Universal Testing Machines (Zwick©)

The institute has a mechanical precision measuring laboratory consisting of four electromechanical universal testing machines from Zwick©. Using a wide range of sensors, properties of various materials (metal, composite, hybrid material) can be determined according to international standards or individual tests can be carried out on components and structures.

Technical data Universal Testing Machines


Max. load

500 kN

Max. length

2 m

Max. velocity

Up to 600 mm/min.

Temperature range

- 100°C bis 350 °C


Testing conditions 22°C/50% r.F. Samples can be conditioned in the environmental chamber


Video extensometer, strain gauge, digital image correlation, additional load cells, triangulation lasers


Tobias Behling

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Structures and Design
Center for Lightweight Production Technology Augsburg
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart