for SAR Interferometry
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, [PDF]

[111] Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt, Jens Reimann, Marco Schwerdt, Sebastian Raab, Anna Maria Büchner and Matthias Jirousek
DLR's next generation of multi-band transponders for the calibration of fully polarimetric SAR mission
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

[112] Birgit Wessel, Marie Lachaise, Markus Bachmann, Barbara Schweißhelm, Martin Huber, Thomas Fritz, Raphael Tubbesing and Stefan Buckreuss
The new TanDEM-X DEM 2020: Generation and Specifications (invited)
EUSAR 2022, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-28, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022, pp. 25-29

[113] Mariantonietta Zonno, Dominik Richter, Aathira Thaniyil Prabhakaran, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Albert Zurita Campos, Javier del Castillo and Ana Olea Garcia
Impact of coherent ambiguities on InSAR performance for bistatic SAR missions. The Harmony mission case.
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27, Leipzig, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2022

In Technischen Berichten erschienene Publikationen (69) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Pauline Vincent, Mélanie Grignoux, Kersten Schmidt, Christoph Gisinger and Andrea Recchia
S1-A N-Cyclic Performance Report - 2022-06
Published in DI-MPC-NPR-0100-2022-06
Project Reportproject, 33 pages, December 2022

[2] Marco Schwerdt
SAR System Calibration Performance Analysis and Budgets (Sentinel-1C/D)
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 16 pages, December 2022
ID: S1CD-TN-DLR-SY05-0001, Issue 1.0

[3] Marco Schwerdt, Patrick Klenk and Kersten Schmidt
Overall SAR System Calibration and Validation Plan (Sentinel-1C/D Cal/Val Plan)
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 113 pages, December 2022
ID: S1CD-PL-DLR-SY03-0001, Issue 1.5

[4] Sushil Kumar Joshi
Maritime Moving Target Detection, Tracking and Geocoding Using Range-Compressed Airborne Radar Data
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 186 pages, December 2022
ID: DLR-FB-2022-26, [PDF]

[5] Rainer Speck, Harald Anglberger, Andreas Heinzel, Timo Kempf, Carlos Villamil Lopez, Ronny Hänsch, Andrea Pulella, Tamer Koban, Monika Werth, von der, Lars Petersen, Roland Vilsmeier and Irenäus Wlokas
KEPHALE Sachstandsbericht 2022
Project Report, 129 pages, November 2022

[6] Rainer Speck, Harald Anglberger, Manfred Hager, Andreas Heinzel, Juliane Profelt and Carlos Villamil Lopez
KEPHALE 3D-Modelle
Project Report, 28 pages, November 2022

[7] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer, Patrick Klenk, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Kersten Schmidt, Ulrich Steinbrecher and Christopher Wecklich
Long-Term System Monitoring Report Q3/2022
Project Report, 113 pages, November 2022
ID: RP-4660

[8] Rolf Scheiber, Marc Jäger, Ralf Horn and Gustavo Martin del Campo Becerra
Experimental F-SAR Data Analysis in Support of the ENEX-ASGAR Project for an Enceladus Radar Mission - Part 2: Aletsch Glacier Experiment
Project Report, 37 pages, October 2022

[9] Stefan Buckreuss, Claudia Eger, Johannes Böer, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Silke Kerkhoff, Martin Maier, Markus Bachmann, Marie Lachaise, Thomas Edmund Busche, Steffen Zimmermann and Isabelle Schork
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 3. Quartal 2022
Project Report, 72 pages, October 2022
ID: TX-GS-2022-03

[10] Christo Grigorov and Silke Kerkhoff
TanDEM-X Ground Segment Internal ICD Volume 2: PGS - IOCS v2.9
Project Report, 200 pages, October 2022
ID: TX-GS-ICD-0040-2

[11] Maximilian Schandri, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer and Stefan Buckreuss
TanDEM-X Acquisition Timeline 2022/7.8
Project Report, 53 pages, October 2022
ID: TD-GS-PL-0095

