Institute Director Agert represents DLR at expert panel "Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform"

- Under the leadership of federal minister of economic affairs, Robert Habeck, around 50 political, economic and scientific experts met at the panel for the first time.
- Being a renowned expert on the transformation of the energy sytem, Institute Director Prof. Carsten Agert has been appointed to the panel.
- Agert represents DLR on the panel and will contribute a scientific perspective of energy research to the design of political processes.
- Focus: Energy, sector integration, energy transition
The Platform for a Climate-Neutral Electricity System (PKNS) began its work in Berlin with the aim of fundamentally reforming the German electricity market. Under the leadership of Federal Minister of Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, around 50 participating experts from politics, business and science met for the first time to bring together aspects such as market incentives, grid stability, flexibility options and the expansion of renewable energies in a reliable and cost-efficient system. As a renowned expert on the transformation of the energy system, Institute Director Prof. Carsten Agert has also been appointed to the panel in order to contribute a scientific perspective of energy research to the design of political processes.
"Our current electricity market design will no longer meet the future requirements of a supply largely based on renewable energies," says Agert. "There is a particular need for action with regard to the financing of power plants to cover residual loads, adapted tools for financing renewable electricity generation with low marginal costs, the market-based development of flexibility potential and economic incentives for grid-friendly behaviour." According to Agert, time is of the essence, as the rapid establishment of flexibility options at the system and demand level is the key prerequisite for the continued success of the energy transition. "I am therefore grateful to be able to play an active role in shaping this process on behalf of the DLR."
For Habeck, it is also about looking beyond the national focus: "Europe has one of the best-functioning electricity markets in the world. We must maintain the positive achievements while making the market fit for the future. Accordingly, we must always think of the electricity system in European terms. What we change in our electricity market design has a direct impact on our neighbouring countries." Habeck expects constructive discussions from the platform that has now been launched, for example to ensure favourable electricity prices and to set the right investment signals so that investments are made in renewable energies and hydrogen power plants. "In addition to grid expansion, we also need regional control of generation and loads such as electrolysers near offshore areas," said the Minister.
The foundation of the "Platform for a Climate-Neutral Electricity System" was already laid down in the German government's coalition agreement. An initial report on the status of the discussions and the results already achieved is to be presented in summer 2023, with a further report to follow in winter 2023/24. Close coordination with the electricity market reform, which is being developed in parallel at European level, is planned.
More information:
- Website of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection on the Climate-Neutral Electricity System Platform
- Press release of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection on the start of the "Climate-neutral electricity system platform".