Research Project Smart4Res

Next Generation Modelling and Forecasting of Variable Renewable Generation for Large-scale Integration in Energy Systems and Markets

The increasing integration of weather-dependent renewable energy sources is forcing the adaptation and improvement of Europe’s energy systems. The project Smart4RES will tackle these problems in the hopes of fundamentally improving the overall energy model and the value chain for the forecasting of renewable energy sources. The goal is to develop and evaluate tools that will enable a variety of aspects. This includes increasing the precision of RES (renewable energy sources) forecasting by at least 15% and improving the economic value of these forecasts by taking into account the entire chain from the forecast to the end user. The project is not aiming at incremental progress but rather a break-through in researching and practically implementing RES forecasting.

Within the project, researchers of the Institute of Networked Energy Systems are working on short-term forecasts utilising cloud cameras, satellites and numerical weather prediction. Combining these elements should enable high-resolution forecasts of solar irradiance as the basis for forecasting PV yields. The researchers are also working on calculation of the costs associated with generating the forecasts.

Research Project Smart4Res



November 2019 until April 2023

Funded by

Funding pogramme „Horizon 2020“ for research and innovation in the European Union

Project Participants

  • ARMINES/Mines Paris Tech
  • Institute of Networked Energy Systems
  • Institute for Solar Research
  • ICCS
  • Whiffle
  • Météo France
  • DTU
  • DNV GL
  • DOWEL Management


Energy Meteorology

Research Group
Institute of Networked Energy Systems