The Institute of Materials Physics in Space

Research at the DLR Institute of Materials Physics in Space is dedicated to investigating the fundamental mechanisms underlying the properties and solidification processes of metallic liquids in particular and disordered media and classical condensed matter in general. Experiments on these systems are often hindered by gravitational phenomena such as convection or sedimentation. The challenge is therefore to provide experimental techniques under well-defined conditions that allow accurate and precise measurements of physical quantities. The focus of the institute is on a comprehensive research approach consisting of an integrated ground-based program of simulation, theory and experiments combined with key experiments under space conditions.
By developing novel measurement techniques and advanced processing technologies, the institute is a strong partner in cooperative research projects with leading national and international partners from science and industry.
The DLR rocket program MAPHEUS (MAterialPHysical Experiments Under Zero Gravity) for state-of-the-art experiments is an extremely efficient microgravity platform with annual flights and stands for sophisticated technology and comprehensive training of engineers and researchers. The scientific use of the International Space Station (ISS) is another central activity of the institute.