"Young Scientist Award" and "Young Scientist Best Paper Award, Second Place" - Fairouz Stambouli
We are very pleased to announce that our colleague Fairouz Stambouli received two prizes at the Kleinheubacher Tagung 2020, which took place online. One is the "Young Scientist Award (YSA)", endowed with 300 Euro, and the other is the "Young Scientist Best Paper Award (YS-BPA), Second Place", endowed with 750 Euro. The awarded paper is entitled "Interleaved Operation Techniques for Multifunctional Syntheric Aperture Radar" and co-authored with Markus Limbach, Tobias Rommel and Marwan Younis. All winners of an award for young scientists were invited to present their work remotely in a special YSA online session. The presentations and papers were evaluated by a selection committee, which chose three winners for the Young Scientist Best Paper Awards. In addition to the prize money, a Young Scientist Award (YSA) also includes a certificate and the waiver of conference fees. Dear Fairouz, our sincere congratulations!