
The Vertical Space - Drones, risk, and SORA 3.0

21.11.2024, In German

Drone expert Jörg Dittrich was a guest on The Vertical Space podcast. The podcast deals with topics relating to the technologies that will shape the air mobility of the future. Among other things, Jörg Dietrich from the Institute of Flight Systems clarifies questions about the authorisation of drones and how he believes the use of drones in society will develop in the future.

Mega&Watt - Viel Wind um heiße Luft?

09.03.2023, In German

How innovative approaches in wind thermics can contribute to the heat transition is explained by Prof. Dr. Stefan Levedag, head of the Institute of Flight Systems, in the podcast 'Mega&Watt.' He provides insights into DLR's research on this topic and emphasizes the importance of sector coupling for a sustainable future.

Von der Erde ins All - Hilfe aus der Luft

26.02.2023, In German

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Levedag discusses in the podcast 'Von der Erde ins All' the innovative applications of unmanned aviation and the use of small satellites. The focus is on their role in reconnaissance and providing targeted support in crisis areas. The episode emphasizes, using the example of the earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border region, how essential aerial reconnaissance and assistance are.

Von der Erde ins All - Tanzende Hubschrauber

29.01.2023, In German

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Levedag is a guest on the podcast 'Von der Erde ins All.' In the episode 'Dancing Helicopters: From da Vinci to Today,' he explains, among other things, why it took over 400 years from da Vinci’s idea to the first helicopter flight, how a helicopter can be made to 'dance,' the technical and physical challenges of flying and controlling helicopters, and how these challenges can be overcome.