January 1, 2017

Traffic Management: Arial View of the Evangelischer Kirchentag

About 100.000 people finally joined the 36th German Protestant Kirchentag in Wittenberg on 28th May 2017. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) supported the traffic and security management of the festive major event in two different ways: (1) the team of the DLR project “VABENE” acquired aerial imagery in near-real-time and analysed traffic flows around the festive venue; (2) the ZKI-DE analysed up-to-date aerial and satellite imagery before and during the Kirchentag in order to monitor the festival grounds as well as the surrounded infrastructure. By using this information all operational forces and relief units could coordinate their activities more in detail and compare the before-after-situation. Main users of DLR’s aerial and satellite based information were the event management, the Johanniter, the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), the state administration of Saxony-Anhalt as well as the police of the German state of Saxony-Anhalt.