Publications 2016
- Publications in ISI-Scopus referenced journals (34) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Publications in other journals (7) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Publications in textbooks and reference books (2) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Patents (4) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016 (patents are not registered in elib)
- Conference contributions published in proceedings (59) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Contributions in technical reports (69) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Theses submitted at Universities (24) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Talks and invited talks (119) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016 (not published in proceedings)
This is the listing of elib search results from 07.May.2024, 17:39 local time. Presently there are 318 publications of the Microwaves and Radar Institute for 2016. Out of these, 314 publications are in elib and 4 patents are in DEPATISnet. These are listed as follows:
- Publications in ISI-Scopus referenced journals (34) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Publications in other journals (7) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Publications in textbooks and reference books (2) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Patents (4) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016 (patents are not registered in elib)
- Conference contributions published in proceedings (59) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Contributions in technical reports (69) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Theses submitted at Universities (24) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
- Talks and invited talks (119) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016 (not published in proceedings)
For more up-to-date searches please use this elib search mask. Please choose 'Institutes and Institutions = Microwaves and Radar Institute' and 'Date = 2016' and click on Search.
Publications in ISI-Scopus referenced journals (34) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
[1] Tobias Ullmann, Andreas Schmitt and Thomas Jagdhuber
Two Component Decomposition of Dual Polarimetric HH/VV SAR Data: Case Study for the Tundra Environment of the Mackenzie Delta Region, Canada
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 8, no. 1027, pp. 1-24, December 2016, [PDF]
[2] Esra Erten, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, Onur Yuzugullu and Irena Hajnsek
Retrieval of agricultural crop height from space: A comparison of SAR techniques
Remote Sensing of Environment (ISI refereed), vol. 187, pp. 130 -144, December 2016
[3] Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli and Gerhard Krieger
Volume Decorrelation Effects in TanDEM-X Interferometric SAR Data
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 1812-1816, December 2016
[4] Vanessa Round, Silvan Leinss, Matthias Huss, Christoph Haemmig and Irena Hajnsek
Surge dynamics and lake outbursts of Kyagar Glacier, Karakoram
The Cryosphere (ISI refereed), November 2016, [PDF]
[5] Thomas Jagdhuber
An Approach to Extended Fresnel Scattering for Modeling of Depolarizing Soil-Trunk Double-Bounce Scattering
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 8, no. 818, pp. 1-25, October 2016, [PDF]
[6] Faqi Diao, Thomas R. Walter, Federico Minati, Rongjiang Wang, Mario Costantini, Semih Ergintav, Xiong Xiong and Pau Prats-Iraola
Secondary Fault Activity of the North Anatolian Fault near Avcilar, Southwest of Istanbul: Evidence from SAR Interferometry Observations
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 1-17, October 2016, [PDF]
[7] Josef Mittermayer, Thomas Kraus, Paco Lopez Dekker, Pau Prats, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Wrapped Staring Spotlight SAR
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. Vol 54, no. 10, pp. 5745-5764, October 2016
[8] Astor Torano Caicoya, Florian Kugler, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Large Scale Biomass Classification in Boreal Forests with TanDEM-X Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 5935-5951, October 2016
[9] Feng Xu, Lin Ya-Qiu and Alberto Moreira
A Preliminary Study on SAR Advanced Information Retrieval and Scene Reconstruction
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1443-1447, October 2016
[10] Simon Zwieback, X. Liu, S. Antonova, B. Heim, A. Bartsch, Julia Boike and Irena Hajnsek
A Statistical Test of Phase Closure to Detect Influences on DInSAR Deformation Estimates Besides Displacements and Decorrelation Noise: Two Case Studies in High-Latitude Regions
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 5588-5601, September 2016, [PDF]
[11] Manuele Pichierri, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
A Multibaseline Pol-InSAR Inversion Scheme for Crop Parameter Estimation at Different Frequencies
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 4952 - 4970, August 2016, [PDF]
[12] Michelangelo Villano, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Onboard Processing for Data Volume Reduction in High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1173-1177, August 2016
[13] Octavio Ponce, Pau Prats, Rolf Scheiber, Andreas Reigber and Alberto Moreira
First Airborne Demonstration of Holographic SAR Tomography with Fully Polarimetric Multicircular Acquisitions at L-band
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 6170-6196, July 2016
[14] Muhammad Adnan Siddique, Urs Wegmuller, Irena Hajnsek and Othmar Frey
Single-Look SAR Tomography as an Add-On to PSI for Improved Deformation Analysis in Urban Areas
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 6119 -6137, July 2016, [PDF]
[15] Iris Heine, Thomas Jagdhuber and Sibylle Itzerott
Classification and monitoring of reed belts using dual-polarimetric TerraSAR-X time series
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 8, no. 552, pp. 1-24, June 2016
[16] Simon Zwieback and Irena Hajnsek
Influence of Vegetation Growth on the Polarimetric Zero-Baseline DInSAR Phase Diversity - Implications for Deformation Studies
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 5, May 2016
[17] Hongquan Wang, Ramata Magagi, Kalifa Goita, Thomas Jagdhuber and Irena Hajnsek
Evaluation of Simplified Polarimetric Decomposition for Soil Moisture Retrieval over Vegetated Agricultural Fields
Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 8, no. 142, pp. 1-38, May 2016, [PDF]
[18] Nestor Yague-Martinez, Pau Prats-Iraola, Fernando Rodriguez Gonzalez, Ramon Brcic, Robert Shau, Dirk Geudtner, Michael Eineder and Richard Bamler
Interferometric Processing of Sentinel-1 TOPS Data
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 04, pp. 2220-2234, April 2016, [PDF]
[19] Ponnurangam Gramini Ganesan, Thomas Jagdhuber, Irena Hajnsek and Y. S. Rao
Soil-Moisture Estimation Using Hybrid Polarimetric SAR Data of RISAT-1
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 2033-2049, April 2016
[20] Kaupo Voormansik, Thomas Jagdhuber, Karlis Zalite, Maat Noorma and Irena Hajnsek
Observations of Cutting Practices in Agricultural Grasslands using Polarimetric SAR
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1382-1396, March 2016
[21] Carsten Montzka, Thomas Jagdhuber, Ralf Horn, Heye R. Bogena, Irena Hajnsek, Andreas Reigber and Harry Vereecken
Investigation of SMAP fusion algorithms with airborne active and passive L-band microwave remote sensing
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 3878-3889, March 2016
[22] Sahra Abdullahi, Florian Kugler and Hans Pretzsch
Prediction of stem volume in complex temperate forest stands using TanDEM-X SAR data
Remote Sensing of Environment (ISI refereed), no. 174, pp. 197-211, March 2016
[23] Stefan V. Baumgartner and Gerhard Krieger
Dual-Platform Large Along-Track Baseline GMTI
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1554-1574, March 2016
[24] Jose Luis Bueso Bello, Michele Martone, Pau Prats and Benjamin Bräutigam
First Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Bistatic TanDEM-X Experimental Products
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1058-1071, March 2016
[25] Björn Döring and Marco Schwerdt
The SAR Passband Problem: Analytical Model and Possible Practical Solutions
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1647-1658, March 2016
[26] Thomas Kraus, Benjamin Bräutigam, Josef Mittermayer, Steffen Wollstadt and Christo Grigorov
TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight Mode Optimization and Global Performance Predictions
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1015-1027, March 2016, [PDF]
[27] Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira, Manfred Zink, Masanobu Shimada and Scott Hensley
Guest Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): New Techniques, Missions and Applications
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 967-970, March 2016
[28] Michele Martone, Benjamin Bräutigam, Paola Rizzoli, Nestor Yague-Martinez and Gerhard Krieger
Enhancing Interferometric SAR Performance over Sandy Areas: Experience from the TanDEM-X Mission
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1036-1046, March 2016, [PDF]
[29] Giuseppe Parrella, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Polarimetric Decomposition of L-Band PolSAR Backscattering Over the Austfonna Ice-Cap
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1267-1281, March 2016
[30] Marco Schwerdt, Kersten Schmidt, Núria Tous Ramon, Gabriel Castellanos Alfonzo, Björn Döring, Manfred Zink and Pau Prats
Independent Verification of the Sentinel-1A System Calibration
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), vol. Vol 9, no. 3, pp. 994-1007, March 2016
[31] Jens Reimann and Martin Hagen
Antenna Pattern Measurements of Weather Radars Using the Sun and a Point Source
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (ISI refereed), vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 891-898, February 2016, [PDF]
[32] Matteo Nannini, Pau Prats-Iraola, Francesco De Zan and Dirk Geudtner
TOPS Time Series Performance Assessment with TerraSAR-X Data
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ISI refereed), pp. 3832 -3848, February 2016
[33] Giuseppe Parrella, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
On the interpretation of polarimetric phase differences in SAR data over land ice
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (ISI refereed), vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 192-196, February 2016
[34] Hang Hu, Xue-Song Wang, Michelangelo Villano, Ahmed Shaharyar Khwaja, Jeich Mar and Wenchong Xie
Advances in Antenna Array Processing for Radar 2016
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (ISI refereed), vol. 2016, 2016, [PDF]
Publications in other journals (7) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
[1] Markus Peichl, Eric Schreiber, Andreas Heinzel and Stephan Dill
Novel Imaging Radar Technology for Detection of Landmines and Other Unexploded Ordnance
European Journal for Security Research (refereed), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 23-37, November 2016
