Concept and Methodology
Under ALBATROSS project scope, demonstrations flights are defined as exercises with certain sets of objectives to be achieved. For each exercise, “solution scenarios” considering various concepts of operations and/or technologies aiming at minimising the environmental impact of flights are combined and evaluated, then compared to a “reference scenario”.
The definition of the scope, objectives and execution of each exercise are developed under Work Package 3 coordination. The concept of operations applicable to each solution scenario, as well as the conceptual definition of the reference flights (so called Baseline Flights and Optimum Flights) and demonstration flights (so called Greener Flights) are developed under Work Package 2 coordination.
The main question to be answered regarding the execution of the demonstration flights operating under a certain “Solution scenario” is:
“Is this Solution scenario more CO2/Environmental efficient than the Reference Scenario?”
And in sequence… |
“How to measure the CO2/Environmental efficiency on such scenarios?” |
“What to measure?” |
“How can these scenarios be compared?” |
In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to define the so-called “Key Performance Indicators” as adequate metrics that best align with the objectives of the proposed exercise. In order to be effective, KPIs should be aligned with the “SMART” concept as stated below:
- Specific (or simple): all metrics shall be as specific as possible (or simple to understand).
- Measurable: the metrics should use measurable data. Preferably using common parameters available in Flight Operations and ATM Domains (Flight Plan, W&B, QAR/DAR, ADS-B, etc.…).
- Achievable: the metric should be determined based on specific methodologies, feasible to be applied considering the existing practices or available capabilities for application development in the industry.
- Relevant: the metric should be relevant to the exercise objectives.
- Time-relevant: the metric should be calculated on time for results consolidation.
It is worth to mention that the “Solution Scenarios” will be executed over a few days/weeks during which operational and flight recorded data will be used to calculate appropriate KPIs related to each exercise. These KPIs shall be determined for both “solution scenario” and “reference scenario” flights in order to be compared in a consolidated analysis. In addition, "Reference" KPIs are expected to be computed using simulation model applications (in the case of “Optimum Flights”) or recorded flights data (in the case of “Baseline flights”). Once the KPIs are determined, the comparison between the “solution” and “reference” scenario flights will then be performed under two different assessment methods:
- Via Paired “Solution Flight” x “Reference Flight” trajectory computation or;
- Via Statistical Analysis (i.e. averaging the difference between the samples)
The funding of the project is provided by the EU under the Grant Agreement No 101017678.

SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking
Council of Europe
Copyright ALBATROSS Consortium 2021. All rights reserved. Licensed to the SJU under conditions.