Research project BaSyMo

Development of a standardised, modular battery system for universal application



With the BaSyMo joint research project, the Institute of Networked Energy Systems aimed to advance the development, design and ergonomics of a modular battery system. The goal was to develop a standardised battery design that can be used in a variety of applications.

Research project BaSyMo



December 2016 until November 2019

Funded by

Federal ministry for economics and energy

Project participants

The BaSyMo project aimed to develop a battery system that can be universally integrated in mobile and stationary applications, extended in a modular fashion and swapped between different applications. The newly developed battery system will be integrated in a cleaning machine, an Industrial Truck and a home energy storage system for demonstration purposes. As part of this project, the Institute of Networked Energy Systems conducted essential investigations of the new battery system’s performance and was testing its integration into a home energy storage system. Furthermore, we worked on integrating the cells into the module, drafting a safety concept and carrying out extensive investigations. These tests covered such aspects as battery life, handling and the interconnection of battery systems with dissimilar states of charge and aging, different capacities, and various combinations of all three conditions.

A modular system can be used to assemble a variety of different battery sizes all based on a suitable basic module. This reduces production costs thanks to the large number of these basic module units.  The intent is to create a market-ready standard that results in a more uniform housing geometry and standardised mechanical, electrical and computer interfaces. The goal is to develop a module that can be universally deployed in a variety of applications whilst remaining open for future technological developments.


Dr Karsten von Maydell

Head of Division
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Networked Energy Systems
Energy Systems Technology