[2] Markus Peichl, Eric Schreiber, Andreas Heinzel and Stephan Dill
Novel Imaging Radar Technology for Detection of Landmines and Other Unexploded Ordnance
European Journal for Security Research (refereed), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1-15, November 2016
[3] Jan Eilers, Simon Anger and Thomas Neff
Radar Based System for Space Situational Awareness
The journal of space operations & communicator (refereed), vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1-13, October 2016
[4] Fritz Jochim
Rectilinear Motion: A Basis for the Adaptation of Arbitrary Motion
The journal of space operations & communicator (refereed), vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-29, April 2016
[5] Stefan V. Baumgartner
Clevere List gegen Nebel und Finsternis
DLR-Magazin, no. 149, pp. 42-45, March 2016, [PDF]
[6] Manfred Zink and Alberto Moreira
Tandem Satellite Mission on Course for Success
DLR magazine, no. 148, pp. 40-43, March 2016
[7] Heye Bogena, Erik Borg, Achim Brauer, Peter Dietrich, Irena Hajnsek, Ingo Heinrich, Ralf Kiese, Ralf Kunkel, Harald Kunstmann, Bruno Merz, Eckart Priesack, Thomas Pütz, Hans Peter Schmidt, Ute Wollschläger, Harry Vereecken and Steffen Zacharias
TERENO: German network of terrestrial environmental observatories
Journal of Large-Scale Research Facilities JLSRF (refereed), vol. A52, no. 2, pp. 1-8, February 2016, [PDF]
Publications in textbooks and reference books (2) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
[1] Manfred Zink, Markus Bachmann, Benjamin Bräutigam, Thomas Fritz, Irena Hajnsek, Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira and Birgit Wessel
TanDEM-X: Das neue globale Höhenmodell der Erde
In "Handbuch der Geodäsie"
Series "Springer Reference Naturwissenschaften"
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Pages 1-30
[2] Markus Peichl
Handbook of Antenna Technologies – Chapter Radiometer Antennas
In "Handbook of Antenna Technologies"
Series "Springer Reference"
Springer Science+Business Media Singapore
Pages 2727-2794
Patents (4) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016 (patents are not registered in elib)
[1] Michelangelo Villano, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Synthetik-Apertur-Radarverfahren und Synthetik-Apertur-Radarvorrichtung
German Patent DE102012219225B4, priority establishing
Priority established on 22 October 2012
Granted on 04 August 2016
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet
[2] Sigurd Huber, Gerhard Krieger and Marwan Younis
Reflector Antenna for a Synthetic Aperture Radar
European Patent EP000002735055B1, priority establishing
Priority established on 20 July 2011
Granted on 10 February 2016
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet
[3] Sigurd Huber, Gerhard Krieger and Marwan Younis
Reflector Antenna for a Synthetic Aperture Radar
US Patent US000009531081B2, based on EP000002735055B1
Priority established on 20 July 2011
Granted on 27 December 2016
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet
[4] Michele Martone, Gerhard Krieger and Benjamin Bräutigam
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur rechnergestützten Verarbeitung von SAR-Rohdaten
German Patent DE102012209113B4, priority establishing
Priority established on 30 May 2012
Granted on 02 June 2016
DEPATISnet, GooglePatents, Espacenet
Conference contributions published in proceedings (59) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
[1] Steven Gao, Michael Ludwig, Tobias Rommel, Srdjan Glisic, Luigi Boccia, Milos Krstic and Piotr Penkala
Digital Beamforming Space-Borne Synthetic Aperture Radars
European Microwave Week (EuMW), 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-07, London, Great Britain
2016 European Microwave Conference, Proceedings, 2016
[2] Octavio Ponce, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida and Tobias Rommel
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Circular SAR for High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (invited)
International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2016-09-22 - 2016-10-01, Guadalajara, Mexico
Space Generation Congress / International Astronautical Congress Proceedings, 2016
[3] Tobias Rommel, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Sigurd Huber, Marc Jäger, Gerhard Krieger, Christopher Laux, Michele Martone, Michelangelo Villano, Steffen Wollstadt and Marwan Younis
Calibration Concepts of Multi-Channel Spaceborne SAR
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-09, Tokyo, Japan
CEOS SAR Workshop, 2016, pp. 1-1, [PDF]
[4] Marco Schwerdt, Kersten Schmidt, Núria Tous Ramon, Patrick Klenk, Björn Döring and Manfred Zink
Final Results of DLR’s Independent Sentinel-1B System Calibration
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09, Tokio, Japan
Proceedings of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), 2016
[5] Harald Anglberger and Timo Kempf
A simulation-based approach towards automatic target recognition of high resolution space-borne radar signatures
SPIE Remote Sensing, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-29, Edinburgh, UK
Proc. SPIE Remote Sensing, 2016
[6] Jun Su Kim, Hiroatsu Sato and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Estimation of Drift of Equatorial Ionoshere of Post Sunset-Sector by Means of Low Frequency Spaceborne SAR
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
IGARSS 2016, 2016, [PDF]
[7] Marwan Younis, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Federica Bordoni, Paco Lopez-Dekker and Gerhard Krieger
Digital Beamforming Techniques for Multi-Channel Synthetic Aperture Radar
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2016, [PDF]
[8] Thomas Jagdhuber, Dara Entekhabi, Alexandra G. Konings, Kaighin A. McColl, Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, Narendra N. Das, Carsten Montzka and Maria Piles
Physically-based Retrieval of SMAP Active-Passive Measurements Covariation and Vegetation Structure Parameters
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Peking, China
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2016, pp. 3078-3081
[9] Octavio Ponce, Antonio Martinez del Hoyo, Rolf Scheiber, Irena Hajnsek and Andreas Reigber
Multi-Dimensional Airborne Holographic SAR Tomography Reconstruction for Glaciers at L-/P-Band (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[10] Pau Prats-Iraola, Matteo Nannini, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Rolf Scheiber, Federico Minati, Francesco Vecchioli, Mario Costantini, Sven Borgstrom, Prospero De Martino, Valeria Siniscalchi, Thomas Walter, Mehdi Nikkhoo, Michael Foumelis and Yves-Louis Desnos
Sentinel-1 Assessment of the Interferometric Wide-Swath Mode (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016, pp. 1-4
[11] Jamin Naghmouchi, Sören Michalik, Rolf Scheiber, Andreas Reigber, Peleg Aviely, Ran Ginosar, Ole Bischoff, Hagay Gellis and Mladen Berekovic
MacSpace - High-performance DSP for onboard image processing
ESA DSP Day 2016, 2016-06-15 - 2016-06-16, Gothenburg, Sweden
ESA DSP Day Workshop Proceedings, 2016, pp. 68-70
[12] Markus Bachmann, Daniela Borla Tridon, Francesco De Zan, Gerhard Krieger and Manfred Zink
Tandem-L Observation Concept - An Acquisition Scenario for the Global Scientific Mapping Machine
EUSAR 2016, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 1150-1154, [PDF]
[13] Jun Su Kim, Hiroatsu Sato and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Validation of Ionospheric Mapping by means of SAR through Ground Based Radar and GNSS Measurements
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
11th european conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016, [PDF]
[14] Muriel Pinheiro and Andreas Reigber
Improving TanDEM-X DEMs accuracy using large-baseline data from the science phase
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2016
[15] Antonio Martinez del Hoyo and Octavio Ponce Madrigal
Understanding Spaceborne Missions for TomoSAR Imaging with Multi-Angular Acquisitions
11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Rada, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of EUSAR 2016: 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016, pp. 661-664, [PDF]
[16] Marco Schwerdt, Kersten Schmidt, Núria Tous Ramon, Gabriel Castellanos Alfonzo, Björn Döring, Manfred Zink and Pau Prats
Sentinel-1B Independent In-Orbit System Calibration - First Results - (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[17] Carolina Tienda Herrero, Marwan Younis and Gerhard Krieger
Reduction of Cross-polarization on a Single Offset Parabolic Reflector using Digital Beam Forming Techniques and Combination of Elements
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, [PDF]
[18] Marwan Younis, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Paco Lopez-Dekker and Gerhard Krieger
Techniques and Modes for Multi-Channel SAR Instruments (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016, [PDF]
[19] Stefan V. Baumgartner and Gerhard Krieger
Experimental Verification of High-Resolution Wide-Swath Moving Target Indication
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 1265-1270, [PDF]
[20] Federica Bordoni, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola and Gerhard Krieger
SAR Cross-Ambiguities in SAOCOM-CS Large Baseline Bistatic Configuration
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hannover, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 1232-1236, [PDF]
[21] Jose-Luis Bueso-Bello, Pau Prats-Iraola, Michele Martone, Rizzoli Paola and Benjamin Bräutigam
Performance Evaluation of the TanDEM-X Quad Polarization Acquisitions in the Science Phase
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 627-632
[22] Thomas Börner, Mariantonietta Zonno, Paco López Dekker, Steffen Wollstadt, Sigurd Huber and Marwan Younis
Statistical Analysis of Ambiguity to Signal Ratio Levels based on Global Backscattering Maps
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 1044-1047, [PDF]
[23] Björn J. Döring, Jens Reimann, Sebastian Raab, Matthias Jirousek, Daniel Rudolf and Marco Schwerdt
The Three-Transponder Method: A Novel Approach for Traceable (E)RCS Calibration of SAR Transponders
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, [PDF]
[24] Björn J. Döring and Marco Schwerdt
A New Measurement Principle for Determining the Polarization Direction of Calibration Transponder Antennas
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, [PDF]
[25] Gerhard Krieger, Sigurd Huber, Michelangelo Villano, Felipe Queiroz de Almeida, Marwan Younis, Paco Lopez Dekker, Pau Prats, Marc Rodriguez Cassola and Alberto Moreira
SIMO and MIMO System Architectures and Modes for High-Resolution Ultra-Wide-Swath SAR Imaging
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 187-192, [PDF]
[26] Gerhard Krieger, Tobias Rommel and Alberto Moreira
MIMO-SAR Tomography
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 91-96, [PDF]
[27] Pau Prats-Iraola, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola and Alberto Moreira
Investigations on Bistatic SAR Image Formation for the SAOCOM-CS Mission