[12] Maximilian Schandri, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer and Stefan Buckreuss
TanDEM-X Acquisition Timeline 2022/7.7
Project Report, 53 pages, October 2022
ID: TD-GS-PL-0095

[13] Jens Reimann, Marco Schwerdt, Kersten Schmidt and Patrick Klenk
ROSE-L System Calibration, Characterisation and Validation Plan
Project Report, September 2022

[14] Jens Reimann, Marco Schwerdt, Kersten Schmidt and Patrick Klenk
ROSE-L System End-to-End Mission Satellite and Payload Calibration and Performance Budgets - Part I
Project Report, September 2022

[15] Thomas Kraus
Impact of TDX-1 Roll Steering on SAR Performance during TDM 4D Phase
Project Report, 17 pages, September 2022
ID: TD-SEC-TN- 4295

[16] Maximilian Schandri, Kersten Schmidt and Patrick Klenk
Analysis Tool Test Report
Published in Test Report
Project Report, 41 pages, September 2022
ID: KARI-TR-DLR-0001, Issue 1.0

[17] Marco Schwerdt
Calibration Campaign Plan
Published in Final Report
Project Report, 22 pages, September 2022
ID: KARI-PL-DLR-0001, Issue 2.0

[18] Kersten Schmidt, Patrick Klenk, Jakob Giez and Matteo Nannini
Sentinel-1C: Pre-Launch Tools Description and Preparation
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 51 pages, August 2022
ID: S1-TN-DLR-0001, Issue 1.0

[19] Marco Schwerdt
Sentinel-1C: Contractor Calibration Campaign Plan
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 18 pages, August 2022
ID: S1-PL-DLR-0002, Issue 1.0

[20] Joel Alfredo Amao Oliva and Rolf Scheiber
GeoWAM-LB: Neue Geodaten zur Verbesserung des Wassermanagements tidebeeinflusster Küstenbereiche - Langeoog und Baltrum - F-SAR Datenerfassung und Produktbeschreibung
Project Report, Report, 23 pages, August 2022

[21] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer, Patrick Klenk, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Kersten Schmidt, Ulrich Steinbrecher and Christopher Wecklich
Long-Term System Monitoring Report Q2/2022
Project Report, 114 pages, August 2022
ID: RP-4660

[22] Stefan Buckreuss, Claudia Eger, Johannes Böer, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Silke Kerkhoff, Martin Maier, Markus Bachmann, Marie Lachaise, Thomas Edmund Busche, Steffen Zimmermann and Isabelle Schork
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 2. Quartal 2022
Project Report, 71 pages, July 2022
ID: TX-GS-2022-02

[23] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
ROSE-L Calibration Target Specification
Project Report, July 2022

[24] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
ROSE-L In-Orbit SAR System Calibration Plan
Project Report, July 2022

[25] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
ROSE-L: Calibration Algorithms
Project Report, July 2022

[26] Kersten Schmidt
Sentinel-1 Next Generation C-BAND SAR - Phase A Study: SAR System External Calibration and In-orbit Validation Plan
Project Report, 29 pages, July 2022
ID: S1NG-TN-DLR-SY11-0004

[27] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
ROSE-L SAR System Calibration Progress Report #5
Project Report, June 2022

[28] Johannes Böer
PAZ: Data Take Verification Unit. Verification and Validation Plan
Project Report, 42 pages, May 2022
ID: PZ-DLR-PL-2110 (issue 1.6)

[29] Johannes Böer
PAZ: Data Take Verification Unit. Verification and Validation Test Report
Project Report, 53 pages, May 2022
ID: PZ-DLR-TR-2130 (issue 1.6)

[30] Patrick Klenk, Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt and Michele Martone
BioCaMPS - Support Activities on E2E Calibration and Mission Performance Aspects: Bi-Annual Project Progress Report #1
Published in BioCaMPS
Project Report, May 2022

[31] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer, Patrick Klenk, Kersten Schmidt, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Christopher Wecklich, Michele Martone and Paola Rizzoli
Long-Term System Monitoring Report Q1/2022
Project Report, 111 pages, May 2022

