Simulation Tools
The mission planning tool which is developed by the Satellite Systems Engineering Group and used for scenario design, general analysis, visualization, report generation and mission planning. The self developed modules for high-end coverage analysis, mission planning and –optimization, mission analyisis and satellite simulation are connected and integrated and built up in the Multi Satellite Mission Planner (MSMP). It has interfaces with COTS products to ensure the compatibility with industry. The mission simulator allows the simulation of any mission scenario based on satellites or other objects (drones, jets, ships, land vehicles) and its interaction. User driven scenarios including imaging or interactivities between the described objects can be simulated and optimized. The results can be used for system design purposes as well as for system verifications during the real operation. All simulations can be visualized in 3D for presentations or movie generation. The Satellite Simulator allows in the current version the simulation of the satellite's Orbit Control subsystem and Power subsystem and delivers information for satellite manoeuvring and power conditions into the Mission Simulator.
Figure 1 shows the modular architecture of the Mission Planning Tools, Figure 2 the schematic concept for the simulation of user scenarios optimizing imaging schedules with tasks of multiple priorities.