8/2024 - Project explanation and research updates of the QCoKaIn project
QCI QCoKaIn is a project of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI), in which the DLR Institute of Data Science is working in cooperation with its contractor Airbus Defence and Space and the subcontractor Just Add AI on the development and application of hybrid algorithms for automatic anomaly detection in telemetry data.
In order to analyse the behaviour of complex systems, methods of high-performance computing, quantum machine learning and causal inference are to be combined. In particular, learning complex relationships from data could benefit from the use of quantum machine learning. This advantage can be expressed, for example, by the fact that a quantum machine learning approach requires fewer learnable parameters for a comparable quality than a corresponding conventional machine learning approach. In addition to a reduced training duration, this can also lead to a more stable training procedure.
A further motivation of the project is the testing and evaluation of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms in realistic problem scenarios. This exploratory work on the future technology of quantum computing is of great interest to DLR and the business locations Germany and Europe.
The current status of the QC QCoKaIn project:
- Airbus Defence and Space was awarded the contract as the contractor in a competitive tendering process.
- The kick-off event was held with all project participants https://qci.dlr.de/airbus-unterstuetzt-qci-qcokain-bei-der-automatischen-analyse-von-telemetriedaten/
- The collaboration between the DLR Institute of Data Science and Airbus Defence and Space as well as the subcontractor Just Add AI has recently started
- Presentation of the QCI QCoKaIn project at the International Aerospace Exhibition ILA Berlin: https://qci.dlr.de/event/ila-berlin-24/
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.