August 28, 2024

DLR publishes extensive dataset on microscopic travel chains in the Mobilithek

The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport operates the 'Mobilithek' platform. It is used to exchange digital information from mobility providers, infrastructure operators, transport authorities and information providers. As part of the PANDEMOS project, the DLR project participants have published a comprehensive data set for microscopic route chains of a synthetic population of Braunschweig in the Mobilithek.

The Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport operates the 'Mobilithek' platform. It is used to exchange digital information from mobility providers, infrastructure operators, transport authorities and information providers. In the PANDEMOS project, the DLR project participants have published a comprehensive dataset for microscopic route chains of a synthetic population of Braunschweig in the Mobilithek. Several data sets, including data e.g. from OpenStreetMap, and model data were merged for this purpose. The dataset can now be used for analyses or agent-based simulations.

The published dataset contains several hundred thousand synthetic persons for the Braunschweig region, distributed across realistic households, household sizes and workplaces. At the same time, reliable data sources were used as a basis for assigning people regular trips for shopping, private errands or leisure activities.

Coarse level view of the spatial coverage of the dataset ‘Microscopic route chains in the Braunschweig region’, offered by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in the Mobilithek

© OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

The people created in this way and their regular travel chains can be used to analyse contacts between people and their effects. For example, we can simulate that person A from household A has regular contact with person B from household B, while children from household A go to the same school as children from household C.

In the context of the spread of infectious diseases, this can be used to analyse how a pandemic spreads from a few cases and what countermeasures should be taken to prevent a virus from spreading on a large scale or to ensure that hospitals are not overloaded. At the same time, of course, this dataset can also be used in a variety of other applications, such as analysing the capacity utilisation of different work places given remote working guidelines or the spread of information or ‘fake news’.

PANDEMOS (Pandemic Mobility Scenarios) is a collaborative project between the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research HZI and the coac GmbHHel. Under the leadership of the DLR Institute of Software Technology, the project will develop a software framework with an interactive user interface that maps the incidence of infection as a function of mobility.

Scientific participants:

Further information:


Sofia Wagner

Institute Communication
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Software Technology
Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln