Model-Based Performance Assessment

At early development stages, changes in the air transport system of today and the future and their effects are mainly analysed based on models. This often involves fast-time simulations. For this reason, a highly automated and flexible environment of models and tools was developed in the Air Traffic Validation Center. This environment is used to explore a wide range of questions regarding the evaluation of system changes.
Model-based performance assessments can be used to examine various aspects of changes concerning, for example, the time horizon (today up to 2050+), geographical scope (one airport through to global air traffic), a system change (new runway) or evaluation criteria (capacity, delay, emission, cost-efficiency, noise, etc.). Over the past decade, objectives in the areas of capacity and delay have been the main drivers of change in the air traffic management system. However, cost-efficiency and the environment are also gaining more and more importance.
To address a large number of different questions, the Air Traffic Validation Center combined a mixture of models that they developed themselves and are commercially available for conducting model-based performance assessments. Key instruments are the simulation tools AirTOP, SIMMOD PLUS!, SIMMOD PRO! and TrafficSim, which effectively complement each other.