July 31, 2012 | IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award 2012 goes to 7 Scientists of the Microwaves and Radar Institute

IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award 2012

IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award 2012 - Gruppenfoto
From left to right: Prof. Jon Benediktsson (President of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Scoiety), Prof. A. Moreira, Prof. Hajnsek, M. Werner, Dr. M. Zink, Dr. H. Fiedler, Dr. M. Younis, Dr. G. Krieger and Dr. Peter Staecker (IEEE President-Elect 2012).

At the IGARSS 2012 in Munich today, July 23, 2012, the IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award was presented to 7 scientists from the Institute of High Frequency Technology and Radar Systems during the plenary session. The rarely presented IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award is awarded by the IEEE Board of Directors for particularly outstanding technical articles that have appeared as original work in a peer-reviewed IEEE publication. A maximum of one such award may be presented each year. After 2002, the prize was awarded again for the first time in 2012. The title of the winning paper is "TanDEM-X: A Satellite Formation for High-Resolution SAR Interferometry", published in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, Issue 11, Nov. 2007. The authors are Dr. Gerhard Krieger, Prof. Alberto Moreira, Dr. Hauke Fiedler (formerly HR), Prof. Irena Hajnsek, Marian Werner, Dr. Marwan Younis and Dr. Manfred Zink. IEEE is the world's largest engineering association with over 400,000 members.