Department of Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Optics

Thin disk laser module
View of solid-state crystal of a disk laser module

The department of Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Optics deals with power scaling and beam quality optimisation of laser concepts for the propagation of laser radiation over long distances within the atmosphere. This includes measures to compensate optical distortions and guiding the laser beam onto fast moving objects.

Most importantly the application of laser radiation over long distances and the development of eye-safe laser concepts are being studied for the detection of space hazards or laser-based air-defence. Laser-based measurement techniques for applications such as atmospheric research and the remote detection of harmful and hazardous substances are also being developed and studied. This includes, in particular, non-linear optical methods to permit selection of the emission wavelength with high frequency stability. Even flight security can benefit from these technologies: The implementation of optical sensors into flight instruments is another field of research of the institute.

Research Topics



Jochen Speiser

Head of department Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Optics
Institute of Technical Physics
Solid State Lasers and Nonlinear Optics
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart