Airport and Control Center Simulator (ACCES)

The Airport and Control Center Simulator (ACCES) acts as a management center with working positions for the different operators in a control center. Different support systems are available to the operators at their working positions depending on their role and tasks. A central display wall shows information that is relevant to all participant.
ACCES can be used to assess management processes in different application areas, with the focus being on air traffic management. In addition to support tools available to the ACCES actors, different simulations can be used for the assessments. For example, it is possible to simulate aircraft and surface movements, the ground handling process, as well as the guidance of unmanned aerial vehicles and other processes. It is also possible to integrate tactical and strategic planning tools in the simulation. Systems of partner companies can be integrated and assessed via clearly defined interfaces.
ACCES can be operated in connection with the other simulators of the DLR Institute of Flight Guidance and with external partners via standardized interfaces.
Research areas
Airport management: The procedures for the collaborative planning and optimization of airport processes are assessed, involving all actors.
Aviation management: Concepts are assessed on how to strategically handle large-scale disturbances in air traffic, such as resuming air traffic following a wide-ranging airspace closure.
Control and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles: In the future, the guidance of unmanned aerial vehicles is to be integrated into mission control centres. Potential services and application areas of such aircraft are being researched and analysed.
Coordination of space and air traffic operations: System components and functionalities of a Launch Coordination Center will be demonstrated to coordinate rocket launches and re-entry events between the stakeholders involved and to ensure efficient and safe integration into airspace.
Technical background
The Airport and Control Center Simulator features several operator working positions with comprehensive and flexible equipment systems. Each working position is equipped with monitors and input devices that can be connected to different computer systems as required. This enables the working positions to be re-configured quickly. Information that is important to all actors is shown on a display wall. A VoiP system enables voice communication between local and external working positions.