In the "For(s)tschritt" project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) over a period of three and a half years (project sponsor: TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH), nine partners from industry and science have joined forces to utilise the lightweight construction potential of wood in material composites with metallic materials in load-bearing structures. In addition to the characterisation of wood-based multi-material systems for the creation of simulation models, structurally relevant assemblies for rail and road vehicles were also manufactured and tested as demonstrators.
Within the project, DLR was involved in the conception, design, optimisation, simulation, testing and validation. The aim of the research project was to qualify beechwood-based multi-material systems for use in vehicle structures of the future. The aim was to create economically and ecologically attractive alternatives to existing material solutions.
Motivation for the use of wood
Wood has very good specific mechanical characteristics and is comparable in the fibre direction with typical technical materials such as aluminium or magnesium. In addition, wood is a renewable raw material that binds CO2 during its growth. By using beech wood, short transport routes and good availability within Europe can be guaranteed.
Use of materials in the project
As part of the research project, the use of beech wood veneers was investigated in more detail. Various concepts were developed, ranging from the use of the material to reinforce thin sheet metal to structural components made entirely of wood that were only locally reinforced with sheet metal. A total of three different reference assemblies were analysed - a functionally integrated door impact beam for a car, a door wing for a rail vehicle and a segment of the side wall of a rail vehicle. More detailed information on the composition of the project consortium can be found at
Challenges when using wood
The use of wood is associated with a variety of challenges. These include, for example, scattering material parameters, the dependence of material properties on environmental conditions such as humidity and, in particular, the simulation of the material. The project also focussed on wood/wood and steel/wood bonding, which must meet the high requirements of the automotive industry (e.g. cathodic dip coating, process times) and rail vehicle construction (e.g. fire protection). Solutions were developed and validated through design measures and scientific analyses of interactions. To this end, a comprehensive test programme was carried out to characterise wood-based multi-material systems. Furthermore, a suitable simulation methodology was developed and the material models were modelled using the characteristic values obtained. This created a sound basis for the development of wood-based concepts.
Functionally integrated door impact beam for a car
For the reference component "functionally integrated door impact beam for a car", a complete door with a wood-based functionally integrated internal door structure was constructed at the project partner Volkswagen and subjected to a crash test with a pole at the DLR.
The functionally integrated wooden interior structure replaces several steel components (door impact beam, upper and lower hinge reinforcement and door retainer reinforcement) and the bitumen mats used for sound deadening with a veneer-based component. The crash performance of the component is optimised through targeted hybridisation with a thin steel strip.

Thanks to a special test rig concept, the deformations at the hinge connections, the sliding of the door on the B-pillar and the connection to the door lock could be modelled for the crash test in a manner comparable to the overall vehicle crash. In the test, the carriage including the pillar structure hits the door with a mass of 841 kg at a speed of 8.31 m/s.
It was shown that the intrusion of the pile in the door with the wood-based functionally integrated internal door structure was only just under 2.6 % higher than the reference door. However, it must be taken into account that the timber hybrid door also absorbed around 5.9 % more energy than the reference.
The developed wood-based door interior structure consists of almost 90 % laminated veneer lumber and impressively demonstrates the potential of wood in safety-relevant assemblies that are exposed to extremely high mechanical loads.
Reference assembly rail vehicle "Door"
For the rail vehicle door assembly, a modular wood-intensive approach was realised based on the existing construction method. Individual hat profiles that can be used for both flat and slightly curved structures form the core of the structure. These elements are combined with very thin aluminium sheets (0.6 mm) that are reinforced with wood veneers. The developed concept made it possible to use significantly simpler and narrower aluminium profiles. The wooden components can be manufactured cost-effectively and with simple tools. It was also possible to reduce the thickness of the door leaf from 38 mm to 32.6 mm. Overall, a weight reduction of 15% and a substitution of aluminium components with wood was achieved. In a first step, the concept was simulated at the DLR for various load cases such as "misuse" and wind loads and then built as a prototype at Schaltbau Bode and successfully tested on a component test bench.
One of the central issues in the conception and design was the moisture absorption of the wood during operation. An in-situ measurement method was developed specifically for this purpose and, using generic components in a climate chamber, it was determined how the moisture is distributed in the component. It was shown that even at high temperatures and humidity (+60°C and 80% relative humidity), no critical wood moisture levels occur. Delamination or other damage to the composite was also not observed after a large number of climate cycles (20 cycles according to PV1200 from -40°C to +80°C).
Reference assembly rail vehicle "side wall"
A side wall segment from Alstom was selected for the rail vehicle reference assembly. For this, the approach of a homogeneous wood sandwich core with metallic cover layers was pursued. More complex geometries can also be realised by reshaping the veneer layer composite and subsequent planking.
The developed side wall segment was fully simulated. One of the most critical load cases is the so-called double cantilever seat. For this, a cantilever arm is screwed into the side wall and two seats are attached to it. Due to static and dynamic loads, the side wall has to absorb and dissipate very high forces. Suitable joining methods also had to be selected and validated. Within the project, in addition to the simulative verification by the DLR, it was also possible to provide proof on the test bench at Alstom that the permissible deformations were not exceeded.
In addition to the mechanical performance of the respective assembly, fire protection behaviour also plays a very important role in the rail vehicle segment. The composite materials were therefore tested for fire protection in accordance with DIN 45545. The highest hazard level (HL 3) was achieved for requirement sets R1 and R7 (internal/external structural components and covers).
As part of the project, wood was qualified as a material in rail and road vehicles for various load cases and applications. Many of the initial concerns regarding moisture absorption, thermal expansion, fire protection or corrosion behaviour were dispelled through intelligent concepts and numerous tests. The general feasibility of a timber construction method was demonstrated even for highly critical safety-relevant components such as the door impact beam. The extensive analyses of all project partners involved can be found in the final report. DLR would like to thank all project partners for their excellent co-operation. If you are interested in the topic of wood in vehicle structures, we look forward to receiving your enquiry.