Winding machine

In addition to RTM and pressing technology, the institute has a 5-axis winding machine for the production of composite preforms. This enables components to be manufactured in a very economical process. Using this technology, the institute develops novel CMC structures for use in the aerospace industry using different types of fibres, such as carbon, pitch and SiC fibres. The fibre-reinforced components are manufactured either directly using the corresponding wet-filament winding system or dry winding in combination with infiltration techniques such as VARI or RTM. The different possibilities allow to influence the microstructure and the mechanical properties by the appropriate process.

Currently, more and more developments of space structures are being undertaken, such as cone nozzle extensions for sounding rockets and ideal bell nozzle extensions as demonstrators for future upper stage propulsion systems.

Characteristics of the winding system


Traverse path in X-direction

1250 mm

Traverse path in Z-direction

250 mm

Max. load

25 kg


Ivaylo Petkov

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Structures and Design
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart