
The aim of the Innovative Remote Sensing for the Federal Administration - IF-Bund framework agreement is to explore the application potential of remote sensing specifically for federal authorities and to make it usable or expand it for their specific tasks. This framework agreement, which is open to all federal authorities, was concluded between the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for a period of four years (2021-2024 and 2025-2028).
The IF-Bund enables the opportunities offered by remote sensing technology for use in federal authorities to be exploited and the latest research findings to be identified for use in the administration and transformed into practical procedures. In addition to advice, tailor-made solutions can be developed and tested for authorities or existing procedures can be adapted.
Since the start of the IF-Bund in 2021, numerous workshops have been carried out between interested authorities and DLR. The aim was to jointly explore possible uses and the potential added value of Earth observation data for official tasks. During the first framework contract, 14 innovation projects were realised and developed together with several subordinate federal authorities. Some of the IF-Bund projects are presented on the subpages.
Another important task of DLR in the IF-Bund framework agreement is to communicate information about the potential and possible effects of remote sensing to authorities and politicians in a generally understandable way. For this purpose, a newsletter UPLink is also compiled jointly by BMI and DLR. The UPLink informs about twice a year about interesting facts on remote sensing and forwards this to the federal administration in an uncomplicated way. You can find the previous issues here .
You can access the available annual reports via the following links (available only in German):