July 12, 2019

Government Commission "More Security for North Rhine-Westphalia" visits ZKI

The Government Commission "More Security for North Rhine-Westphalia" headed by Wolfgang Bosbach visited the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen on 8 July 2019 to be informed about the security-related technology developed at DLR.

The guests were given an insight into civil security research at DLR. Among other topics, the focus was on presentations of DLR's contributions to reconnaissance and situational awareness in the context of missions by different security forces, as well as work on drone defence. In addition to the Institute for Air Transport and Airport Research, the Commission also visited the Earth Observation Center (EOC) and the Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI). At ZKI Earth Observation data such as satellite or aerial imagery as well as geo data are acquired and analysed in order to generate up-to-date situational awareness information before, during or after a disaster situation or in case of major events. Main national and international user groups are political decision makers, situation centers and relief organisations.

Further information about the visit of the Government Commission "More Security for North Rhine-Westphalia" can be found on the DLR website.

Government Commission "More Security for North Rhine-Westphalia" at ZKI Operations Room