Laboratory for Developing modern Sensors for the Analysis and Detection of Hazardous Substances



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Duration: 2021–2025

In the LaMoSA project, we are developing innovative sensor technologies to detect hazardous substances. Originally, we concentrated exclusively on gas sensors. Over the course of the project, however, the focus was broadened to meet the versatile requirements of the modern world. For example, we are working on detection systems for biological hazardous substances and on laser-based methods for detecting gas clouds.

LaMoSA is about more than just technology. In an age of pandemics, natural disasters and geopolitical unrest, it is essential to be able to react quickly and efficiently to unforeseeable events. That's why we plan and process our work packages flexibly and agile.

For 2024 and 2025, we are focusing in particular on the following topics:

  • The development of a precursor library that enables the targeted production of semiconductor gas sensors for any given problem
  • The design of a laser measurement system that can be used to quickly and efficiently detect hazardous gas clouds, such as those that can occur due to technological accidents
  • The development of aptamer-based sensors by which biological hazardous substances, in particular harmful microorganisms, can be efficiently detected
  • Creating a method to quickly confirm or disprove the presence of dangerous bacterial spores. This is a key question that often needs to be answered in critical situations






Development of sensor technology for the detection of hazardous substances


Dr. rer. nat. Kostyantin Konstantynovski

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for the Protection of Terrestrial Infrastructures
Detection Systems
Egermannstraße 1, 53359 Rheinbach