Virtual acoustic twin of distributed propulsion systems - interactive tool for recording the perception of new electric aircraft propulsion systems


In the VIRLWINT project, DLR is developing concepts and researching the fundamentals of new electric aircraft. Within the project, the PIX working group deals with the psychoacoustic evaluation of the associated sound emissions, with the aim of low-threshold co-design of the sound concept of future engines. To this end, a modular smartphone app is being developed that can be installed on common mobile devices and used by the widest possible range of users. In the app, users can configure various engine systems, listen to the corresponding sound and then evaluate it. The user perception of the engine sounds and the validity of the psychoacoustic data are harmonized through a user-friendly design. The user experience data collected in this way is evaluated in order to achieve a direct link with the design of the drive system.

The development process is based on the fundamentals of psychophysics, general psychological theories, gamification approaches and models of technology acceptance. A basic framework is being developed for the app, which can be flexibly adapted for other issues.

Project runtime: 2023 - 2026

Funding body: DLR

Partners: DLR – Institut für Antriebstechnik, Institut für Systemarchitektur in der Luftfahrt, Institut für elektrifizierte Luftfahrtantriebe, Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik, Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin