HorizonUAM – Publications


  • H. Pak, L. Asmer, P. Kokus, B.I. Schuchardt, A. End, F. Meller, K. Schweiger, C. Torens, C. Barzantny, D. Becker, J.M. Ernst, F. Jäger, T. Laudien, N. Naeem, A. Papenfuß, J. Pertz, P. Shiva Prakasha, P. Ratei, F. Reimer, P. Sieb, C. Zhu; Can Urban Air Mobility become reality? Opportunities, challenges and selected research results; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.12680
  • L. Asmer, R. Jaksche, H. Pak, P. Kokus; A city-centric Approach to Estimate and Evaluate Global Urban Air Mobility Demand; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.15621
  • N. Naeem, P. Ratei, P. Shiva Prakasha, L. Asmer, R. Jaksche, H. Pak, K. Schweiger, A. Velieva, F. Naser, M. Swaid, J. Pertz, M. Niklaß; A Collaborative System of Systems Simulation of Urban Air Mobility; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.01900
  • F. Jäger, O. Bertram, et. al; Battery-electric Powertrain System Design for the HorizonUAM Air Taxi Concept; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.10631
  • F. Reimer, J.Herzig, L.Winkler, J.Biedermann, F.Meller, B.Nagel; Applied Design Thinking in Urban Air Mobility: Creating the Airtaxi Cabin Design of the Future from a User Perspective; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.05353
  • K. Schweiger, A. König, I.C. Metz, F. Naser, M. Swaid, R. Abdellaoui, B.I. Schuchardt, HorizonUAM: Operational Challenges and Necessary Frameworks to Ensure Safe and Efficient Vertidrome Operations; unpublished preprint
  • A. Devta, I.C. Metz, S.F. Armanini; Experimental Evaluation of Bird Strikes in Urban Air Mobility      ; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2308.13022
  • I.C. Metz, S. Schier-Morgenthal; Extending Air Traffic Control Tasks to Control Air Taxis and to Warn of Critical Wildlife – an Impact Analysis; unpublished preprint
  • S. Schier-Morgenthal, I. Metz; Impact of Airtaxi Operations in the Control Zone on Air Traffic Controllers; unpublished preprint
  • R. Abdellaoui, F. Naser, H. Lee, Comparative Performance Assessment of different Airspace Management Concepts for Urban Air Mobility; unpublished preprint
  • B.I. Schuchardt, A. Devta, A. Volkert; Integrating Vertidrome Management Tasks into U-space; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.09584
  • Panchal, I.C. Metz, S.F. Armanini; Validation of Collision Detection and Avoidance Methods for Urban Air Mobility through Simulation; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.18047
  • T. F. Sievers, J. Sakakeeny, N. Dimitrova, H. Idris; Operational Integration Potential of Regional Uncrewed Aircraft Systems into the Airspace System; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.08537
  • N. Hagag, B. Hoeveler         The Feasibility of Electric Air Taxis: Balancing Time Savings and CO2 Emissions - A Joint Case Study of Respective Plans in Paris; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.01417
  • C. Torens et al.; Runtime-Monitoring of Operational Design Domain to Safeguard Machine Learning Components; unpublished preprint
  • D. Becker, L. M. Schalk; Towards Robust and Efficient Communications for Urban Air Mobility; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.07487
  • O. Garcia Crespillo, C. Zhu, M. Simonetti, D. Gerbeth, Y.-H. Lee, W. Hao; Vertiport Navigation Requirements and Multisensor Architecture Considerations for Urban Air Mobility; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.07487
  • End, C. Barzantny, M. Stolz, P. Gruppe, R. Schmidt, A. Papenfuß, H. Eißfeldt; Public Acceptance of Civilian Drones and Air Taxis in Germany: A Comprehensive Overview; preprint; https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kuvzs 
  • J. M. Ernst, T. Laudien, H. Lenz; How Does it Feel to Fly in an Air Taxi? – Exploring Modern Head-Mounted Display Capabilities for Mixed Reality Flight Simulation; unpublished preprint
  • Papenfuss, M. Stolz, N. Riedesel, F. Dunkel, J.M. Ernst, T. Laudien, H. Lenz, A. Korkmaz, A. End, B.I. Schuchardt; Experiencing Urban Air Mobility: How Passengers Evaluate a Simulated Flight with an Air Taxi; preprint; https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.01079
  • T. F. Sievers, J. Sakakeeny, H. Idris, Comparative Analysis of Airspace System Accessibility for Uncrewed Aircraft Systems for Regional Operations, DASC 2023, 01.-05.10.2023, Barcelona, Spain
  • N. Hagag; F. Jäger, Evaluation of the Technical Value of Powertrain Systems to Enable Safe Performance-based Flight Guidance for Urban Air Mobility, DASC 2023, 01.-05.10.2023, Barcelona, Spain
  • R. Abdellaoui et. al. Building a Performance Comparison Framework for Urban Air Mobility Airspace Management Concepts, DASC 2023, 01.-05.10.2023           Barcelona, Spain in, https://elib.dlr.de/195638/
  • N. Hagag; F. Jäger   Safety-driven Design & Sizing of a Multirotor VTOL Powertrain for Continued Safe Passenger Air Transport        EHAT 2023, 27.09.2023, Bremen, https://elib.dlr.de/197273/
  • B.I. Schuchardt, A. End, F. Meller, H. Pak, S. Schweiger, Challenges and opportunities of Urban Air Mobility - How much noise is accepeptable?, inter-noise 2023       20.-23.08.2023, Chiba, Japan, https://elib.dlr.de/197006/
  • 3rd Urban Air Mobility Symposium 2023, HorizonUAM, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Cochstedt, 04.-05.07.2023:

    • B.I. Schuchardt, et al., HorizonUAM Project Highlights
    • L. Asmer, et al., HorizonUAM Use Cases and Technologie Scenarios
    • L. Asmer, et al., Model-based Forecasting Approach to Estimate Global Demand and Fleet Size of Urban Air Mobility
    • N. Naeem, et al., A Collaborative Systems of Systems Simulation of Urban Air Mobility
    • J. Pertz, et al., Estimating the Economic Viability of Advanced Air Mobility Use Cases: Towards the Slope of Enlightenment
    • P. Ratei, et al., System of Systems Explorations of Urban Air Mobility Aircraft Design and Operations: An Overview of the Conceptual Vehicle Design Approach in HorizonUAM
    • K. Atci, et al., An Initial Investigation on RPM-Controlled Rotor Performance Characteristics for a UAM Multirotor Concept Vehicle by Varying Blade Pitch Angle Distribution
    • F. Jäger, et al., Conceptual Design of a Safety-critical Battery-electric Powertrain System for the HorizonUAM Air Taxi Concept
    • F. Reimer, et al., The Applied and User-Centered Design Process for Future UAM Cabin Concepts
    • P. Sieb, et al., Heuristic Approach for Aircraft Assignment and Maintenance Scheduling of On-demand Urban Air Mobility Vehicles
    • C. Torens, et al., Safeguarding Urban Air Mobility with Safe Operation Monitor: Ensuring Safety and Compliance for Machine Learning
    • D. Becker, et al., Towards Robust and Secure Communication Systems for Urban Air Mobility
    • C. Zhu, et al., Towards Navigation System Integrity for Urban Air Mobility – Concept Design and Preliminary Validation
    • K. Schweiger, et al., Ground and Air Considerations for Urban Air Mobility Passenger Transport Operations
    • M. Swaid, et al. Optimized capacity allocation in a UAM vertiport network utilizing efficient ride matching
    • K. Wendt, et al., Concept of Flexible Urban Environments for UAM Experiments
    • A. Papenfuß, et al., Experienceing Urban Air Mobility: How Passengers Evaluate a Simulated Flight with an Air Taxi
    • A. End, et al., Are you excited or worried about civilian drones? A large-scale telephone survey in the German population
    • C. Barzantny, et al., Smartphone App „DroNoise“, Measurement and Evaluation of Noise from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    • M. Stolz, et al., A Virtual Reality study on the acceptance of UAM from the viewpoint of pedestrians
    • C. Metz, et al., What about Air Traffic Control? Air Taxi Operations within the Control Zone
    • B.I. Schuchardt, et al., How to Fly Safely within a Crowded Urban Airspace - Integrating Vertidrome Management Tasks into U-space
  • M. Swaid, J. Pertz, M. Niklaß, F. Linke, Optimized capacity allocation in a UAM vertiport network utilizing efficient ride matching, AIAA Aviation 2023, 12.-16.06.2023  San Diego, CA, 10.2514/6.2023-3577, https://elib.dlr.de/197010/
  • D. Becker, L.Schalk, U.-C. Fiebig, Modeling the Drone-to-Drone Communications Channel for Urban Environments, EuCAP 2023, 26.-31.03.2023, Florzenz, Italien   gehalten, https://elib.dlr.de/190791/
  • C. Torens, Ensuring Safety of Machine Learning Components Using Operational Design Domain, AIAA SciTech 2023, 23.-27.01.2023, National Harbor, MD & online, 10.2514/6.2023-1124, https://elib.dlr.de/196759/
  • S. Schirmer A Hierarchy of Monitoring Properties for Autonomous Systems, AIAA SciTech 2023      , 23.-27.01.2023, National Harbor, MD & online, 10.2514/6.2023-2588, https://elib.dlr.de/193868/


  • D. Becker, L.Schalk, U.-C. Fiebig, Drone-to-Drone Propagation Characteristics in Urban Safety-Critical Scenarios, CAMA 2022, 14.-17.12.2022, virtual (Goungzhu, China), https://elib.dlr.de/190789/
  • N. Naeem, P. Ratei, P.S. Prakasha, T. Zill, B. Nagel, Modelling and Simulation of Urban Air Mobility: An Extendable Approach, EASN 2022, 17.-21.11.2022, Barcelona, Spain, https://elib.dlr.de/192759/
  • P. Ratei, N. Naeem, P.S. Prakasha, T. Zill, B. Nagel, M. Wagner, Development of a UAM Vehicle Family Concept by System of Systems Aircraft Design and Assessment, EASN 2022, 17.-21.11.2022, Barcelona, Spain
  • N. Naeem, P. Ratei, P.S. Prakasha, T. Zill, B. Nagel, System of Systems Driven Fleet Design for Urban Air Mobility: Heterogeneity over Homogeneity, EASN 2022, 17.-21.11.2022, Barcelona, Spain
  • N. Hagag, Can Urban Air Mobility be sustainable?, EASN 2022, 17.-21.11.2022, Barcelona, Spain, https://elib.dlr.de/189017/
  • 2nd Urban Air Mobility Symposium, HorizonUAM, Braunschweig, 01.-02.2022:

    • B.I. Schuchardt, HorizonUAM - More than an Air Taxi
    • L. Asmer, R. Jaksche, H. Pak, P. Kokus, Global UAM Demand: Concept of a Model-based Forecasting Approach
    • K. Schweiger, F. Naser, Vertiports and UAM Networks - An Evaluation of Ground and Airspace Operations
    • M. Swaid, Efficient Ride Matching for Optimized Resource Allocation in a UAM Vertiport Network
    • F. Jäger, O. Bertram, Development of a Safe Powertrain System Architecture for the HorizonUAM Air Taxi Concept
    • O. Garcia Crespillo, C. Zhu, D. Gerbeth, M. Simonetti, Y.-H. Lee, W. Hao, Navigation Architecture Design Aspects and Progress for Urban Air Mobility
    • O. Bertram, F. Jäger, System Design Results for an Air Taxi Concept in HorizonUAM
    • C. Torens, F. Jünger, S. Schirmer, S. Schopferer, D. Zhukov, J.C. Dauer, HorizonUAM Safe Machine Learning for Urban Air Mobility
    • T. Laudien, A. Papenfuß, Implementing a Customizable Air Taxi Simulator with a Video-See-Through Head-Mounted Display
    • M. Stolz, A. Papenfuß, F. Reimer, I. Moerland-Masic, Futuristic Meets Elderly – Are Seniors Potential Passengers for Air Taxis?
    • F. Reimer, T.-M. Bock, I. Moerland-Masic, F. Meller, Urban Air Mobility – Insights into the Virtual and User Centric Design Process for a Future eVTOL Cabin Concept
    • P. Ratei, N. Naeem, P. Shiva Prakasha, Fleet-Centric Vehicle Design Space Explorations of Urban Air Mobility by System of Systems Simulations
    • N. Naeem, et. al, A Collaborative System of Systems Simulation of Urban Air Mobility: Architecture Process and Demonstration of Capabilities
    • I. Metz, Urban Air Mobility and Wildlife – Preventing Collisions between Low-Altitude Airspace Users
    • P. Sieb, Maintenance Considerations for Urban Air Mobility Vehicles
  • Eißfeldt, H., Biella, M., Public acceptance of drones - challenges for AAM, EAAP 2022, 26.-30.09.2022, Gibraltar
  • Schweiger et al., Vertidrome Airside Level of Service: Impact of Short-Term Disruptions and Stochastic Deviations on Vertiport Operations, DLRK 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Dresden
  • B.I. Schuchardt et al., Air Traffic Management as Vital Part of Urban Air Mobility – A Review on DLR’s Research Work from 1995 to Today, DLRK 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Dresden
  • J. Pertz et al., Estimating the economic viability of advanced air mobility use cases: towards the slope of enlightenment, DLRK 2022, 27.-29.09.2022
  • K. Wendt, Einschätzung des Kommerzialisierungspotentials von unbemannten Transporten aus den Perspektiven von Industrie und Forschung, DLRK 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Dresden, https://elib.dlr.de/188628/         
  • J.M. Ernst, T. Laudien, H. Lenz, B.I. Schuchardt, Entwicklung eines konfigurierbaren Flugtaxi-Simulators mit Hilfe einer kopfgetragenen Anzeige mit Video-Durchsicht – Ein Vergleich verschiedener Mixed-Reality-Ansätze, DLRK 2022, 27.-29.09.2022, Dresden, https://elib.dlr.de/188578/
  • T.H. Stelkens-Kobsch, A.-V. Predescu, Contribution to a secure urban air mobility, DASC 2022, 18.-22.09.2022    Portsmouth, VA, USA, 10.1109/DASC55683.2022.9925845, https://elib.dlr.de/191044/
  • T. Laudien, J.M. Ernst, B.I. Schuchardt, Implementing a Customizable Air Taxi Simulator with a Video-See-Through Head-Mounted Display – A Comparison of Different Mixed Reality Approaches, DASC 2022, 18.-22.09.2022, Portsmouth, VA, USA, 10.1109/DASC55683.2022.9925870
  • M. Stolz, T. Laudien, Assessing Social Acceptance of Urban Air Mobility using Virtual Reality, DASC 2022, 18.-22.09.2022, Portsmouth, VA, USA, 10.1109/DASC55683.2022.9925775, https://elib.dlr.de/190177/
  • L. Schalk, D. Becker, DroneCAST – Analysis of Requirements and Discussion of First Design Decisions, DASC 2022, 18.-22.09.2022, Portsmouth, VA, USA
  • A. Devta, I.C. Metz and S.F. Armanini, Evaluation and quantification of the potential consequences of collisions between cooperative and uncooperative air traffic participants in urban airspace, ICAS 2022, 4.-9.9.2022, Stockholm
  • I. Panchal, I.C. Metz and S.F. Armanini, Urban Air Traffic Management (UAM) Concepts with regard to collision avoidance with uncooperative airspace users (birds / drones), ICAS 2022, 4.-9.9.2022, Stockholm
  • I.C. Metz and S.Schier-Morgenthal, Integrating Urban Air Mobility Vehicles into the Air Traffic Control Processes, ICAS 2022, 4.-9.9.2022, Stockholm
  • K. Wendt, L. Asmer, Urban Air Mobility in Europe - Assessment of Technology Development and Market Potential from Research and Industry Perspective, AIAA Aviation 2022, 27.06.-01.07.2022, Chicago, IL, USA & Online, 10.2514/6.2022-3652, https://elib.dlr.de/187177/
  • K. Wendt, A. König, F. Naser, Development of a Modular Model City for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle Experiments – a Visionary Concept, AIAA Aviation 2022, 27.06.-01.07.2022, Chicago, IL, USA & Online, 10.2514/6.2022-3653, https://elib.dlr.de/187178/
  • F. Reimer, I. Moerland-Masic, A. End, J. Schadow, T.-M. Bock, F. Meller, B. Nagel, Safety & Privacy in Urban Air Mobility (UAM) – A User Centric Design Approach providing insights into people´s preferences for potential UAM Cabin Design of the Future, AHFE Conference 2022, 24.07.-28.07.2022, New York, USA & Online
  • B.I. Schuchardt, M. Stolz, A. End, Public acceptance and noise considerations in urban air mobility research – Intermediate results of DLR’s HorizonUAM project, Quiet Drones, 27.-30.06.2022, Virtuell, Invited Keynote, https://elib.dlr.de/187192/
  • F. Jäger Design considerations for safe, all-electric, multirotor propulsion systems of UAMs, Electric and Hybrid Aerospace Technology Symposium, 31.05.-01.06.2022, Frankfurt, https://elib.dlr.de/191960/
  • K. Schweiger, M. Stolz, Urban Air Mobility: Vertidrome and Public Acceptance Research at the German Aerospace Center, Noise around airports: a global perspective 2022, 01.-04.11.2022, Online/USA
  • K. Schweiger, Urban Air Mobility - Eindrücke aus aktuellen Forschungsprojekten, Innocam FORUM, 03.03.2022, virtuell
  • D. Becker, U.-C. Fiebig, Measurement Based Identification of Multipath Components in an Urban Drone-to-Drone Propagation Scenario, EUCAP 2022, 27.03.-01.04.2022, Madrid, ttps://elib.dlr.de/148317/          
  • B.I. Schuchardt, More than an Air Taxi – Intermediate Results of DLR’s HorizonUAM Project, DICUAM, 22.-24.03.2022, Delft / virtual, https://elib.dlr.de/185931/
  • I.C. Metz, C. Henshaw, L. Harmon, Flying in the Strike Zone: Urban Air Mobility, Wildlife Hazards, and New Approaches to Strike Prevention, DICUAM, 22.-24.03.2022, Delft / virtual, https://elib.dlr.de/185924/
  • P.S. Prakasha, N. Naeem, P. Ratei, N. Cigal, B. Nagel, Tackling the Threat of Wildfires: Design and Assessment of Advanced Aerial Firefighting Fleets     DICUAM, 22.-24.03.2022, Delft / virtual
  • I.C. Metz, L. Harmon, Advanced Air Mobility and Wildlife Hazards: New Technology Meets a Persistent Challenge, World Bird Strike Association Webinar, 7.-8.03.2022, https://elib.dlr.de/185923/
  • C. Torens et al., Machine Learning Verification and Safety for Unmanned Aircraft - A Literature Study, AIAA Scitech, 3.-7.01.2022, San Diego, CA & Online, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-1133.
  • C. Torens et al., Guidelines and Regulatory Framework for UAM Autonomy, AIAA Scitech, 3.-7.01.2022, San Diego, CA & Online, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-1132.
  • O. Bertram, UAM Vehicle Design with Emphasis on Electric Powertrain Architectures, AIAA Scitech 2022, 3.-7.01.2022, San Diego, CA & Online, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-1995


  • C. Zhu, M.B. Takim, M. Meurer, Greedy Algorithm based Integrity Monitoring for Visual Navigation. In: Scopus. Navigation 2021 (The European Navigation Conference (ENC) & The International Navigation Conference (INC)), Edingburgh, UK / virtuell, (im Druck)
  • M. Stolz, T. Laudien, Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Ermittlung der Drohnenakzeptanz, Airlabs Zukunftskonferenz, 27.-28.10.2021
  • Schuchardt et al., Urban Air Mobility - From Research to Commercial Operation, Panel Discussion, ITS World Congress, 11.-15.10.2021, Hamburg, https://elib.dlr.de/144650/
  • N. Ahrenhold et. al, Impact of Air Taxis on Air Traffic in the Vincinity of Airports, MDPI Journal Infrastructures, 05.10.2021, https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures6100140, https://elib.dlr.de/144481/
  • K. Schweiger et. al., An exemplary definition of a vertidrome's airside concept of operations, Elsevier Aerospace Science and Technology, 04.10.2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2021.107144, https://elib.dlr.de/144183/
  • M. Stolz, I. Moerland-Masic, F. Reimer, T. Hardie, A User-Centered Cabin Design Approach to Investigate Peoples Preferences on the Interior Design of Future Air Taxis, DASC 2021, 26.-30.09.2021, https://elib.dlr.de/145736/
  • P.S. Prakasha et al., Aircraft architecture and fleet assessment framework for urban air mobility using a system of systems approach, Elsevier Aerospace Science and Technology, 24.09.2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2021.107072, https://elib.dlr.de/148124/
  • HorizonUAM Symposium 2021, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 22.-23.09.2021, virtuell:

    • B.I. Schuchardt, HorizonUAM Project Overview, https://elib.dlr.de/144346/
    • L. Asmer et al., Urban Air Mobility Use Cases and Technology Scenarios for the HorizonUAM Project, https://elib.dlr.de/144392/
    • D. Becker, Robust and Efficient Communications for Urban Air Mobility    
    • O. Bertram, Onboard System Design Challenges of eVTOLs, https://elib.dlr.de/144366/
    • A. End, M. Stolz, J. Schadow, A. Papenfuß, H. Eißfeldt, Investigating the social acceptance of Urban Air Mobility, https://elib.dlr.de/144445/
    • I. Metz et al., Operational Concept to Integrate Urban Aerial Vehicles at an Airport, https://elib.dlr.de/144359/
    • I. Moerland et al., A User Centric Cabin Design Using the Design Thinking Approach, https://elib.dlr.de/144883/
    • F. Naser, A. König, K. Wendt, Development of a modular model city for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle experiments - A visionary concept, https://elib.dlr.de/144370/
    • H. Pak, Overall System Modeling in the HorizonUAM Project: Objectives and Conceptual Framework          
    • P.S. Prakasha et al., Horizon UAM CONOPS & Collaborative System of Systems Architecture Process, https://elib.dlr.de/148146/
    • P.S. Prakasha et al., UAM Aircraft Design, Technology Integration and Fleet Evaluation using System of Systems Framework, https://elib.dlr.de/148145/
    • K. Schweiger, Vertidrome Design: State of the Art and Current Research, https://elib.dlr.de/144355/
    • M. Stolz, T. Laudien, A Virtual Reality Study to Investigate the Acceptance of Flying Drones in Urban Environments, https://elib.dlr.de/144356/
    • C. Torens et al., Safe Autonomy for UAM           
    • K. Wendt, Expectations on Urban Air Mobility for Different Future Use Cases, https://elib.dlr.de/144381/
    • C. Zhu, Integrity Aspect of Visual Positioning for Safety Critical Applications, https://elib.dlr.de/147040/
  • B.I. Schuchardt, C. Torens, HorizonUAM - Safety and Security Considerations, Optics2 Workshop Towards SAFE and SECURE Urban Air Mobility, 6.-7.09.2021, Vortrag, https://elib.dlr.de/143650/
  • A. Perotti, D. Richter, P.S. Prakasha, Urban Air Mobility – When will we Start to Fly, Panel Discussion, SHIFT Mobility, 02.-03.09.2021, Berlin/virtual
  • I. Moerland-Masic, F. Reimer, M. Stolz, T.-M. Bock, Urban Mobility: Airtaxi Cabin from a Passengers Point of View, Comfort Congress 2021, 1.-3.9.2021, https://comfort.ergonomics.org.uk/programme, https://elib.dlr.de/143801/
  • AIAA Aviation 2021, 02.-06.08.2021, virtual (mit zwei Special Sessions zu HorizonUAM):

  • Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK 2021, 31.08 - 02.09.2021, Bremen, DE /virtual:

  • H. Eißfeldt, A. End, Sound, noise, annoyance? Information as a means to strengthen the public acceptance of civil drones, International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise), 01.-05.08.2021, Virtual, https://doi.org/10.3397/IN-2021-2045, https://elib.dlr.de/144929/
  • K. Schweiger, Level of Service Concept for Vertidrome Operations to ensure connectivity for multimodal transportation, Agency Research Team (ART) Workshop on Passenger-centred Mobility, Eurocontrol Workshop, 14.-17.06.2021, virtueller Vortrag, https://elib.dlr.de/144178/
  • A. End, V. Vogelpohl, H. Eißfeldt, Gender differences in noise concerns about civil drones, ICBEN Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, 14.06.-17.06.2021, virtuell, https://elib.dlr.de/143035/
  • N. Ahrenhold, Entwurf und Evaluation einer luftseitigen Kapazitätsprognoserechnung für den Einfluss von Lufttaxis am Beispiel des Flughafens Hamburg, Masterarbeit, TU Braunschweig, 04.2021
  • Becker et al., Approach for Localizing Scatterers in Urban Drone-To-Drone Propagation Environments, EuCAP, 22.-26.03.2021, Düsseldorf, Germany, https://elib.dlr.de/135249/
  • DICUAM 2021, Delft International Conference on Urban Air Mobility, 15.-17.03.2021, virtuell:

    • K. Schweiger et al., UAM Vertidrome Airside Operation: What needs to be considered?, DICUAM 2021, Delft International Conference on Urban Air Mobility, 15.-17.03.2021, virtuell, https://elib.dlr.de/144180/
    • B.I. Schuchardt, HorizonUAM – Urban Air Mobility Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), DICUAM 2021, Delft International Conference on Urban Air Mobility, 15.-17.03.2021, virtuell, Vortrag ohne Paper, https://elib.dlr.de/143646/
    • P.S. Prakasha, S. Kilkis, P. Ratei, N. Naeem, B. Nagel, Towards System of Systems driven Urban Air Mobility Aircraft Design, DICUAM 2021, Delft International Conference on Urban Air Mobility, 15.-17.03.2021, virtuell
    • P.S. Prakasha, Exploration of System of Systems driven Aircraft Design for Wildfire Suppression, DICUAM 2021, Delft International Conference on Urban Air Mobility, 15.-17.03.2021, virtuell
  • P. Nagarajan et al., ASTM F3269 - An Industry Standard on Run Time Assurance for Aircraft Systems, AIAA Scitech 2021, 11.-21.01.2021, virtuell, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-0525, https://elib.dlr.de/144352/
  • S. Schopferer, A. Donkels, C. Torens, S. Benders, S. Schirmer, A. Funke, J.C. Dauer, ML Applications in Unmanned Aviation: Operational Risks and Certification Considerations, Machine Learning in Certified Systems - DEEL Workshop, 14.-15.01.2021; https://mlcertifiedsystems.deel.ai/, Poster


  • B.I. Schuchardt, HorizonUAM - Urban Air Mobility Research at the DLR German Aerospace Center, e-Flight Forum China 2020, 08.-10.12.2020, virtuell, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M000lvJ6pk (Min. 12:00-26:00), https://elib.dlr.de/140736/
  • H. Eißfeldt, Acceptance of drone delivery is limited (not only) by noise concerns, First International Conference on Quiet Drones, 19.-21.10.2020, Paris, Frankreich, virtuelle Konferenz, https://elib.dlr.de/136906/
  • H. Eißfeldt, V. Vogelpohl, A. End, Investigating attitudes towards drone delivery, 64th International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 05.-09.10.2020, Chicago, USA, virtuelle Konferenz, https://elib.dlr.de/138057/