Flight Operations & Flight Facility Oberpfaffenhofen

The Oberpfaffenhofen research flight department of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) has a particular focus on atmospheric research, earth observation, communication, navigation and radar technology. The fleet of aircraft, which is heavily modified to meet user requirements, is in use worldwide for numerous research institutes, universities, authorities and companies. The structure of the department reflects the wide range of services available to the scientific users of the research aircraft. Scientific missions on board DLR's flying platforms benefit from the extensive experience of the expert groups in their specialised fields.
Organisational, aviation law and site-related responsibility for flight operations and the Oberpfaffenhofen research flight department:
- Accountable Manager Research Flight Operations according to Part-NCC and -SPO (cross-location)
- Aeronautical and technical management of the entire DLR research flight operations (across locations)
- Disciplinary management of operations (flight operations & technology) at the Oberpfaffenhofen site