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 1-6
[28] Pau Prats-Iraola, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Steffen Wollstadt, Thomas Kraus and Rolf Scheiber
Demonstration of the Applicability of 2-Look Burst Modes in Non-Stationary Scenarios with TerraSAR-X
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 1-6, [PDF]
[29] Sebastian Raab, Björn J. Döring, Daniel Rudolf, Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
Analysis of an Improved Temperature Management Concept for SAR System Calibration Transponders
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, [PDF]
[30] Núria Tous Ramon, Marco Schwerdt, Gabriel Castellanos Alfonzo and Kersten Schmidt
Verification of Sentinel-1B Internal Calibration - First Results
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, [PDF]
[31] Stefan V. Baumgartner, Anton Nottensteiner and Daniel Rosigkeit
Usability of LTE for Transmitting Radar Data from DLR’s Research Aircraft DO228-212 (invited)
European Telemetry and Test Conference (ETC), 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-12, Nuremberg, Germany
36th European Telemetry and Test Conference - etc2016, 2016, pp. 181-187, [PDF]
[32] Jan-Peter Ostberg, Stefan Wagner and Bastian Calaminus
An Industrial Experience Report onIntroduction and Usage of Static Analysis Tools
SANER 2016, 2016-03-14 - 2016-03-18, Osaka, Japan
23. IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, 2016
[33] Tobias Rommel, Marwan Younis and Gerhard Krieger
Demonstration of Simultaneous Quad-Polarization SAR Imaging for Extended Targets in MIMO-SAR
German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), 2016-03-14 - 2016-03-16, Bochum, Germany
2016 German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Proceedings, 2016, pp. 381-384, [PDF]
[34] Harald Anglberger and Simon Hennig
Signature analysis of the Gateway Arch monument in St. Louis using TerraSAR-X staring spotlight mode data
EUSAR 2016, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[35] Wolfgang-Martin Boerner, Danilo Erricolo, Tadahiro Negishi, Rui Yang, Gerhard Krieger, Andreas Reigber and Alberto Moreira
International development of multi-band Pol-InSAR satellite sensors for protecting the Flora and Fauna as well as natural land and coastal Environment within the equatorial belt of +/-23.77 deg, +/-18 deg, +/-12 deg and +/-8 deg Latitude (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 2016, pp. 5690-5693, [PDF]
[36] Jan Eilers, Bastian Calaminus, Bernd Brand and Kevin Blaschke
Performance Estimation of Small Satellite Systems (invited)
Specialists’ Meeting AVT-257/RSM-041, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Zaragoza, Spain
NATO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel (AVT) of the Science and Technology Organization (STO) Specialist Meeting (RSM), 2016
[37] Laurent Ferro-Famil, Yue Huang, Bassam El Hajj Chehade, Andreas Reigber and Stefano Tebaldini
3-D imaging using polarimetric diversity, processing techniques and applications
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2016-04-10 - 2016-04-15, Davos, Switzerland
Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2016
[38] Georg Fischer, Giuseppe Parrella, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Irena Hajnsek
Interpretation of Pol-InSAR Signatures from Glaciers and Ice Sheets at Different Frequencies
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016, pp. 806-811
[39] Scott Hensley, Yunling Lou, Thierry Michel, Ron Mullerschoen, Brian Hawkins, Marco Lavalle, Naiara Pinto, Andreas Reigber and Matteo Pardini
UAVSAR PolInSAR and tomographic experiments in Germany
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[40] Yue Huang, Jacques Levy-Vehel, Laurent Ferro-Famil and Andreas Reigber
3D imaging for underfoliage targets using L-band Multi-Baseline PolInSAR Data and sparse estimation methods
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[41] Yue Huang, Jacques Levy-Vehel, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Andreas Reigber and Stefano Fortunati
3D Characterization of Underfoliage Targets Using L-band Tomographic SAR Data and A Wavelet-Based Approach
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Synthetic Aperture Radar Conference EUSAR 2016, 2016
[42] Sigurd Huber, Michelangelo Villano, Marwan Younis, Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira, Bernhard Grafmüller and Reinhard Wolters
Tandem-L: Design Concepts for a Next-Generation Spaceborne SAR System
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2016, [PDF]
[43] Hannah Joerg, Matteo Pardini, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Irena Hajnsek
Analysis of Orientation Effects of Crop Vegetation Volumes by Means of SAR Tomography at Different Frequencies
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of EUSAR 2016, 2016, [PDF]
[44] Gerhard Krieger, Alberto Moreira, Manfred Zink, Irena Hajnsek, Sigurd Huber, Michelangelo Villano, Konstantinos Papathanassiou, Marwan Younis, Francisco López Dekker, Matteo Pardini, Daniel Schulze, Markus Bachmann, Daniela Borla Tridon, Jens Reimann, Benjamin Bräutigam, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Carolina Tienda Herrero, Maria J. Sanjuan-Ferrer, Mariantonietta Zonno, Michael Eineder, Francesco De Zan, Alessandro Parizzi, Thomas Fritz, Erhard Diedrich, Edith Maurer, R. Münzenmayer, Bernhard Grafmüller, R. Wolters, F. te Hennepe, R. Ernst and C. Bewick
Tandem-L: Main Results of the Phase A Feasibility Study (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016 IEEE International, 2016, pp. 1-4, [PDF]
[45] Ernst Krogager, Stig von Platen Rosenmunthe, Andreas Reigber, Martin Keller, Marc Jäger and Wolfgang-Martin Boerner
Characterization of Radar Targets - a Review of Polarimetric Descriptors Applied to Recent F-SAR Data
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[46] Alejandro Linde-Cerezo, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Jose Luis Alvarez-Perez, Pau Prats-Iraola and Alberto Moreira
Numerical SAR Processing Scheme for Generic Very-High Resolution Spotlight Acquisitions
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[47] Gustavo Martín del Campo, Andreas Reigber and Yuriy Shkvarko
Resolution enhanced SAR tomography: A nonparametric iterative adaptive approach
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[48] Gustavo Martín del Campo Becerra, Andreas Reigber and Yuriy Shkvarko
Resolution Enhanced SAR Tomography: From Match Filtering to Compressed Sensing Beamforming Techniques
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[49] Alberto Moreira
A Vision for Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) (invited keynote speech)
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), 2016-07-12 - 2016-07-19, Prague, Czech Republic
XXIII International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Congress, 2016
[50] Alberto Moreira, Octavio Ponce, Matteo Nannini, Matteo Pardini, Pau Prats, Andreas Reigber, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Gerhard Krieger
Multi-baseline Spaceborne SAR Imaging
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China, 2016, 2016, pp. 1420-1423
[51] Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Jun Su Kim
Pol-InSAR Calibration of ALOS-2: Analysis and Results from the CAL-VAL Phase (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Peking, China
2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[52] Konstantinos Papathanassiou, Matteo Pardini and Irena Hajnsek
Volume Structure Characterisation by means of Multi-Baseline Pol-InSAR: Status and Challenges (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Peking, China
2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[53] Felipe Queiroz de Almeida and Gerhard Krieger
Multichannel Staggered SAR Azimuth Sample Regularization
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of EUSAR 2016: 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, 2016, pp. 1-6, [PDF]
[54] Andreas Reigber, Ernst Krogager, Martin Keller, Marc Jäger, Irena Hajnsek and Ralf Horn
The DALO-ARCTIC campaign: Multi-spectral SAR Imaging of Ice Features in Greenland
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Synthetic Aperture Radar Conference EUSAR 2016, 2016, pp. 293-295, [PDF]
[55] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Pau Prats-Iraola, Francesco De Zan, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
CoSAR: Geometrical Analysis and Image Formation Assessment
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[56] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Pau Prats-Iraola, Matteo Nannini, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Alberto Moreira and Bernardo Carnicero Dominguez
Calibration Concept for Weakly-Synchronised SAR Companion Missions: ESA’s SAOCOM/CS case
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016
[57] Yuriy Shkvarko, Andreas Reigber and Guillermo Garcia
Feature Enhanced Imaging with Compressed Fractional SAR Sensors: Inverse Problem Formalism and l2–l1 Structured Descriptive Regularization Framework
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of the European Synthetic Aperture Radar Conference EUSAR 2016, 2016
[58] Stefano Tebaldini, Fabio Rocca, Andreas Reigber and Laurent Ferro-Famil
SAR tomography of natural environments: Signal processing, applications, and future challenges
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016
[59] Birgit Wessel, Markus Breunig, Markus Bachmann, Martin Huber, Michele Martone, Marie Lachaise, Thomas Fritz and Manfred Zink
Concept and first example of TanDEM-X high-resolution DEM (invited)
EUSAR 2016, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings of EUSAR 2016, 2016, pp. 554-557
Contributions in technical reports (69) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
[1] Björn Döring
RCM Transponder: Engineering Change Notice 1
Project Report, December 2016
ID: RCM-DLR-PA-7-0001_v1
[2] Björn Döring
RCM Transponder: Master project schedule
Project Report, December 2016
[3] Björn Döring
RCM Transponder: Storage, Transport, and Handling Procedures
Project Report, 16 pages, December 2016
[4] Björn Döring
RCM Transponder: Technical review plan -- FAT
Project Report, December 2016
ID: RCM-DLR-PM-6-0003_v1
[5] Björn Döring
Test Procedure
Project Report, 40 pages, December 2016
ID: RCM-DLR-EN-14_v3
[6] Björn Döring, Johannes Böer, Matthias Jirousek, Sebastian Raab, Daniel Rudolf and Klaus Weidenhaupt
RCM Transponder: Test Report
Project Report, 131 pages, December 2016
ID: RCM-DLR-EN-15_v1
[7] Björn Döring, Johannes Böer, Daniel Rudolf and Sebastian Raab
RCM Transponder: Video Documentation
Project Report, December 2016
ID: RCM-DLR-EN-10-0005_v1
[8] Björn Döring and Daniel Rudolf
RCM Transponder: Transponder Maintenance Manual
Project Report, December 2016
[9] Björn Döring, Daniel Rudolf, Mathias Weigt, Matthias Jirousek and Sebastian Raab
System design document
Project Report, 185 pages, December 2016
[10] Sebastian Raab
RCM Transponder: Installation Plan
Project Report, 21 pages, December 2016
[11] Núria Tous Ramon and Björn Döring
RCM Transponder: Version Description Document
Project Report, December 2016
ID: RCM-DLR-EN-12_v1
