With 1,000,000 sq. kms., DSNA, the French Air Navigation Service Provider, manages one of the largest and busiest airspaces in Europe. Its professionalism and its commitment will be essential to adapt, with its partners, its ATM modernisation strategy in the framework of the Single European Sky. Once air transport has returned to stable activity, the DSNA will be able to offer its customers an even better service, fully meeting their operational needs and in line with the environmental requirements that condition the development of our activity.
DSNA contributes to the ALBATROSS project by participating in several demonstration exercises. PBN to ILS at Paris-CDG will assess the feasibility of round-the-clock Continuous Descent Approaches in the context of independent parallel approaches. DSNA contribution also consists in improving penalized city pair(s) and evaluate the feasibility and improved performance with the objective to make it permanent.
The SEPHER project, another contribution from DSNA, will demonstrate the ability to supply green electricity (hydrogen) to ground CNS equipment at Paris-CDG airport.
All these initiatives contribute to reduce overall CO2 emissions in this VLD2 project.
More about DSNA