Few- and many-body physics with Quantum Waves

Few-Particle Systems
The precise knowledge and control of few-particle systems, consisting of atoms and photons, form the basis for a detailed understanding of the dynamics and inelastic processes occurring in many-particle systems. The results obtained here are decisive for the development of quantum sensors based on the superposition of many-body states. A deeper insight into entangled systems of atoms and photons is a key element for building up secure quantum communication.

Many-Particle Systems
Many-particle systems such as Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) represent a new resource for high-precision inertial sensors based on the interference of quantum waves. We investigate new geometries and schemes for the next generation of matter wave interferometers, leading to new equipment with applications in the field of inertial sensors and satellite geodesy.

Charged Matter Waves
Charged matter waves can be used to develop new types of light sources with continuously tunable frequencies and improved coherence properties. In particular, the light emitted by a Quantum Free Electron Laser has promising features for the structural investigation of materials and surfaces, as well as for biophysical applications.
The wave nature of quantum matter, such as atoms, electrons, and photons, plays a crucial role in the design of quantum sensors and new light sources. The QWaves project aims at obtaining a deeper understanding of the underlying processes in these systems and thus establishes the foundations for the development of new quantum technologies. To realize future prototypes, we focus on the following core systems: few- and many-particle systems, as well as charged matter waves.