[32] Maximilian Schandri, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer and Stefan Buckreuss
TanDEM-X Acquisition Timeline 2022/7.6
Project Report, 46 pages, April 2022
ID: TD-GS-PL-0095

[33] Stefan Buckreuss, Claudia Eger, Johannes Böer, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Silke Kerkhoff, Martin Maier, Markus Bachmann, Marie Lachaise, Thomas Edmund Busche, Steffen Zimmermann and Isabelle Schork
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 1. Quartal 2022
Project Report, 73 pages, April 2022
ID: TX-GS-2022-01

[34] Marco Schwerdt, Patrick Klenk and Kersten Schmidt
Overall SAR System Calibration and Validation Plan (Sentinel-1C/D Cal/Val Plan)
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 110 pages, April 2022
ID: S1CD-PL-DLR-SY03-0001, Issue 1.4

[35] Marco Schwerdt, Núria Tous Ramon, Jakob Giez and Kersten Schmidt
SAR Calibration Algorithms (Sentinel-1C/D)
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 93 pages, April 2022
ID: S1CD-DD-DLR-SY04-0001, Issue 1.3

[36] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer, Patrick Klenk, Kersten Schmidt, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Michele Martone, Christopher Wecklich and Paola Rizzoli
Long-Term System Monitoring Report Q4/2021
Project Report, 108 pages, April 2022
ID: RP-4660

[37] Jakob Giez and Sebastian Raab
Anpassung der Datenbank sowie der SW-Tools calTarget und kaliman für SARah-Betrieb
Project Report, 16 pages, April 2022
ID: SARah-DLR-TN-DB-0001

[38] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
ROSE-L SAR System Calibration Progress Report #4
Project Report, March 2022

[39] Jens Reimann and Kersten Schmidt
Ionospheric Measurements using GNSS at Calibration Sites
Project Report, March 2022

[40] Jens Reimann
Transponder Recording Data Format
Project Report, 25 pages, March 2022

[41] Guillaume Hajduch, Pauline Vincent, Karen Cordier, Romain Husson, Charles Peureux, Mélanie Grignoux, Kersten Schmidt, Riccardo Piantanida, Andrea Recchia, Niccolò Franceschi, Alessandro Cotrufo, Alexis Mouche, Antoine Grouazel, Fabrice Collard, Harald Johnsen and Gilles Guitton
S-1A & S-1B Annual Performance Report for 2021
Published in SAR-MPC-0504 DI-MPC-APR
Project Reportproject, 124 pages, March 2022

[42] Stefan Buckreuss, Steffen Zimmermann, Johannes Böer, Miguel Fragoso Garrido de Matos Lino, Falk Mrowka, Christo Grigorov, Marie Lachaise, Thomas Fritz, Silke Kerkhoff and Ralph Kahle
Status der Satelliten TSX und TDX, 02.03.2022
Project Report, 9 pages, March 2022
ID: TD-GS-RP-0213 Issue 2.1

[43] Jens Reimann
Internal Calibration
Project Report, 14 pages, March 2022

[44] Maximilian Schandri, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer and Stefan Buckreuss
TanDEM-X Acquisition Timeline 2022/7.5
Project Report, 54 pages, February 2022
ID: TD-GS-PL-0095

[45] Stefan Buckreuss, Steffen Zimmermann, Johannes Böer, Miguel Fragoso Garrido de Matos Lino, Falk Mrowka, Christo Grigorov, Marie Lachaise, Thomas Fritz, Silke Kerkhoff and Ralph Kahle
Status der Satelliten TSX und TDX, 18.02.2022
Project Report, 8 pages, February 2022
ID: TD-GS-RP-0213 Issue 2.0

[46] Thomas Kraus
TDX SAR Instrument Failure Analysis and Switch to the Redundant Chain
Project Report, 22 pages, February 2022
ID: TD-SEC-TN-4293

[47] Philipp Posovszky
Long-Term Data Base Server Installation Manual
Project Report, 45 pages, February 2022
ID: PZ-DLR-UM-5540

[48] Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Tobias Bollian, Federica Bordoni and Mariantonietta Zonno
Project Report, 132 pages, February 2022
ID: S1NG-TN-DLR-SW01-0001

[49] Thomas Kraus
Impact of TDX-1 Roll Steering on SAR Performance during TDM Science Phase 2020 - 2022
Project Report, 28 pages, February 2022
ID: TD-SEC-TN- 4290

[50] Kersten Schmidt
Sentinel-1 Next Generation C-BAND SAR - Phase A study: Contribution to preliminary level-1B and level-1C products algorithm theoretical basis definition
Project Report, 19 pages, February 2022
ID: S1NG-TN-DLR-SY11-0004

[51] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
ROSE-L SAR System Calibration Progress Report #3
Project Report, February 2022

[52] Patrick Klenk, Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt and Paola Rizzoli
BioCaMPS - Support Activities on E2E Calibration and Mission Performance Aspects: Bi-Monthly Project Progress Report #9
Published in BioCaMPS
Project Report, February 2022

[53] Patrick Klenk, Kersten Schmidt, Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
BioCaMPS - Support Activities on E2E Calibration and Mission Performance Aspects: E2E Calibration Approach Report Issue 3
Published in BioCaMPS
Project Report, January 2022

[54] Michele Martone, Nicola Gollin, Paola Rizzoli and Patrick Klenk
BioCaMPS - Support Activities on E2E Calibration and Mission Performance Aspects: Mission Performance Report Issue 3
Project Report, January 2022

[55] Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt, Marco Schwerdt and Patrick Klenk
BioCaMPS - Support Activities on E2E Calibration and Mission Performance Aspects: External Calibration Transponder Report Issue 3
Published in BioCaMPS
Project Report, January 2022

[56] Stefan Buckreuss, Manfred Zink, Johannes Böer, Claudia Eger, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Silke Kerkhoff, Martin Maier, Markus Bachmann, Paola Rizzoli, Thomas Edmund Busche, Marie Lachaise and Steffen Zimmermann
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 4. Quartal 2021
Project Report, 76 pages, January 2022
ID: TX-GS-2021-04

[57] Stefan V. Baumgartner, Arun Babu, Nina Marie Merkle, Franz Kurz and Karsten Stebner
D.MoVe Meilensteinbericht MST1208: Die Informationsgewinnung aus der luftgestützten Datenerfassung wurde automatisiert
Project Report, 32 pages, January 2022
ID: DLR-D.MoVe-MST1208

[58] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer, Patrick Klenk, Kersten Schmidt, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Christopher Wecklich, Michele Martone and Paola Rizzoli
Long-Term System Monitoring Report Q3/2021
Project Report, 108 pages, January 2022
ID: RP-4660

[59] Jose Luis Bueso Bello
TanDEM-X Water Body Layer Product Description
Project Report, 11 pages, 2022
ID: TD-GS-PS-0212

[60] Jose Luis Bueso Bello and Stefan Buckreuss
Characteristics of TanDEM-X Thematic Maps and their Input Data
Project Report, 13 pages, 2022
ID: TD-GS-TN-0211

[61] Philip Koschnitzki
Auswertung über einen möglichen Zusammenhang von ICal-Tasks und plötzlichen Temperatursprüngen in der CPU des KNG X-Band-Prototyp-Transponders
Project Report, 13 pages, 2022

[62] Philip Koschnitzki
Update Supplement HDF5 With Logging Data Task
Project Report, 6 pages, 2022

[63] Philip Koschnitzki
Vergleich von Neigungsmessern zur manuellen Ausrichtung von Winkelreflektoren
Project Report, 10 pages, 2022

[64] Philip Koschnitzki and Sebastian Raab
Dokumentation zur Konfiguration und Ansteuerung des Reglers diraTRON 132 (für KTS Kühlsystem)
Project Report, 12 pages, 2022

[65] Muriel Pinheiro, Joel Alfredo Amao Oliva, Rolf Scheiber, Sylvia Schmitz, Antje Thiele, Tobias Bolz, Uwe Soergel, Eva Wortmeyer, Holger Dirks, Bastian Schneider, Lucia Hahne, Andreas Abecker and Andreas Fritz
GeoWAM: Neue Geodaten zur Verbesserung des Wassermanagements tidebeeinflusster Küstenbereiche
Project Report, 200 pages, 2022
ID: FKZ 19F2078, [PDF]

[66] Sebastian Raab
Kühlsystem von Fa. KTS für LX-Band Prototyp Transponder
Project Report, 15 pages, 2022

[67] Sebastian Raab
Project Report, 9 pages, 2022
ID: SARah-TN-DLR-0001

[68] Sebastian Raab
Project Report, 6 pages, 2022

[69] Sebastian Raab
Temperaturmanagement für LX-Band Prototyp Transponder – Dokumentation zur Hardware Integration
Project Report, 10 pages, 2022

In Hochschulschriften erschienene Publikationen (23) des Instituts in 2022

[1] Dominik Gerber
Road Surface Roughness Estimation With Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Master Thesis, December 2022
Hochschule Kempten, Fakultät Informatik, [PDF]

[2] Sonja Liepe
Comparison Study of Soil Moisture Products from Interferometric SAR, Scatterometer and Radiometer
Master Thesis, December 2022
Augsburg University, Institute of Geography

[3] Anastasia Schlegel
Interpretable Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Case-Based Object Recognition in SAR and Optical Imagery
Master Thesis, December 2022
Technische Universität Berlin, Computer Vision and Remote Sensing

[4] João Pedro Turchetti Ribeiro
Concurrent Imaging Mode Applied to High Resolution Wide Swath SAR Imaging
Master Thesis, 130 pages, November 2022
Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA), Divisão de Engenharia Eletrônica (IEE), [PDF]

[5] Tanya Gupta
Simulation of Phase Errors in Interferometric SAR Systems
Master Thesis, November 2022
Universität Ulm, [PDF]

[6] Changhyun Choi
Combining TanDEM-X Interferometric SAR and GEDI Lidar Measurements for Improving Forest Height, Structure and Biomass Estimates
Dissertation, October 2022
ETH Zurich, [PDF]

[7] Markus Kaschke
Radar Cross-Section Determination of Dihedral Corner Reflectors by Image-Based Near-Field to Far-Field Transformation
Technical report, 37 pages, October 2022
Technical University of Munich, High-Frequency Engineering

[8] Tim Jakob Stainer
Einrichtung des HAPSAR Steuerrechners und Ansteuerung eines GPS-Moduls und eines Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensors. Anpassung der Sensorsteuerung an eine Multithreading Struktur und Erstellung einer Datenbank zur Messdatenarchivierung.
Technical report, 33 pages, September 2022
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Informatik

[9] Claire Renaud
Deep Learning for tracking Glacier Flows using TOPSAR data
Master Thesis, September 2022
ENSTA Bretagne, Observation Systems and Artificial Intelligence

[10] Jörn Lasse Vaupel
Interaktive, web-basierte Darstellung von Messergebnissen der Kalibrierziele des flugzeuggestützten SAR Sensors des DLR
Technical Report, 71 pages, August 2022
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Informationstechnik, [PDF]

[11] Nils Foix Colonier
Compression and despeckling of focused SAR images with deep learning
Master Thesis, August 2022
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne, Observation Systems and Artificial Intelligence

[12] Lucas Barroso
A Hierarchical Approach for Airborne SAR Motion Compensation
Master Thesis, 91 pages, August 2022
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica --- ITA, Electronic Engineering, [PDF]

[13] Nikola Lukezic
Radio Frequency Interference Suppression in Distributed SAR Constellations
Master Thesis, May 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Radio Frequency and Electronics

[14] Nida Sakar
Processing Approaches for Multistatic Large Along-Track Baseline SAR Constellations
Dissertation, May 2022
Technical University of Munich, [PDF]

[15] Mark Lützner
A Satellite Swarm-Based Aperture Synthesis Radiometer in Low Earth Orbit for Earth Observation Applications
Dissertation, April 2022
Bundeswehr University Munich

[16] Dominik Richter
Coherent Azimuth Ambiguity Removal from Along-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for the Harmony Mission
Master Thesis, 72 pages, April 2022
Technical University of Munich, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, [PDF]

[17] Philipp Bernhard
Large-Scale Monitoring of Rapid Permafrost Thaw with Satellite Radar Interferometry
Dissertation, March 2022
ETH Zurich

[18] Michael Pircher
Development of a X-Band, Crosspolarization Compensating Feed Antenna for the Compact Test Range
Master Thesis, 56 pages, March 2022
Technische Universität München (TUM), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik, [PDF]

[19] Camilla Casino
Design Comparison between Conventional and Waveform-Encoded Synthetic Aperture Radar
Master Thesis, 2022
University of Naples Federico II, Aerospace Engineering

[20] Stephan Dunkel
Analyse zur Synchronisation inkohärenter Radarsysteme für fluggetragene Plattformen
Master Thesis, 2022
Technische Universität Berlin, Computer Vision and Remote Sensing

[21] Sushil Kumar Joshi
Maritime Moving Target Detection, Tracking and Geocoding Using Range-Compressed Airborne Radar Data
Dissertation, 186 pages, 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE), [PDF]

[22] Nora Koreuber
Weakly-supervised Learning for Semantic Segmentation of PolSAR Images
Master Thesis, 2022
Technische Universität Berlin, Computer Vision and Remote Sensing

[23] Lucas Germano Rischioni
Machine Learning Approaches For Road Condition Monitoring Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
Bachelor Thesis, 2022
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos, Brazil

Vorträge und eingeladene Vorträge (27) des Instituts in 2022 (nicht erschienen in Proceedings)

[1] Marwan Younis, Joel Alfredo Amao Oliva, Michael Eineder, Thomas Fritz, Christoph Gisinger, Gerhard Krieger, Ralf Horn, Marie Lachaise, Pau Prats, Andreas Reigber, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Rolf Scheiber, Michelangelo Villano and Mariantonietta Zonno
VERITAS Interferometric SAR (VISAR) Activities at DLR (invited)
VERITAS Science Team Meeting, 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-11, Huntigton Library, Los Angeles, USA
Invited speech at the VERITAS Science Team Meeting, 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-11, Huntigton Library, Los Angeles, USA, 2022

[2] Markus Peichl, Simon Anger, Matthias Jirousek, Stephan Dill and Thomas Neff
Future radar-based SSA capabilities facing the New Space race
NATO SET-SCI-297/RSM Spezialist’ Meeting "Space Sensors and Space Situational Awareness”, 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-11, Interlaken, Schweiz
Speech at the NATO SET-SCI-297/RSM Spezialist’ Meeting "Space Sensors and Space Situational Awareness”, 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-11, Interlaken, Schweiz, 2022

[3] Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Paola Rizzoli and Manfred Zink
Forest Mapping with TanDEM-X and Deep Learning Methods
CARF Remote Sensing Workshop 2022, 2022-10-14 - 2022-10-15, Jülich, Germany
Speech at the CARF Remote Sensing Workshop 2022, 2022-10-14 - 2022-10-15, Jülich, Germany, 2022

[4] Jan Paul Kroll, Marwan Younis and Gerhard Krieger
Clutter-Based Calibration for Multi-Channel SAR Instruments
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada
Speech at the CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada, 2022

[5] Nicola Gollin, Jakob Giez, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Rolf Scheiber and Gerhard Krieger
Dynamic Predictive Quantization for Staggered SAR Systems: Algorithm Description and Experiments with Real SAR Data
Workshop on On-Board Payload Data Compression, 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30, Athens, Greece
Speech at the Workshop on On-Board Payload Data Compression, 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30, Athens, Greece, 2022, [PDF]

[6] David Chaparro, Thomas Jagdhuber, Maria Piles, Francois Jonard, Anke Fluhrer, Mercè Vall-Ilossera, Adriano Camps, Carlos Lopez-Martinez, Andrew Feldman and Dara Entekhabi
Retrieving forest moisture content in western USA using a microwave-LiDAR synergy (invited)
ESA Living Planet 2022, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Deutschland
Invited speech at the ESA Living Planet 2022, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Deutschland, 2022

[7] Andreas Dietz, Celia Baumhoer, Konrad Heidler, LiChao Mou, Ingmar Nitze, Mirko Scheinert, Georg Fischer, Irena Hajnsek, Julia Christmann, Anja Roesel, Erik Loebel, Duc Phan Long, Tilman Dinter, Angelika Humbert, Guido Grosse and Xiao Xiang Zhu
The AI-CORE Project - Artificial Intelligence for Cold Regions
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Vienna, Austria
Speech at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Vienna, Austria, 2022

[8] Georg Fischer, Giuseppe Parrella, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Irena Hajnsek
Ice Sheet Subsurface Density from Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Germany, 2022

[9] David Mengen, C. Montzka, Thomas Jagdhuber and Anna Balenzano
Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture for Agricultural Areas using Spatial and Temporal High-Resolution Sentinel-1 SAR Timeseries in Google Earth Engine
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Deutschland
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Deutschland, 2022

[10] Antje Uhde, Mikhail Urbazaev, Clémence Dubois, Thomas Jagdhuber and Christiane Schmullius
Flooding Dynamics of Tropical Floodplain Forest in the Western Amazon
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Deutschland
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Bonn, Deutschland, 2022

[11] Thomas Widemann, Richard Ghail, Colin Wilson, Dmitri Titov, Anne Grete Straume, Adriana Ocampo, Tatiana Bocanegra-Bahamon, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Bruce Campbell, Lynn Carter, Caroline Dumoulin, Gabriella Gilli, Jörn Helbert, Scott Hensley, Walter Kiefer, Emmanuel Marcq, Philippa J. Mason, Alberto Moreira and Ann Carine Vandaele
The EnVision Mission to Venus (invited)
EGU General Assembly, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Vienna, Austria
Invited speech at the EGU General Assembly, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Vienna, Austria, 2022

[12] Simon Anger, Matthias Jirousek, Stephan Dill and Markus Peichl
IoSiS – Radarbasierte Weltraumlageerfassung der Zukunft
Deutsche Wehrtechnische Tagung (DWT), 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-10, Bonn, Germany
Speech at the Deutsche Wehrtechnische Tagung (DWT), 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-10, Bonn, Germany, 2022

[13] Harald Anglberger
Ausbildung von SAR-Bildauswertern mit der DLR-Software RADIAN
Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-10, Bonn
Speech at the Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-10, Bonn, 2022

[14] Harald Anglberger
From visual to automatic information extraction on spaceborne SAR imagery (invited)
Enhancing Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Information Capabilities in Support of Nuclear Safeguards, 2022-11-15 - 2022-11-17, Vienna
Invited speech at the Enhancing Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Information Capabilities in Support of Nuclear Safeguards, 2022-11-15 - 2022-11-17, Vienna, 2022

[15] Inge Grünberg, Jennika Hammar, Branden Walker, Irena Hajnsek, Paloma Saporta and Julia Boike
Mapping Arctic treeline vegetation using LiDAR data in the Mackenzie Delta area, Canada
Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2022, 2022-05-31 - 2022-06-01, Berlin, Germany
Speech at the Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2022, 2022-05-31 - 2022-06-01, Berlin, Germany, 2022

[16] Roman Guliaev and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Pol-InSAR Forest Height and Structure Estimation
ForestSat, 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03, Berlin, Germany
Speech at the ForestSat, 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03, Berlin, Germany, 2022

[17] Ronny Hänsch
Remote Sensing of Floods (invited)
ECMWF–ESA Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth Observation and Prediction, 2022-11-14 - 2022-11-17, Reading, GB / online
Invited speech at the ECMWF–ESA Workshop on Machine Learning for Earth Observation and Prediction, 2022-11-14 - 2022-11-17, Reading, GB / online, 2022

[18] Matthias Jirousek, Simon Anger, Stephan Dill and Markus Peichl
High Resolution Imaging of Satellites and Objects in Space with IoSiS
AMOS 2022, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30, Wailea, Hawaii USA
Speech at the AMOS 2022, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30, Wailea, Hawaii USA, 2022