[12] Klaus Weidenhaupt and Björn Döring
RCM Transponder: Transponder User Manual
Project Report, December 2016
[13] Stefan V. Baumgartner
Moving Point Target Raw Data Simulator With SAR / ISAR Focusing Module - Expansion Stage 1
Project Report, 37 pages, December 2016
ID: D45521899-234-0010 Issue 0.3
[14] Marco Schwerdt, Kersten Schmidt, Núria Tous Ramon, Patrick Klenk, Nestor Yague-Martinez and Pau Prats
Sentinel-1B: Final Report
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 134 pages, December 2016
ID: S1-RP-DLR-0003, Issue 1.0
[15] Stefan V. Baumgartner
Study of Multi-Channel Ka-Band SARs for Moving Target Indication - Final Report
Project Report, 57 pages, December 2016
ID: D7-4000105042 Issue 1.0, ESTEC Contract No. 4000105042
[16] Maria Jose Sanjuan Ferrer, Paco Lopez Dekker, Irena Hajnsek, Marwan Younis, Federica Bordoni, Pau Prats, Grzegorz Adamiuk, Mariantonietta Zonno, Ramon Hanssen, Freek van Leijen, Henning Skriver, Rick Danielson, Thomas Nagler, Helmut Rott, Leif T. Pedersen, Oliver Lang, Daniela Borla Tridon and Thomas Börner
High Resolution Wide Swath SAR Applications Study - Final Report: Conclusions and Recommendations
Project Report, 36 pages, December 2016
ID: D5-4000109920
[17] Kersten Schmidt, Núria Tous Ramon and Marco Schwerdt
DLR Calibration Support for S-1A Routine Operation: Calibration Report
Published in Technical Report
Project Report, 53 pages, November 2016
ID: S1-RP-DLR-0003
[18] Sharath Babu Yelahanka Nagaraja
Multi-Dimensional SAR Data Visualization and Interpretation
Technical Note, Report, 23 pages, November 2016
[19] Stefan V. Baumgartner
Study of Multi-Channel Ka-Band SARs for Moving Target Indication - Executive Summary Report
Project Report, 13 pages, November 2016
ID: D6-4000105042 Issue 1.0, ESTEC Contract No. 4000105042
[20] Thomas Börner, Maria Jose Sanjuan Ferrer, Daniela Borla Tridon and Michael Völker
High Resolution Wide Swath SAR Applications Study - Analysis of Impact of HRWS SAR Instrument at System and Operation
Project Report, 29 pages, November 2016
ID: D4-4000109920
[21] Jens Fischer
Simbach am Inn Flooding Disaster June 2016 - Digital Elevation Model
Technical Note, 3 pages, November 2016
ID: DLR-HR-STE-Simbach-DEM-2016-06-14-v1.02, [PDF]
[22] Stefan Buckreuss, Manfred Zink, Edith Maurer, Isabelle Schork, Daniel Schulze, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Birgit Schättler, Martin Maier, Markus Bachmann and Paola Rizzoli
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 3. Quartal 2016
Project Report, 73 pages, October 2016
ID: TX-GS-2016-03
[23] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
TDX Phase Imbalance
Project Report, October 2016
[24] Stefan V. Baumgartner, Russel Que and Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva
VABENE++ Meilensteinbericht MST3304: Der kombinierte „A Priori Knowledge-Based STAP Verkehrsprozessor“ läuft auf dem Onboard-Prozessor und ist präoperationell einsetzbar
DLR Interner Bericht, 8 pages, October 2016
ID: DLR VABENE++ Meilensteinbericht MST3304_2016Q3
[25] Anja Bölicke, Tobias Rommel, Milos Krstic, Luigi Boccia, Anselm Ho, Stephen Gao and Piotr Penkala
Quaterly Management Report 3-2016 EU Project DIFFERENT
Project Report, 26 pages, October 2016
ID: 606923_QMR-Q3-2016
[26] Daniel Schulze, Erhard Diedrich, Edith Maurer, Daniel Schulze, Markus Bachmann, Ulrich Steinbrecher, Manfred Zink, Ralph Kahle, Sven Kröger, Maria Theresia Wörle, Katrin Molch, Meinhard Wolfmüller, Florian Figwer, Thomas Fritz and Francesco De Zan
Tandem-L Ground Segment Phase A Executive Summary
Published in Report
Project Report, 30 pages, September 2016
ID: TDL-MD-RP-0001
[27] Kersten Schmidt, Gabriel Adolfo Castellanos Alfonzo, Núria Tous Ramon, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Patrick Klenk, Marco Schwerdt and Pau Prats
Sentinel-1B: Calibration Report
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 123 pages, September 2016
ID: S1-TN-DLR-0007, Issue 1.0
[28] Tobias Ruess
Mitwirkung beim Design und Aufbau eines Radiometer-Radar-Kombi-Abbildungssystems für sicherheitsrelevante Mikrowellenabbildungen
Technical Note, 35 pages, September 2016
[29] Florian Kugler
Pol-InSAR Forest Height Estimation at Different Frequencies: Opportunities and Limitations
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 154 pages, September 2016
ID: DLR-FB-2016-43
[30] Marco Schwerdt
Großinvestition Kalibri - Next Generation - Umsetzungsplan -
Project Report, 52 pages, August 2016
[31] Moritz Link
Auswertung von Modelldaten zur Simulation von aktiven und passiven Mikrowellen
Technical Note, 39 pages, August 2016
[32] Allan Bojarski and Markus Bachmann
Long-Term System Monitoring Tool User Manual and Functional Description
Project Report, 37 pages, August 2016
[33] Martin Baur
Active-passive microwave covariability for different land cover types
Technical Note, 16 pages, July 2016
[34] Anton Nottensteiner and Stefan V. Baumgartner
VABENE++ Meilensteinbericht MST2503 und MST2505: Labortests von Radar- und Digitalelektronik abgeschlossein und Fertigstellung Radarhardware X-Band und Digital-Rack
DLR Interner Bericht, 12 pages, July 2016
ID: DLR VABENE++ Meilensteinbericht MST2503_MST2505_2016Q2
[35] Stefan Buckreuss, Manfred Zink, Edith Maurer, Isabelle Schork, Daniel Schulze, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Birgit Schättler and Martin Maier
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 2. Quartal 2016
Project Report, 73 pages, July 2016
ID: TX-GS-2016-02
[36] Anja Bölicke, Tobias Rommel, Milos Krstic, Luigi Boccia, Anselm Ho, Stephen Gao and Piotr Penkala
Quaterly Management Report 2-2016 EU Project DIFFERENT
Project Report, 35 pages, July 2016
ID: 606923_QMR-Q2-2016
[37] Stefan V. Baumgartner and Michael Völker
Study of Multi-Channel Ka-Band SARs for Moving Target Indication - MTI-SAR: Technology Roadmap and Way Forward
Project Report, 29 pages, July 2016
ID: D5-4000105042 Issue 1.1, ESTEC Contract No. 4000105042
[38] Marco Schwerdt
Sentinel-1B: Contractor Calibration Campaign Plan
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 19 pages, July 2016
ID: S1-PL-DLR-0002, Issue 1.1
[39] Allan Bojarski, Markus Bachmann, Johannes Böer, Paola Rizzoli, Gabriel Adolfo Castellanos Alfonzo, Michele Martone, Nuria Tous-Ramon, Kersten Schmidt, Daniel Schulze, Marco Schwerdt, John Walter Antony and Christopher Wecklich
Long-Term System Monitoring Report Q1/2016
DLR Interner Bericht, 172 pages, July 2016
ID: TX-SEC-RP-4660
[40] Markus Bachmann
Antenna Pattern Modeling and Calibration for Spaceborne SAR Systems
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 227 pages, July 2016
ID: DLR-FB-2016-36
[41] Christoph Dahme, Thomas Börner, Jens Fischer, Manfred Hager, Martin Maier, MSE, Philipp Posovszky and Daniel Schulze
IKT-Konzept 2016
Published in DLR IKT-Konzept
Project Report, 33 pages, June 2016
[42] Kersten Schmidt, Núria Tous Ramon, Gabriel Castellanos Alfonzo and Marco Schwerdt
DLR Calibration Support for S-1A Routine Operation: Calibration Report
Published in Technical Report
Project Report, 48 pages, May 2016
ID: S1-RP-DLR-0003
[43] Christopher Wecklich
TanDEM-X Voids Coverage Evaluation
DLR Interner Bericht, 21 pages, May 2016
ID: TD-GS-TN-4014
[44] Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
Tandem-L Calibration Approach
Project Report, 33 pages, April 2016
ID: TDL-SE-TN-0002
[45] Anja Bölicke, Tobias Rommel, Milos Krstic, Luigi Boccia, Anselm Ho, Stephen Gao and Piotr Penkala
Quaterly Management Report 1-2016 EU Project DIFFERENT
Project Report, 53 pages, April 2016
ID: 606923_QMR-Q1-2016
[46] Stefan Buckreuss, Manfred Zink, Edith Maurer, Isabelle Schork, Daniel Schulze, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Birgit Schättler and Martin Maier
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 1. Quartal 2016
Project Report, 69 pages, April 2016
ID: TX-GS-2016-01
[47] Kersten Schmidt, Gabriel Adolfo Castellanos Alfonzo, Núria Tous Ramon and Pau Prats
Sentinel-1B: In-Orbit Commissioning Preparation
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 141 pages, April 2016
ID: S1-TN-DLR-0006, Issue 1.0
[48] Eric Schreiber and Matthias Jirousek
HALO Altimeter Radar: S-Parametermessungen der Anpassung und Durchgangsdämpfung der HALO Altimeterantennen und Verbindungskabel
Technical Note, 16 pages, March 2016
[49] Michelangelo Villano
Staggered Synthetic Aperture Radar
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 181 pages, March 2016
ID: DLR-FB-2016-16
[50] Federica Bordoni, Pau Prats and Grzegorz Adamiuk
Project Report, 61 pages, February 2016
[51] Kersten Schmidt, Gabriel Adolfo Castellanos Alfonzo, Núria Tous Ramon and Pau Prats
Sentinel-1B: Pre-Launch Tools Description and Preparation
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 48 pages, February 2016
ID: S1-TN-DLR-0005, Issue 1.0
[52] Marco Schwerdt
Sentinel-1B: Contractor Calibration Campaign Plan
Published in Project Report
Project Report, 17 pages, February 2016
ID: S1-PL-DLR-0002, Issue 1.0
[53] Stefan V. Baumgartner, Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva and Russel Que
VABENE++ Meilensteinbericht MST 3303: Der STAP Verkehrsprozessor läuft auf dem Onboard-Prozessor und ist präoperationell einsetzbar
DLR Interner Bericht, 7 pages, February 2016
ID: DLR VABENE++ Meilensteinbericht MST3303_2015Q4
[54] Maria J. Sanjuan-Ferrer, Mariantonietta Zonno, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Freek van Leijen, Ramon Hanssen, Helmut Rott, Thomas Nagler, Oliver Lang, Rick Danielson, Henning Skriver and Leif T. Pedersen
High Resolution Wide Swath SAR Applications Study - Applications Performance Algorithm Definition and Performance Analysis
Project Report, 96 pages, February 2016
ID: D3-4000109920
[55] Björn Döring
Traceable Radiometric Calibration of Synthetic Aperture Radars
Published in DLR Forschungsberichte
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 200 pages, February 2016
ID: DLR-FB-2016-13, [PDF]
[56] Giuseppe Parrella
Characterization of glaciers facies using SAR polarimetry at long wavelengths
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 166 pages, February 2016
ID: DLR-FB-2016-05, [PDF]
[57] Kersten Schmidt, Marco Schwerdt and Benjamin Bräutigam
PAZ: External Calibration Tool. Verification and Validation Test Report
Published in Technical Note
Project Report, 24 pages, February 2016
ID: PZ-DLR-TR-1130
[58] Stefan Buckreuss, Manfred Zink, Edith Maurer, Isabelle Pengler, Daniel Schulze, Achim Roth, Irena Hajnsek, Birgit Schättler and Martin Maier
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Projektstatusbericht 4. Quartal 2015
Project Report, 73 pages, January 2016
ID: TX-GS-2015-04
[59] Stefan V. Baumgartner and Michael Völker
Study of Multi-Channel Ka-Band SARs for Moving Target Indication - MTI-SAR: Detailed Instrument Definition and Performance Assessment
Project Report, 59 pages, January 2016
ID: D4-4000105042-Issue Draft, ESTEC Contract No. 4000105042
[60] Thomas Kraus
Impact of TDX-1 Roll Steering on SAR Performance during TDM HDEM Phase
Project Report, 24 pages, January 2016
ID: TD-SEC-TN-4282
[61] Eric Schreiber
Interferenzmessungen im Bereich Robotik - Techlab
Technical Note, January 2016
