The Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics

We are the Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics and part of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
We explore the overall aeronautical system with all its parameters and interdependencies. The way in which the various components of the overall system are linked together is called architecture.

Aviation must urgently become both climate-friendly and remain economically viable in order to provide society with sustainable mobility.

How can individual technological building blocks, aircraft configurations and operational concepts be designed, combined and optimised to best achieve this goal?
How can integrated cabin concepts, passenger comfort, circular material use and efficient industrialisation be reconciled?
To address the complexity of this challenge, we are relying on the increasing availability of digital methods.

Aviation is being digitised from aircraft design to production and operation. By linking these data, interdependencies and models through the so-called digital thread, we can holistically map, research and develop aviation as a system of other systems (system-of-systems).

We work closely with the other 54 DLR institutes and collaborate with partners from industry, medium-sized enterprises and research. Together, we are in a unique position to investigate all relevant research aspects of the entire aviation system with the necessary breadth and depth. With our research, we thus significantly accelerate the innovation cycle.

Get in touch

Dr. Björn Nagel

Director of the Institute
Tel: +49 40 2489 641 - 0

Leonie Bräuninger

Assistant to Director
Tel: +49 40 2489 641 - 0

Kristina Welge

Public Relations
Tel: +49 40 2489 641 - 397