[19] Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Nicola Gollin, Rolf Scheiber and Gerhard Krieger
Efficient On-Board Quantization and Data Reduction Methods for Present and Next-Generation SAR Systems: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives
On-Board Payload Data Compression, 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30, Athens, Greece
Speech at the On-Board Payload Data Compression, 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30, Athens, Greece, 2022, [PDF]

[20] Andrey Osipov
Omnidirectional Retroreflectors for Microwave Applications
AT-AP-RASC 2022, 2022-05-29 - 2022-06-03, Gran Canaria, Spain
Speech at the AT-AP-RASC 2022, 2022-05-29 - 2022-06-03, Gran Canaria, Spain, 2022

[21] Pau Prats-Iraola
Harmony: Die ESA Earth Explorer Mission zur Dynamik von Ozeanen, Eis- und Landflächen (invited)
Wissenschaftskonferenz 2022, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-28, Bonn, Germany
Invited speech at the Wissenschaftskonferenz 2022, 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-28, Bonn, Germany, 2022

[22] Vinicius Queiroz de Almeida, Marc Rodriguez Cassola, Pau Prats, Rolf Scheiber, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Jalal Matar, Matteo Nannini, Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva, Maria Jose Sanjuan Ferrer, Andrea Recchia, Martin Steinisch, Davide Giudici, Antonio Bauleo and Luca Nardecchia
ROSE-L: Overview and Preliminary Results of the Mission End-To-End Simulator and Ground Prototype Processor
ESA Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments (ARSI) and ESA Ka-Band Earth Observation Radar Missions (KEO), 2022-05-10 - 2022-05-12, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Speech at the ESA Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments (ARSI) and ESA Ka-Band Earth Observation Radar Missions (KEO), 2022-05-10 - 2022-05-12, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2022

[23] Paola Rizzoli, Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Ricardo Simao Diniz Dal Molin Junior, Daniel Carcereri, Carolina Gonzalez, Michele Martone, Luca Dell'Amore, Nicola Gollin, Pietro Milillo and Manfred Zink
The value of InSAR Coherence in TanDEM-X and Sentinel-1 for monitoring world's forests (invited)
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Vienna, Austria
Invited speech at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27, Vienna, Austria, 2022

[24] Paloma Saporta, Irena Hajnsek, Ronny Hänsch, Inge Grünberg and Julia Boike
The Hidden Image of Thawing Permafrost: project overview and first results of the radar polarimetric analysis
Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2022, 2022-05-31 - 2022-06-01, Berlin, Germany
Speech at the Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2022, 2022-05-31 - 2022-06-01, Berlin, Germany, 2022, [PDF]

[25] Antonio Valentino, Muriel Pinheiro, Clement Albinet, Guillaume Hajduch, Pauline Vincent, Andrea Recchia, Kersten Schmidt and Christoph Gisinger
Sentinel-1 instruments status, product performance and evolutions
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada
Speech at the CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada, 2022, [PDF]

[26] Klaus Frank Weidenhaupt, Marco Schwerdt, Jens Reimann, Sebastian Raab, Anna Maria Büchner and Matthias Jirousek
New Generation of DLR Transponders with Dual-band Frequency Capabilities for Multi-mission SAR Calibration
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada
Speech at the CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-21, Montreal, Canada, 2022

[27] Thomas Widemann, Anne-Grete Straume-Lindner, Adriana C. Ocampo, Thomas Voirin, Ann Carine Vandaele, Alberto Moreira, Bruce Campbell, Caroline Dumoulin, Emmanuel Marcq, Gabriella Gilli, Jörn Helbert, Walter Kiefer, Lynn Carter, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Philippa J. Mason, Scott Hensley and Tatiana Bocanegra-Bahamon
EnVision: understanding why our closest neighbour is so different (invited)
European Planetary Science Congress, 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-23, Granada, Spanien
Invited speech at the European Planetary Science Congress, 2022-09-18 - 2022-09-23, Granada, Spanien, 2022