Northwest ridge of K2

Northwest ridge of K2
Northwest ridge of K2
As part of the International K2 North Pillar Expedition 2011, German mountaineer Ralf Dujmovits and his wife Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner plus a small international team planned on climbing K2 at the end of June 2011, via the technically demanding north route, which has seldom been followed to date. DLR scientists supported the expedition with a highly accurate 3D model of the mountain. Thanks to the ability to explore the intended route virtually in advance, the mountaineers had a relatively clear idea of which route they would be taking. On 23 August 2011 Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner reached the summit of K2 together with three other climbers from the team, making her the first woman to climb all 8000-metre peaks without an oxygen bottle.
This image shows the northwest ridge of K2. To the right in the background is Broad Peak, another 8000-metre mountain in the Karakoram Range. A mountaineer could never have reached the position of the virtual camera. The 3D view offers entirely new views of the massif.
Technical information regarding this image:
Satellite: WorldView-2
Operator/Reference: Digital Globe, Longmont, USA, European Space Imaging, Munich
Date acquired: November 10th 2010; 06:02 UTC
Geometric resolution of image data: 0.5 metre
Resolution of elevation model derived: 0.5 metres (horizontal), 2 metres (vertical)
Data processing and visualisation: DLR Earth Observation Center (EOC)

DLR 2011 .
