Concept and Methodology
Noise abatement is a concern for ATM today – with different level of emphasis depending on the local situation – but only generic procedures are employed that aim at increasing the height of the flight path (raising intermediate altitudes, increasing glide path angle and initial climb angles) and its horizontal distance from noise-sensitive areas. At busy times, there is normally not enough leeway to allow Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) that minimise fuel consumption and engine noise by flying from Top of Descent (ToD) through intermediate approach at near idle power. Read more...
DYNCAT will exemplarily study and quantify the shortcomings of the current practice of interaction between ATM/ATC and on-board flight management and demonstrate through analysis and simulation the potential benefits of improved operations. Read more...

SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking
Council of Europe
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 893568.
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