ID: DLR-HR-AKS-01-2016-RFI-RM-Techlab
[62] Pau Prats, Matteo Nannini and Marc Rodriguez-Cassola
SAOCOM/CS Study: Preliminary definition of processing algorithms up to level 1c
Project Report, 33 pages, January 2016
ID: SAO-ST-RS-0009_1
[63] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Helko Breit, Matteo Nannini and Pau Prats
SAOCOM/CS Study: Pre-existing elements for re-use in CS PDGS
Project Report, 19 pages, January 2016
ID: SAO-ST-RS-0012_1
[64] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Matteo Nannini and Pau Prats
SAOCOM/CS Study: CS calibration needs and strategy for on ground data processing
Project Report, 15 pages, January 2016
ID: SAO-ST-RS-0010_1
[65] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Matteo Nannini and Pau Prats
SAOCOM/CS Study: Preliminary definition of calibration algorithms
Project Report, 31 pages, January 2016
ID: SAO-ST-RS-0011_1
[66] Daniela Borla Tridon and Markus Bachmann
Observation Concept
Technical Note, 27 pages, 2016
ID: TL-SE-TN-0004
[67] Stefan Buckreuss
Erfolgskontrollbericht zum Vorhaben "Betrieb des Satelliten TerraSAR-X" vom 01.01.2013 bis 31.12.2015 (6.-8. Betriebsjahr)
Project Report, 3 pages, 2016
ID: TD-GS-RP-0200
[68] Stefan Buckreuss
Schlussbericht Betrieb des Satelliten TerraSAR-X vom 01.01.2013 bis 31.12.2015 (6.-8. Betriebsjahr)
Project Report, 65 pages, 2016
ID: TD-GS-RP-0199
[69] Astor Torano Caicoya
Allometric Estimation of Aboveground Forest Biomass using Forest Structure Parameters estimated by means of Multi-Baseline SAR Measurements
DLR Forschungsbericht, Dissertation, 2016
ID: DLR-FB-2016-39
Theses submitted at Universities (24) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016
[1] Muriel Pinheiro
Multi-Mode SAR Interferometry for High-Precision DEM Generation
Dissertation, 232 pages, December 2016
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
[2] Luca Kraus
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung von Bodenfeuchte mit breitbandigem Radar
Master Thesis, 72 pages, December 2016
Universität Augsburg, Institut für Geographie
[3] Octavio Ponce Madrigal
Multicircular Holographic SAR Tomography over Forested Areas
Dissertation, 162 pages, December 2016
ETH Zürich, Departement Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik (D-BAUG)
[4] Rayssa Freitas Carvalho
A Posteriori Knowledge based Digital Beamforming Concepts demonstrated with Multi-Channel SAR Data
Diploma Thesis, 69 pages, November 2016
Instituto Tecnologico de aeronautica (ITA), Electronic Engineering, [PDF]
[5] Sravan Aitha
Development, Manufacturing, and Testing of a P- and L-Band Outdoor Horn Antenna
Master Thesis, 99 pages, October 2016
University of Kassel, Microwaves Department, [PDF]
[6] Michel van Kempen
SAR-Rohdatensimulation von fahrenden Schiffen, Praxisbericht Modul "Praxis II"
Technical Report, 23 pages, September 2016, [PDF]
[7] Markus Kaschke
Charakterisierung mehrschichtiger Materialien für Mikrowellenfrequenzen mit Hilfe eines evolutionären Algorithmus
Bachelor Thesis, 108 pages, September 2016
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Informationstechnik
[8] Jan Paul Kroll
Untersuchung und Modellierung von Hardwareeinflüssen auf Mehrkanal-SAR-Systeme
Master Thesis, 91 pages, September 2016
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
[9] Björn Möhring
Modular Simulation of a Compact Antenna Test Range
Master Thesis, 100 pages, September 2016
Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik
[10] Mariel Christina Dirscherl
Topographic change quantification and DEM uncertainty assessment using TanDEM-X and F-SAR DEM time series and quality maps: Application to the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga volcanic eruption, Iceland
Master Thesis, 77 pages, August 2016
University College London, Department of Geography, [PDF]
[11] Ponnurangam Gramini Ganesan
Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using Polarimetric SAR Remote Sensing
Dissertation, 178 pages, July 2016
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering
[12] Ahmedul Haque
Technical Report, 43 pages, May 2016
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik
[13] Daniele Pozza
Analysis of Vertical Structure of Forests at X-Band and Sinergies with Lidar
Master Thesis, 100 pages, May 2016
University of Trento
[14] Paolo Valdo
Detection of Changes in Agricultural Scenarios by Means of TanDEM-X Data
Master Thesis, 100 pages, May 2016
University of Trento
[15] Jan Eilers
Planungsverfahren für Satellitensysteme zur Erzeugung interferometrischer SAR-Produkte
Dissertation, April 2016
Universität der Bundeswehr München
[16] Sebastian Raab
Development and Implementation of an Efficient Temperature Management System for SAR System Calibration Transponders
Master Thesis, 86 pages, April 2016
University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Electronics
[17] Astor Torano Caicoya
Allometric Estimation of Aboveground Forest Biomass using Forest Structure Parameters estimated by means of Multi-Baseline SAR Measurements
Dissertation, April 2016
TU München, Lehrstuhl für Waldwachstumskunde
[18] Markus Kaschke
Erweiterungen des Regressionsmodells zur Materialparameterbestimmung basierend auf Mikrowellen-Transmissions- und Reflexionsmessdaten
Technical Report, 63 pages, March 2016
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Informationstechnik
[19] Eric Schreiber and Florian Bischeltsrieder
Voruntersuchungen zum nichtlinearen Verhalten von elektronischen Bauteilen und Geräten zur Entwicklung eines harmonischen Radars
Technical Report, 16 pages, March 2016
Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
[20] Björn Döring
Traceable Radiometric Calibration of Synthetic Aperture Radars
Dissertation, 200 pages, February 2016
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, [PDF]
[21] Michelangelo Villano
Staggered Synthetic Aperture Radar
Dissertation, 181 pages, February 2016
German Aerospace Center, Microwaves and Radar Institute
[22] Florian Bischeltsrieder
Systemaufbau eines abbildenden harmonischen Radars
Technical Report, 2016
TU München, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
[23] Bhushan Pawar
Entwicklung eines Prototypen für einen Mehrkanaltransponder
Technical Report, 2016
Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
[24] Michel van Kempen
Analyse von Interpolationsverfahren zur Georeferenzierung von SAR Daten, Praxisbericht Modul "Praxis II"
Technical Report, 21 pages, 2016
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Informationstechnik, [PDF]
Talks and invited talks (119) of the Microwaves and Radar Institute in 2016 (not published in proceedings)
[1] Narendra N. Das, Dara Entekhabi, Seung-Bum Kim, Thomas Jagdhuber, Maria Piles, Simon Yueh, Andreas Colliander, Ernesto Lopez-baeza and Jose Martinez-Fernandez
High-Resolution Enhanced Product based on SMAP Active-Passive Approach and Sentinel 1A Radar Data
AGU Fall Meeting, 2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16, San Francisco, USA
Speech at the AGU Fall Meeting, 2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16, San Francisco, USA, 2016
[2] Thomas Jagdhuber, Narendra N. Das, Dara Entekhabi, Martin Baur, Moritz Link, Maria Piles, Ruzbeh Akbar, Alexandra G. Konings, Kaighin A. McColl, Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, Carsten Montzka and Harald Kunstmann
A data-driven and physics-based single-pass retrieval of active-passive microwave covariation and vegetation parameters for the SMAP mission
AGU Fall Meeting, 2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16, San Francisco, USA
Speech at the AGU Fall Meeting, 2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16, San Francisco, USA, 2016
[3] Maria Piles, Dara Entekhabi, Alexandra G. Konings, Ruzbeh Akbar, Thomas Jagdhuber, David Chaparro and Narendra N. Das
Monitoring the Phenology of Global Agroecosystems Using SMAP Multi-temporal Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals
AGU Fall Meeting, 2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16, San Francisco, USA
Speech at the AGU Fall Meeting, 2016-12-12 - 2016-12-16, San Francisco, USA, 2016
[4] Markus Peichl
SAR und ISAR: Theorie und Praxis (invited)
Lehrgang „Moderne Verfahren der Radartechnik“, 2016-11-21 - 2016-11-25, Mannheim, Deutschland
Invited speech at the Lehrgang „Moderne Verfahren der Radartechnik“, 2016-11-21 - 2016-11-25, Mannheim, Deutschland, 2016
[5] Jens Fischer
Flugzeug-SAR-Systeme am DLR - Stand der Entwicklungen und Datenmanagement
Data Science Workshop, 2016-11-08 - 2016-11-09, Cologne, Germany
Speech at the Data Science Workshop, 2016-11-08 - 2016-11-09, Cologne, Germany, 2016
[6] Stefan Buckreuss and Manfred Zink
TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Mission Status (invited)
TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 2016-10-17 - 2016-10-20, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Invited speech at the TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 2016-10-17 - 2016-10-20, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016
[7] Markus Peichl
Detection of Explosives in a Flow of Vehicles (invited)
Technology for Countering the CBRN-E Threats, 2016-10-17, Les Bons Villers, Belgien
Invited speech at the Technology for Countering the CBRN-E Threats, 2016-10-17, Les Bons Villers, Belgien, 2016
[8] Christopher Wecklich, Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli and Gerhard Krieger
Generation of a global forest/non forest map from TanDEM-X interferometric data
TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 2016-10-17 - 2016-10-20, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Speech at the TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 2016-10-17 - 2016-10-20, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016
[9] Manfred Hager
Examples of Incoherent Change detection of Sentinel 1a data
NATO SET 220 Panel, 2016-10-26 - 2016-10-28, Deutschland, Friedrichshafen
Speech at the NATO SET 220 Panel, 2016-10-26 - 2016-10-28, Deutschland, Friedrichshafen, 2016
[10] Malin Johansson, Suman Singha, Jennifer King, Anthony P. Doulgeris, Sebastian Gerland, Gunnar Spreen, Rudolf Ressel and Thomas Busche
Investigating Monostatic TS-X DRA acquisitions and Near-coincident C and L - band Fully Polarimetric SAR for Arctic Sea Ice Characterization
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-20, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Speech at the TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-20, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[11] Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli and Gerhard Krieger
Potentials of TanDEM-X Interferometric Data for Global Land Classification
TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-20, Munich, Germany
Speech at the TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting, 2017-10-17 - 2017-10-20, Munich, Germany, 2016
[12] Markus Peichl
Forward-Looking Radar (invited)
7. Nationale Counter-IED-Konferenz, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Mannheim, Deutschland
Invited speech at the 7. Nationale Counter-IED-Konferenz, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Mannheim, Deutschland, 2016
[13] Narendra N. Das, Dara Entekhabi, Seung-Bum Kim, Andreas Colliander, Thomas Jagdhuber and Simon Yueh
Combining SMAP and Sentinel Data for High-Resolution Soil Moisture Product
3rd Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-22, New York, USA
Speech at the 3rd Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-22, New York, USA, 2016
[14] Thomas Jagdhuber, Dara Entekhabi, Narendra N. Das, Martin Baur, Seung-Bum Kim, Simon Yueh and Moritz Link
Physically-based covariation modelling and retrieval for mono- (LL) and multi-frequency (LC) active-passive microwave data from SMAP and Sentinel-1
3rd Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-22, New York, USA
Speech at the 3rd Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-22, New York, USA, 2016
[15] Markus Peichl
Potenziale von MW-Messverfahren zur Detektion verborgener Objekte (invited)
KSK-Symposium Rüstung, 2016-09-20 - 2016-09-22, Calw, Deutschland
Invited speech at the KSK-Symposium Rüstung, 2016-09-20 - 2016-09-22, Calw, Deutschland, 2016
[16] Christof Lorenz, Carsten Montzka, Thomas Jagdhuber and Harald Kunstmann
Development of a Copula-based data merging framework for combining space-borne soil moisture and ancillary data
Workshop on Data Assimilation in Terrestrial Systems, 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-21, Bonn, Germany
Speech at the Workshop on Data Assimilation in Terrestrial Systems, 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-21, Bonn, Germany, 2016
[17] Carlos Villamil Lopez, Lars Petersen, Rainer Speck and Dirk Frommholz
Registration of very high resolution SAR and optical images
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[18] Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva and Stefan Baumgartner
Novel post-Doppler STAP with a priori knowledge information for traffic monitoring applications
Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Miltenberg, Germany
Speech at the Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Miltenberg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[19] Alberto Moreira
Tandem-L: Highly Innovative Radar Satellite Mission for Climate Research and Environmental Monitoring (invited)
United Nations / Austria Symposium on "Integrated Space Technology Applications for Climate Change", 2016-09-12 - 2016-09-14, Graz, Austria
Invited speech at the United Nations / Austria Symposium on "Integrated Space Technology Applications for Climate Change", 2016-09-12 - 2016-09-14, Graz, Austria, 2016
[20] Manfred Zink, Markus Bachmann, Thomas Fritz, Paola Rizzoli, Daniel Schulze and Birgit Wessel
Quality of the TanDEM-X DEM
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09, Tokyo, Japan
Speech at the CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09, Tokyo, Japan, 2016, [PDF]
[21] Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, Thomas Jagdhuber, Mahta Moghaddam and Dara Entekhabi
Decomposing Soil and Vegetation Contributions in Polarimetric L- and P-Band SAR Observations
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[22] Seyed Hamed Alemohammad, Alexandra G. Konings, Thomas Jagdhuber and Dara Entekhabi
Characterizing Vegetation and soil Parameters Across Different Biomes Using Polarimetric P-Band SAR Measurements
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[23] Ponnurangam Gramini Ganesan, Thomas Jagdhuber, Irena Hajnsek and Y. S. Rao
Time Series Investigation of Soil Moisture Estimation Using Compact Polarimetry at L-Band
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[24] Christof Lorenz, Carsten Montzka, Thomas Jagdhuber and Harald Kunstmann
Development of a Copula-based data combination framework for merging remote-sensing based soil moisture data
HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Speech at the HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2016
[25] Eric Schreiber
Radarsensor mit synthetischer Apertur zur Detektion von vergrabenen Objekten aus sicherer Distanz (invited)
Wehrtechnisches F&T Symposium „Safety und Security in militärischen Waffensystemen“, 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-15, Mannheim, Deutschland
Invited speech at the Wehrtechnisches F&T Symposium „Safety und Security in militärischen Waffensystemen“, 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-15, Mannheim, Deutschland, 2016
[26] Eric Schreiber and Markus Peichl
Radarsensor mit synthetischer Apertur zur Detektion von vergrabenen Objekten aus sicherer Distanz (invited)
Wehrtechnisches F&T Symposium 2016 "Safety und Security in militärischen Waffensystemen", 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-15, Mannheim, Deutschland
Invited speech at the Wehrtechnisches F&T Symposium 2016 "Safety und Security in militärischen Waffensystemen", 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-15, Mannheim, Deutschland, 2016
[27] Maria Piles, Dara Entekhabi, Alexandra G. Konings, Kaighin A. McColl, Narendra N. Das and Thomas Jagdhuber
The Multi-Temporal Dual Channel Algorithm: First Microwave Retrievals of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Parameters from SMAP
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[28] Marc Jäger, Ernst Krogager and Andreas Reigber
Polarimetric SAR Change Detection in Multiple Frequency Bands for Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance in Arctic Regions
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[29] Thomas Kraus, Benjamin Bräutigam, Markus Bachmann and Gerhard Krieger
Multistatic SAR Imaging: First Results of a Four Phase Center Experiment with TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[30] Maria J. Sanjuan-Ferrer, Matteo Pardini, Daniela Borla Tridon, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Markus Bachmann
Product-level performance models for the Tandem-L mission: forest structure case study
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[31] Josef Mittermayer, Thomas Kraus, Pau Prats, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Wrapped Staring Spotlight SAR for TerraSAR-X
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[32] Josef Mittermayer, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Thomas Kraus and Gerhard Krieger
Small Satellite Dispersed SAR – An Exemplary Configuration
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[33] Tobias Rommel and Gerhard Krieger
Detection of Multipath Propagation Effects in SAR-Tomography with MIMO Modes
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[34] Tobias Rommel and Marwan Younis
Matrix Pencil Method for Direction of Arrival Estimation in DBF-SAR
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[35] Rolf Scheiber and Marc Jäger
Detection and Mitigation of Strong Azimuth Ambiguities in High Resolution SAR Images
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[36] Tobias Albers, Markus Peichl, Stephan Dill and Timo Kempf
MMW ISAR Concept for Detection of Impurities in Sugar Production
11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Deutschland
Speech at the 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2016
[37] Alberto Alonso-Gonzalez, Virginia Brancato, Simon Zwieback and Hannah Joerg
Monitoring agricultural areas with Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR
HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Speech at the HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2016
[38] Alberto Alonso-Gonzalez and Irena Hajnsek
Change analysis in Polarimetric SAR time series over agricultural areas
HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Speech at the HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2016
[39] Victor Cazcarra-Bes, Marivi Tello Alonso, Matteo Pardini and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Detecting Forest Structure Changes with SAR Tomography
HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Speech at the HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[40] Victor Cazcarra-Bes, Marivi Tello Alonso, Astor Torano Caicoya and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Monitoring Forest Structure Dynamics by means of TomoSAR Techniques at L-band
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[41] Carolina Gonzalez, Benjamin Bräutigam and Paola Rizzoli
Relative Height Accuracy Analysis of TanDEM-X DEM Products
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[42] Andreas Heinzel, Markus Peichl, Eric Schreiber, Florian Bischeltsrieder, Stephan Dill, Simon Anger, Timo Kempf and Matthias Jirousek
Focusing Methods for Ground Penetrating MIMO SAR Imaging within Half-Spaces of Different Permittivity
EUSAR 2016, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg
Speech at the EUSAR 2016, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, 2016
[43] Hannah Joerg, Matteo Pardini, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Detecting Physical Changes in Agricultural Crops using Multi-Frequency Tomographic SAR Data
HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-28 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Speech at the HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-28 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2016
[44] Thomas Kraus, Benjamin Bräutigam, Markus Bachmann, Gerhard Krieger and Josef Mittermayer
TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X: A Unique Platform to Demonstrate the Capabilities of Distributed SAR Satellite Systems
ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS), 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-16, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Speech at the ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS), 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-16, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016
[45] Markus Limbach, Alberto Di Maria, Alicja Kosc, Marc Jäger and Ralf Horn
DLR – F-SAR P-Band Antenna – Design, Measurements and Results
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[46] Matteo Pardini, Giuseppe Parrella, Georg Fischer and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
A Multi-Frequency SAR Tomographic Characterization of Sub-Surface Ice Volumes
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[47] Matteo Pardini, Wenlu Qi, Ralph Dubayah and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Exploiting TanDEM-X Pol-InSAR Data for Forest Structure Observation and Potential Synergies with NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Lidar (GEDI) Mission
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[48] Giuseppe Parrella, Daniel Farinotti, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Monitoring the subsurface of an alpine glacier using polarimetric SAR observations at L-band
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[49] Giuseppe Parrella, Matteo Pardini, Georg Fischer and Irena Hajnsek
Looking under the subsurface of the ablation zone of Greenland with SAR tomography
HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Speech at the HGF Alliance Week, 2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2016
[50] Paola Rizzoli, Michele Martone, Benjamin Bräutigam, Helmut Rott and Alberto Moreira
Analysis of the Greenland ice sheet snow Facies using TanDEM-X interferometric data.
ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-23, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Speech at the ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-23, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016
[51] Paola Rizzoli, Michele Martone, Benjamin Bräutigam, Helmut Rott and Alberto Moreira
Deriving Greenland Ice Sheet Properties from TanDEM-X Mission Data
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[52] John Mohan Walter Antony, Kersten Schmidt, Marco Schwerdt, Donata Polimeni, Núria Tous Ramon, Markus Bachmann and Gabriel Castellanos Alfonzo
Radiometric Accuracy and Stability of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[53] Mariantonietta Zonno, Paco Lopez-Dekker and Rick Danielson
On the exploitation of polarimetric ratio for oil spill detection
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[54] Josef Mittermayer, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Thomas Kraus and Gerhard Krieger
Small Satellite Dispersed Synthetic Aperture Radar
4S Symposium - Small Satellites Systems and Services, 2016-05-30 - 2016-06-03, Valletta, Malta
Speech at the 4S Symposium - Small Satellites Systems and Services, 2016-05-30 - 2016-06-03, Valletta, Malta, 2016
[55] Markus Peichl
Modern Radar Technology for Efficient Detection of Landmines and UXO (invited)
Improvised Explosive Devices and Antipersonnel Mines meeting the Challenges, 2016-05-17, Brüssel, Belgien
Invited speech at the Improvised Explosive Devices and Antipersonnel Mines meeting the Challenges, 2016-05-17, Brüssel, Belgien, 2016
[56] Iris Heine, Thomas Jagdhuber, Birgit Kleinschmit and Sibylle Itzerott
Monitoring of natural lakes in northeastern Germany using dual-polarimetric (HH/VV) TerraSAR-X time series
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[57] Carsten Montzka, Christof Lorenz, Thomas Jagdhuber, Philip Laux, Irena Hajnsek, Harald Kunstmann, Dara Entekhabi and Harry Vereecken
A Copula-based Algorithm for combining Airborne Active and Passive Microwave Observations
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[58] Giuseppe Parrella, Georg Fischer, Matteo Pardini, Irena Hajnsek and Konstantinos Papathanassiou
Potential of P-band SAR for ice sheet subsurface investigations (invited)
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Invited speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[59] Giuseppe Parrella, Octavio Ponce, Irena Hajnsek and Alberto Moreira
Exploring the potential of polarimetric circular SAR for glacier Monitoring: the Findel glacier case study
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[60] Paola Rizzoli, Michele Martone, Benjamin Bräutigam, Helmut Rott and Alberto Moreira
Multi-Temporal Investigation of Greenland Ice Sheet Snow Facies using TanDEM-X Mission Data
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[61] Steffen Wollstadt, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Carolina Tienda Herrero, Marwan Younis, Volker Tesmer and Robert Ernst
A Dual-beam ATI SAR Mission for Ocean Surface Current Retrieval: Ku vs. Ka-band
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[62] Mariantonietta Zonno, Maria J. Sanjuan-Ferrer, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Ramon Hanssen, Freek van Leijen, Henning Skriver, Rick Danielson, Thomas Nagler, Leif T. Pedersen, Oliver Lang, Antonio Gabriele, Michael Ludwig and Arnaud Lecuyot
Performance assessment for the high resolution and wide swath (HRWS) post-Sentinel-1 SAR system
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[63] Iris Heine, Thomas Jagdhuber and Sibylle Itzerott
Classification and monitoring of reed belts using dual-polarimetric TerraSAR-X time series
EGU General Assembly, 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-22, Vienna, Austria
Speech at the EGU General Assembly, 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-22, Vienna, Austria, 2016
[64] Narendra N. Das, Thomas Jagdhuber, Seung-Bum Kim, Simon Yueh and Dara Entekhabi
Covariations of Backscatter and Brightness Temperature: Comparison of Observed L-Band and L- and C-Band Pairs
MicroRad, 2016-04-11 - 2016-04-14, Espoo, Finland
Speech at the MicroRad, 2016-04-11 - 2016-04-14, Espoo, Finland, 2016
[65] Manfred Hager
Investigation on interferometry for SAR data from Cosmo SkyMed, RadarSat II and TerraSAR-X
NATO SET 220 Panel, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-08, Niederlande
Speech at the NATO SET 220 Panel, 2016-04-06 - 2016-04-08, Niederlande, 2016
[66] Russel Que, Octavio Ponce, Stefan V. Baumgartner and Rolf Scheiber
Multi-mode Real-Time SAR On-Board Processing
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[67] Andrey Osipov and Erich Kemptner
Einsatz von Metamaterialien zur Reduzierung des Radarstreuquerschnitts im Mikrowellenbereich
Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland
Speech at the Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland, 2016
[68] Carolina Tienda Herrero and Tobias Rommel
Status report on the DIFFERENT project
2nd EC Review Meeting DIFFERENT, 2016-02-24, Brussels, Belgium
Speech at the 2nd EC Review Meeting DIFFERENT, 2016-02-24, Brussels, Belgium, 2016
[69] Alexander Haas, Markus Peichl and Simon Anger
Design of Wide-Band Corrugated Feed Horn for Reflector Antenna in Radar Applications
GeMic 2016, 2016-03-16 - 2016-03-14, Bochum, Deutschland
Speech at the GeMic 2016, 2016-03-16 - 2016-03-14, Bochum, Deutschland, 2016
[70] Björn Dietrich
System zur lokalen Luftraumüberwachung für Sicherheitsanwendungen - eine Machbarkeitsstudie
Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland
Speech at the Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland, 2016
[71] Jan Eilers, Bernd Brand, Kevin Blaschke and Bastian Calaminus
Leistungsbestimmung von Kleinsatellitensystemen
Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn
Speech at the Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, 2016
[72] Alberto Alonso-González, Hannah Joerg, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Irena Hajnsek
Change analysis and interpretation in polarimetric time series over agricultural fields at C-band
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[73] Alberto Alonso-González, Hannah Joerg, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Irena Hajnsek
Dual-Polarimetric Agricultural Change Analysis of Long Baseline TanDEM-X Time Series Data
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016, [PDF]
[74] Simon Anger, Markus Peichl, Stephan Dill, Matthias Jirousek and Eric Schreiber
IoSiS – A high-performance imaging radar for surveillance of ob-jects in low earth orbit
EUSAR, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg
Speech at the EUSAR, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, 2016
[75] Harald Anglberger
Militärische Radar-Bildauswertung auf hoch aufgelöste TerraSAR-X Daten
Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn
Speech at the Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland, 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, 2016
[76] S Baffelli, Othmar Frey, Charles Werner and Irena Hajnsek
System characterization and polarimetric calibration of theku-band advanced polarimetric interferometer
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[77] Andre Barros Cardoso da Silva and Stefan V. Baumgartner
A Priori Knowledge-Based STAP for Traffic Monitoring Applications: First Results
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[78] Daniela Borla Tridon, Markus Bachmann, Michele Martone, Daniel Schulze and Manfred Zink
The Future of TanDEM-X: Final DEM and Beyond
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[79] V. Brancato and Irena Hajnsek
Assessment of leaf wetness variation effect on differential interferometric observables
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[80] Stefan Buckreuss and Manfred Zink
TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Mission Status (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Invited speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[81] Johannes Böer, Carolina Gonzalez, Christopher Wecklich, Benjamin Bräutigam, Daniel Schulze, Markus Bachmann and Manfred Zink
Performance Assessment of the final TanDEM-X DEM
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016, [PDF]
[82] Manfred Hager
Einsatz von Corner Reflektoren zur Kalibrierung von weltraumgestützten hochauflösenden SAR-Sensoren (invited)
ATCx - Electromagnetics 2016, 2016-09-27, Böblingen, Germany
Invited speech at the ATCx - Electromagnetics 2016, 2016-09-27, Böblingen, Germany, 2016
[83] Irena Hajnsek, Matteo Pardini, Ralf Horn, Rolf Scheiber, Marc Jäger, Martin Keller, Daniel Geßwein, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Andreas Reigber
3-D SAR imaging of African forests: Results from the AfriSAR campaign at P-and L-Band
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[84] Anton Heister and Rolf Scheiber
First Analysis of Sparse Signal Reconstruction for Radar Imaging of Ice Sheets
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[85] Silvan Leinss and Irena Hajnsek
Ice volume changes and snow depth for Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland
TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 2017-10-17 - 2016-10-20, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Speech at the TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 2017-10-17 - 2016-10-20, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016
[86] C. Lucas, Irena Hajnsek, Armando Marino and Y. Böhler
Investigation of snow avalanches with ground based ku-band radar
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[87] Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Benjamin Bräutigam and Gerhard Krieger
Forest Classification from TanDEM-X Interferometric Data by means of Multiple Fuzzy Clustering
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[88] Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Benjamin Bräutigam and Gerhard Krieger
Global forest classification from TanDEM-X interferometric data: potentials and first results
ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-23, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Speech at the ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-23, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[89] Michele Martone, Paola Rizzoli, Benjamin Bräutigam and Gerhard Krieger
Potentials of TanDEM-X Interferometric Data for Global Forest/Non-Forest Classification
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016, [PDF]
[90] Gustavo Martín del Campo Becerra, Yuriy Shkvarko, K. Lukin and Andreas Reigber
SAR tomography of forested areas: An APES-based virtual beamforming approach
International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW), 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Speech at the International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW), 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2016
[91] Jalal Matar, Francisco López Dekker and Gerhard Krieger
Potentials and Limitations of MEO SAR (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Invited speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[92] Matteo Nannini, Pau Prats-Iraola, Rolf Scheiber, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Federico Minati, Francesco Vecchioli, Mario Costantini, Sven Borgstrom, Prospero De Martino, Valeria Siniscalchi, Thomas Walter, Michael Foumelis and Yves-Louis Desnos
Sentinel-1 mission: results of the InSARap project
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[93] Andrey Osipov
Backscattering from Electrically Large Low-Absorption Spheres (invited)
EMTS 2016, 2016-08-14 - 2016-08-18, Espoo, Finland
Invited speech at the EMTS 2016, 2016-08-14 - 2016-08-18, Espoo, Finland, 2016
[94] Markus Peichl and Stephan Dill
Enhanced imaging by combined use of MMW radar and radiometer systems
7th International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications, 2016-03-15 - 2016-03-16, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland
Speech at the 7th International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications, 2016-03-15 - 2016-03-16, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland, 2016
[95] Markus Peichl, Stephan Dill and Daniel Wallner
Combining MMW radar and radiometer images for enhanced characterization of scenes
SPIE Symposium on Defense and Commercial Sensing, 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-21, Baltimore, USA
Speech at the SPIE Symposium on Defense and Commercial Sensing, 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-21, Baltimore, USA, 2016
[96] Markus Peichl, Erich Kemptner, Stephan Dill and Andrey Osipov
Phänomenologie und Techniken der Mikrowellenfernerkundung auf hochagilen Flugkörpern
DWT-Konferenz "Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland", 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland
Speech at the DWT-Konferenz "Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland", 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland, 2016
[97] Markus Peichl, Eric Schreiber, Andreas Heinzel and Stephan Dill
Detection of landmines and UXO using advanced synthetic aperture radar technology
SPIE Symposium on Defense and Commercial Sensing, 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-21, Baltimore, USA
Speech at the SPIE Symposium on Defense and Commercial Sensing, 2016-04-17 - 2016-04-21, Baltimore, USA, 2016
[98] Markus Peichl, Eric Schreiber, Andreas Heinzel and Stephan Dill
Detektion von Landminen und Sprengkörpern durch hochentwickelte Radartechnologie mit synthetischer Apertur
DWT-Konferenz "Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland", 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland
Speech at the DWT-Konferenz "Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland", 2016-02-23 - 2016-02-25, Bonn, Deutschland, 2016
[99] Manuele Pichierri and Irena Hajnsek
Comparing performances of RVoG and OVoG crop height inversion schemes from multi-frequency SAR data
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[100] Muriel Pinheiro, Andreas Reigber and Alberto Moreira
Large-baseline InSAR for precise topographic mapping: a dual-baseline framework for TanDEM-X interferometric data
Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Miltenberg, Germany
Speech at the Kleinheubacher Tagung, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Miltenberg, Germany, 2016
[101] Octavio Ponce, Antonio Martinez del Hoyo, Hannah Joerg, Pau Prats, Irena Hajnsek and Andreas Reigber
First Study on Holographic SAR Tomography Over Agricultural Crops at C-/X-Band
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[102] Russel Que, Octavio Ponce, Rolf Scheiber and Andreas Reigber
Real-time Processing of SAR Images for Linear and Nonlinear Tracks
International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2016-05-10 - 2012-05-12, Krakow, Poland
Speech at the International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2016-05-10 - 2012-05-12, Krakow, Poland, 2016, [PDF]
[103] Andreas Reigber, Marc Jäger and Ernst Krogager
Polarimetric SAR change detection in multiple frequency bands for environmental monitoring in Arctic regions (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Invited speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[104] Jens Reimann, Marco Schwerdt, Björn Döring and Manfred Zink
Concepts for the Calibration of Low Frequency Spaceborne SAR Systems
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[105] Jens Reimann, Marco Schwerdt and Manfred Zink
Calibration Concepts for Future Low Frequency SAR Missions
CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09, Tokyo, Japan
Speech at the CEOS SAR Workshop on Calibration and Validation (CEOS SAR CalVal), 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09, Tokyo, Japan, 2016, [PDF]
[106] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Matteo Nannini, Mariantonietta Zonno, Pau Prats-Iraola, Nicolas Gebert, Malcolm Davidson and Bernardo Carnicero Dominguez
SAOCOM/CS mission: interferometric/tomographic performance and suggested calibration concept (invited)
ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic
Invited speech at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-13, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016
[107] Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Pau Prats-Iraola, Francesco De Zan, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Aspects and Challanges Of COSAR Image Formation
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[108] Daniel Rudolf, Björn Döring, Matthias Jirousek, Jens Reimann and Marco Schwerdt
A Compact Antenna Rotation Concept for Precise Polarimetric SAR Calibration Transponders
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-12, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-12, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[109] Kersten Schmidt, Marco Schwerdt, Gabriel Castellanos Alfonzo and Núria Tous Ramon
Sentinel-1A Calibration Support during Routine Operation
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[110] Eric Schreiber, Markus Peichl, Andreas Heinzel, Stephan Dill, Florian Bischeltsrieder, Simon Anger, Timo Kempf and Matthias Jirousek
Challenges for operational use of ground-based high-resolution SAR for landmines and UXO detection
EUSAR 2016 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016-06-06 - 2016-09-06, Hamburg, Deutschland
Speech at the EUSAR 2016 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2016-06-06 - 2016-09-06, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2016
[111] M.A. Siddique, U. Wegmöller, Irena Hajnsek and Othmar Frey
SAR tomography as an add-on to PSI for improved deformation sampling in urban areas: A quality assessment
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[112] Paolo Valdo, Alberto Alonso-González, Konstantinos Papathanassiou and Lorenzo Bruzzone
Analysis of Agricultural Crops Evolution in Time with TanDEM-X
IEEE YP GRSS Conference, 2016-10-21 - 2016-10-22, Munich, Germany
Speech at the IEEE YP GRSS Conference, 2016-10-21 - 2016-10-22, Munich, Germany, 2016
[113] Michelangelo Villano, Gerhard Krieger and Alberto Moreira
Reconsideration of Ambiguities in Quad-Pol SAR
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, [PDF]
[114] Christopher Wecklich, Carolina Gonzalez, Benjamin Bräutigam and Paola Rizzoli
Height Accuracy and Data Coverage Status of the Global TanDEM-X DEM (invited)
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Invited speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[115] Nestor Yague-Martinez, Pau Prats and Francesco De Zan
Coregistration of Interferometric Stacks of Sentinel-1A TOPS Data
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[116] Nestor Yague-Martinez, Pau Prats-Iraola, Thomas Kraus, Steffen Wollstadt and Rolf Scheiber
Experimental Validation with TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X of Advanced Interferometric Modes for Accurate Retrieval of Azimuthal Displacements (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Invited speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016
[117] Onur Yuzugullu, Esra Erten and Irena Hajnsek
Crop height estimation of rice fields by X-and C-Band PolSAR
European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany
Speech at the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
[118] Manfred Zink, Alberto Moreira, Markus Bachmann, Benjamin Bräutigam, Thomas Fritz, Irena Hajnsek, Gerhard Krieger and Birgit Wessel
TanDEM-X Mission Status: The Complete New Topography of the Earth (invited)
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China
Invited speech at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016-07-10 - 2016-07-15, Beijing, China, 2016, [PDF]
[119] Ezgi Özis, Andrey Osipov and Thomas Eibert
Physical optics and full wave simulations of transmission of electromagnetic fields through electrically large planar meta-sheets
Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Miltenberg, Deutschland
Speech at the Kleinheubacher Tagung 2016, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28, Miltenberg, Deutschland, 2016